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‘HOLLA’ POINTSSinbad talks about his life, influences and new show. A-11

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


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JOBLOSSESLabor official says federalcuts likely had impact onJuly job losses.


MANDATORYTESTING FORATHLETESBaseline concussiontesting is officially part of allMontgomery County PublicSchools sports programs.


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n Executive director: ‘Thefairground is not for sale’


Imagine retail stores wherethe carousel spins, cafés insteadof piglet races and a 12-storyapartment building where OldMacDonald’s Barn now stands.

It could happen, thanksto last spring’s rezoning of theMontgomery County Agricul-tural Fairgrounds. But the exec-utive director of the fair, MartinSvrcek, says there are no plansto scrap the fair in favor of a

neighborhood with more than 1million square feet of commer-cial and office space and 1,350homes, as outlined in the rezon-ing documents.

“The only new plans arethe construction of the newOld MacDonald’s Barn,” Svrceksaid. The Montgomery CountyAgricultural Center owns the 63acres. “The fairground is not forsale.”

Last June, Gaithersburgleaders approved an applicationfrom the Montgomery CountyAgricultural Center to rezonethe fairground. The zoning had

Fears of fair fleeing unfounded


The 65th fair at the Montgomery County Agricultural Fairgrounds.

n The Big Cheesesurpasses goal

of 10,000 sandwiches


It’s not every Friday nightthat you eat the record-break-ing grilled cheese sandwich.

But on Friday at precisely9:50 p.m., one day before thewrap-up of the Montgom-ery County Agricultural Fair,Gina Consumano of Rockvilleordered and ate the 10,000th

grilled cheese sandwich madeat The Big Cheese. That sand-wich put the fair past the 10,000sandwich goal set by The BigCheese’s operator Ed Hogan. Inall, 11,772 gooey, toasted sand-wiches were sold this year.

For Consumano, 25, the$3.50 sandwich lived up to itshype.

“Grilled cheese is just theall-American food. I wouldn’tsay I am a connoisseur butwhen I ate it I thought it wasgood,” she said, adding that this

Serving up a record

New buildings,SAME SPIRIT


While Gaithersburg High School studentsare making their final preparations as the aca-demic year draws closer, their school contin-ued its own steps this week to get ready forthem.

The high school’s new building showedsigns of a long-term project undergoing itsfinal stage: “Wet Paint” signs cautioned pass-ers-by Monday, minor construction work pro-duced whirs and beeps, and tables and otherfurniture stood ready for arrangement.

As she walked through the 422,000-square-

foot building on Monday, Dr. ChristineHandy-Collins, the high school’s principal,said everything will be ready before schoolstarts on Aug. 26.

“We’ll be ready to rock ’n’ roll,” she said.Gaithersburg High students will be among

a group of county public school studentspassing through new doors this fall, includingthose at Glenallan and Weller Road elemen-

tary schools, Herbert Hoover Middle Schooland Paint Branch High School.

A number of elementary schools will openAug. 26 with new additions, including BradleyHills, Georgian Forest, Viers Mill, Westbrookand Wyngate.

Though Gaithersburg still was in prepmode on Monday, it already showed signsof the activity it will hold starting this fall. Asvarsity and junior varsity football players prac-ticed on the new turf field and a group of bandmembers practiced in an open commons areaof the hallway, teachers trained in the new me-


The entrance of the new Gaithersburg High School on Tuesday as teachers and students prepare for the start of the school year next week.


See FAIR, Page A-10See CHEESE, Page A-10

See SCHOOL, Page A-10

n Parish was founded in 1813


In its 200 years, St. Mary’s Roman CatholicChurch in Rockville has seen Civil War soldiers, fa-mous authors and thousands of Rockville families.

Monsignor Robert George Amey, pastor of St.Mary’s, said historians are not sure exactly whichday the parish was founded, but it was sometime in1813. For the first few years, however, the congrega-tion didn’t have its own building for worship.

St. Mary’scelebrates200th birthday

n White Flint Mall owners fire backat Lord & Taylor with countersuit


White Flint Mall amped up its legal tussle withLord & Taylor in a countersuit that claims the de-partment store owes the mall at least $1 billion.

Lord & Taylor sued White Flint Mall in July,claiming that the mall has been intentionally va-cating tenants to prepare for demolition and re-development, which has caused customers to stoppatronizing the shopping center. The suit seeks to

Billion, with a ‘B’


St. Mary’s Church in Rockville.

See ST. MARY’S, Page A-5


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was her first trip to the Montgomeryfair. “It made for an interesting Fri-day night.”

She and her friend Ryan Hickoxof Arlington, Va. hadn’t plannedon grilled cheese Friday night butheaded to the Big Cheese after hear-ing about the impending goal-breaking grill.

“We were finishing our eve-ning and heard the announcementabout them having the grilledcheese record, we decided we reallywanted some knowing it was goingto be soon,” she said.

Moments later she was gettingher picture taken with the sand-wich and winning a T-shirt for herlucky spot in line.

The five customers behindher in line also got a consolationprize— either a free funnel cake orice cream from Timmon’s Conces-sions.

Hogan said he had a good feel-ing about his chances of meetinghis goal this year and the weatherhelped him do that.

“Without the weather we mightnot have made it. I thought therecord would fall on Saturday butthe crowd on Friday was hungryand eager,” he said. This year’s faircrowd of 220,000 bested last year’scrowed by 10 percent, according toMarty Svrcek, executive director forthe fair.

In fact, The Big Cheese ran outof the Wisconsin sharp cheddarthat makes their sandwich so good.Hogan said the fair used up all sixof the 500-pound wheels. Custom-ers for the final fair day could ordersome of the other cheese concoc-tions offered like the Marylandwhite cheddar from Chappel’sCreamery in Easton or goat cheese.

“We will probably increase theamount of the sharp cheddar by50 percent next year,” Hogan said.Next year The Big Cheese stand willturn 61.

While Hogan isn’t sure about agoal for next year’s stand, he said itmay have more to do with a pretzeland nacho cheese combo than thetraditional grilled cheese sandwich.

In the meantime, Hogan saidhe’ll continue to eat a grilled cheesesandwich once a week, as he pre-pares for next year’s fair challenge.

CHEESEContinued from Page A-1

THE GAZETTEPage A-10 Wednesday, August 21, 2013 r

been light industrial and changed to a mixed-use development zone, which means thatresidential, commercial, office and public usespaces can be built, according to city docu-ments.

The fairground is in a sought-after area —bounded by Interstate 270, and Md. 117 andMd. 355, major county thoroughfares. Thecity’s MARC station is only a few blocks away.

A new development could include newon-ramps to the surrounding highways, ac-cording to city documents.

The motive behind rezoning was simply toincrease the value of the land, Svrcek said, anddoes not reflect any plans to move.

The land is estimated at $14.41 million,according to Maryland State Department ofAssessments and Taxation records. But thatnumber might not yet reflect the increasedvalue due to the change in zoning, said TrudySchwarz, Gaithersburg’s community planningdirector.

“They may not have updated the zoning,”Schwarz said of the state’s assessment, whichis updated every three years. “They may baseit more on the current use than potential use.”

Schwarz said there has been no move-ment since last spring to follow up on the re-zoning.

“We certainly haven’t received any ap-plications,” she said. Based on the testimonyduring the hearings, she said, “plans are wayin the future.”

What was passed is called a “bubble plan,”Schwarz said. It allows for a wide range of de-velopment but no specific layout.

Montgomery County Agricultural CenterInc. is a tax-exempt, privately operated 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, whose stated mis-sion is to “promote the continuance of agri-cultural activities by providing facilities foragriculture related organizations,” accordingto its tax return.

According to its 2011 tax return, the mostrecent available, the fair had $2.9 million inrevenue, up from $2.7 million the year before,and “there were no tax liabilities for unrelatedbusiness income for the year ended Decem-ber 31, 2011.”

The Montgomery County AgriculturalFairgrounds was purchased in 1949 for$12,500 and for 64 years has provided enter-tainment and food for hundreds of thousandsof fairgoers.

This year, more than 200,000 people wereexpected to show up to ride the Vortex, racehermit crabs and eat funnel cake. They won’thave to worry that this will be the last year,Svrcek said.

“Cotton candy is not leaving Gaithersburganytime soon,” Svrcek said.


FAIRContinued from Page A-1

dia center to learn about the high-tech Promethean whiteboards intheir classrooms.

Senior Kelsey Semou said shewas impressed with the size of theschool, a factor she thinks makes it“stand out” in the county.

While she has seen the buildingwhen it still was under construction,she said actually entering the schoolbrought out a “wow” from her.

“Just coming in, it’s a differentfeeling,” she said. “‘Cause you’reactually in the building, it’s yourschool.”

The school includes a new gym,a new cafeteria, a gutted and reno-vated auditorium and two court-yards, among a series of other newor improved features.

At the school’s entrance, a visi-tor immediately walks upon a largegold and blue “G” paired with thehead of the school’s Trojan mascotdecorating the floor.

“When you come into the build-ing, you certainly know whosehouse it is,” Handy-Collins said.

The old building will be torndown but for the auditorium and a9-year-old wing once called “J hall”that now has an added third floor,Handy-Collins said.

The school’s hallways all havecollege-based names — helpful inthe large building — including Col-lege Park Drive, Towson Terrace,Salisbury Parkway, Frostburg Free-way and Johns Hopkins Highway.

Before students enter the schoolwith classes on their mind, teachersand others were familiarizing them-selves with the new layout and theelements that came with it.

For social studies teacher andfootball coach Kreg Kephart — andGaithersburg High graduate of 1973— the move into the new schoolmarks a period of change and ad-aptation.

“It’s like going from a little one-room schoolhouse to a great bigTaj Mahal that’s built next door orsomething,” Kephart said.

Kephart said he will trade theportable classroom he taught infor 15 years for a classroom he de-scribed as “spacious” with “beauti-ful” desks.

He said he thinks the stadiumfield will be “comparable to none.”

While teams are practicing onthe field now, home games won’t

start until the 2014-2015 schoolyear, when construction on the areaaround the field will be complete.

“The inconveniences that wewent through the last couple yearsI guess are worth it in the long runwhen you look to see what we haveonce we finally get in here,” Kephartsaid.

The $95.8 million school site stillhas a year left of its four-year con-struction process, Handy-Collinssaid.

Richard Bosnic — who beganteaching at Gaithersburg in the late1980s and described himself as “anold dog learning new tricks” — saidthe school environment when hestarted and the environment now is“night and day.”

For Bosnic, preparing for thisupcoming school year has meantlearning how to use the Prometheanboards, which were only introducedinto some classrooms in the oldbuilding and represent one of sev-eral technologies he sees changinghow kids learn and how he teachesthem.

As the school community movesinto the new building and becomesmore deeply involved with the newtechnology, Bosnic said he doesn’tknow how it will pan out but that itsounds exciting.

“My guess is everything’s goingto change dramatically,” he said.

Chris Taylor was found Mondaywhere he will be teaching his mediaproductions class with the help of astudio space strictly for filming, up-dated equipment and several edit-ing suites to make “Blue & Gold TV”come to life.

“Our old studio, it was about thesame size, but we also had all thecomputers in there so students wereediting while other people were try-ing to film and it was very chaotic attimes,” Taylor said.

Among the athletes walking thehalls on Monday, Damian Harkun,16, said he was struck by the amountof space in the school and that heliked the building’s design.

Though he had been at theschool for football practice for sev-eral days, much of the campus stillwas new to him.

“I haven’t even seen the wholebuilding yet,” he said. “I’ve onlybeen to certain parts.”

Though the building marks asignificant change for the school,Semou said she thinks the schoolcommunity will remain much thesame.

“We’re still going to have thatTrojan pride we always had,” shesaid.


SCHOOLContinued from Page A-1


Painter Eleazar Martinez applies a coat of yellow to the stairway of the new Gaith-ersburg High School on Tuesday.

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& The Gazette’s Guide toArts & Entertainment

SINBADwww.gazette.net | Wednesday, August 21, 2013 | Page A-11

“Kick-Ass 2” no better, no worse and no different from the brutality of the first one. Page A-14


Actor/comedian Sinbad will star in aone-day-only stand-up event as “MakeMe Wanna Holla” plays in movie the-aters across the country. Locally, theshow will play in Germantown, Bowie,Alexandria and Fairfax, Va.NATALIE BRASINGTON

n Folklore Society ends summer on a Celtic note


Starting Saturday,The Folklore Society ofGreater Washington willcelebrate the end of sum-mer with a series of con-certs deemed the Celtic“triple threat.” The seriesgets underway Satur-day night at St. Michaelthe Archangel CatholicChurch in Silver Springwith The Big Reel No. 1,a performance from TheNew Century AmericanIrish-Arts Company.

Sept. 20 will featurethe Ocean Celtic Quar-tet in Falls Church, Va.,and Ireland’s own SouthRoscommon Singers willcap off the series witha performance at GlenEcho on Sept. 22.

“We’re thrilled to of-fer these three concerts,”said Marty Summerour,program chair for TheFolklore Society.

The Folklore Societyof Greater Washington

Triple threat



The New Century American Irish-ArtsCompany executive director Peter Brice.


The four guys were kind of nerdy in highschool, but they were friends and really likedsinging together as the Plaids.

Their dream was to perform in public liketheir idols, four-part harmony groups like theMills Brothers, the Ames Brothers and the FourAces.

The Plaids were driving to their first gigwhen, tragically, they ran into a bus filled withCatholic schoolgirls on their way to see the Bea-tles perform on “The Ed Sullivan Show” in 1964.

The girls were fine but the guys didn’t make it.Up to the stratosphere they went and there

they’ve stayed until Saturday, when they de-

scend through a hole in the ozone layer to thehistoric stage at Olney Theatre Center for onelast chance to realize their dream.

“The universe has allowed them 90minutes to do the show,” said director andchoreographer Bobby Smith about Olney’sproduction of the off-Broadway hit musical“Forever Plaid.”

The show is about how the four singersovercome their insecurities, and togethersomehow manage to put on the concertthey’ve always envisioned.

“It’s their chance to get over what heldthem back when they were younger,” Smithsaid.


Whether fans remember him as coach Walter Oakesfrom “The Cosby Show” spin-off “A Different World,” hisrole as Andre Krimm beside Scott Bakula in the movie “Nec-essary Roughness,” or dozens of stand-up specials, Sinbadhas been a part of most people’s lives since the 1980s.

The comedian is hitting new territory now, bringing hisshow “Make Me Wanna Holla” to movie theaters acrossthe country for one night only. Fathom Events will screenthe special locally at 8 p.m. Aug. 22. The film will featureSinbad’s classic style of comedy andshowcase his love of funk music.

Sinbad spoke with A&E to talkabout the show, his love of music andhow basketball changed his life.

A&E: First off, what can you tellme about “Make Me Wanna Holla?”

Sinbad: Man, that’s a big ques-tion! It’s funny and we shot some re-ally good film. Why don’t you breakit down and tell me what you wannaknow.

A&E: Along with the music, isit a little about your life or is it stuffthat you’ve noticed over the past fewyears? What’s the big theme for it?

Sinbad: It’s a mix of everything.Just like with all comedians, it’s a mixof life, it’s a mix of stuff you’ve seenand stuff you’re tired of seeing. Someof it’s about Detroit — my home’s inMichigan. I’m from Benton Harbor. It’s about things hap-pening in Detroit. My show is just a mixture of everything— my life, what’s going on around me, what I’ve observedand what I see. Some of it’s just me talking crazy.

A&E: Talking a little about the music, you’ve incorpo-



n When: Aug. 24to Sept. 15 (call for

show times)

n Where: HistoricStage, Olney

Theatre Center,2001 Olney-SandySpring Road, Olney

n Tickets: $25-$35

n For information:301-924-3400,olneytheatre.org

n Teenage quartet comes back from the dead to perform in Olney

H I S T O R I C S T A G E | O L N E Y T H E A T R E C E N T E R

A high-school quartet gets a chance tolive its dream in the musical “Forever

Plaid” running from Aug. 24 toSept. 15 at the Olney Theatre. From leftare Brandon Duncan as Smudge, DavidLandstrom as Sparky, Austin Colby as

Frankie and Chris Rudy as Jinx.


n Where:Germantown 14,20000 CenturyBlvd., Germantown;Bowie Crossing14, 15200 MajorLansdale Blvd.,Bowie

n Tickets: $15

n More information:fathomevents.com

n Popularentertainer

talks about life,Detroit in newstand-up




See TRIPLE, Page A-15

See SINBAD, Page A-15

See HARMONY, Page A-15

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THE GAZETTEPage A-12 Wednesday, August 21, 2013 r

“Cuisine Art,” a special juried exhibit com-posed of paintings, photographs and sculpturesrelated to food and held in conjunction with theannual Taste of Friendship Heights, will be onview from Aug. 26 to Sept. 28 at the FriendshipHeights Village Center, 4433 S. Park Ave., ChevyChase. Juror is noted artist Millie Shott, art cura-tor and instructor at the center. For more infor-mation, visit www.friendshipheightsmd.gov.

A quest comes toa close this weekend,when Red Knight Pro-duction’s “MedievalStory Land” ends itsrun at the GaithersburgArts Barn. Writtenby Scott Courlanderand directed by JasonSchlafstein, the 2012Capital Fringe Festselection is currentlybeing remounted inMontgomery County,featuring an all newcast embroiled in swords, sorcery and sketch comedy.For more information, including tickets and showtimes,visit www.gaithersburgmd.gov/artsbarn. Visit www.red-knightproductions.com.

Knight falls


“Medieval Story Land,” a parodyof the swords and sorcery genre,closes this weekend at theGaithersburg Arts Barn.

Marty Weishaar’s “Which Side Are YouOn?” continues to Sept. 8 at the CommonGround Gallery at VisArts in Rockville. Bycobbling together mountains out of hum-ble materials and surrounding them withpaintings, drawings, photographs andstitchings, Weishaar’s works explore thecomplicated economic, social and eco-logical challenges surrounding resourceextraction in the Appalachian Mountains.Also on view to Sept. 8 are recent paint-ings by Josette Gestin in the ConcourseClassroom; “Transverse,” a mixed-mediainstallation by Ching Ching Cheng at theGibbs Street Gallery and a Neena Birchretrospective in the Common GroundGallery. Exhibits are free and open to thepublic. For more information, visit www.visartsatrockville.com.

The other ‘Side’


Baltimore artist Martin Weishaarworks with cardboard and othermaterials to evoke a mining oper-ation in Appalachia in his exhibiton view through Sept. 8 at VisArtsin Rockville.


“Row of Macarons” by Jennifer Barlow will be on view as part of “Cuisine Art,” Aug. 26 to Sept. 28 at the Friendship Heights Visitor Center in Chevy Chase.

“Glass, Glorious Glass,” featuring the work of 21art glass center and resident and studio artists, is cur-rently on view at the Popcorn Gallery, Glen Echo Park.An opening reception is scheduled for 4-6 p.m. Sun-day at the gallery. The exhibit closes Sept. 15. The ArtGlass Center at Glen Echo is a school, resource centerand gallery for kilnformed glass, devoted to teachingand promoting the medium and to encouraging art-ists to explore its many facets. For more information,visit www.artglasscenteratglenecho.org.

From the fire


“Pele’s Garden at Kilauea” by Michele Rubin is one of manyworks on view as part of a Glass Artist Show at Glen Echo Park.




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THE GAZETTEWednesday, August 21, 2013 r Page A-13

n Director, actorcollaborate for first timeafter years of friendship


Longtime friends and first-time artistic partners, directorJeremy Skidmore and actor Kim-berly Gilbert will collaborate onthe Round House Theatre pro-duction of “The Beauty Queenof Leenane,” opening today.

“Even though you’re livingin a community of actors youknow really well, sometimes theperfect time to work togethertakes a long time to manifest,”Skidmore said. “In this case, ittook a really long time.”

Skidmore and Gilbert havebeen friends for 13 years but“Beauty Queen,” a 1996 darkcomedy by Irish playwright Mar-tin McDonaugh, will be theirfirst production together.

“I’ve wanted to work withhim forever,” Gilbert said.

Though she was eager to col-laborate with an old friend, Gil-bert said “Beauty Queen” wasentirely unfamiliar.

“I had never read it and neversaw it,” Gilbert said. “But I was fa-miliar with the playwright ... Andthen when I got the script, it wasinsane and brilliant and I loved it.”

“Beauty Queen” opened inGalway, Ireland, in 1996. After itsmonth-long run on Broadway in1998, the play earned six TonyAward nominations, winningfour — Best Leading Actress ina Play, Best Featured Actor in aPlay, Best Featured Actress in a

Play and Best Play Direction.The show tells the story of

Maureen, a spinster in her 40s,still living with her mother, Mag,a selfish and miserable woman,in their home in the Irish villageof Leenane, Connemara. WhenMaureen is faced with one lastchance at love and an escapefrom her pathetic life, Mag doesher best to sabotage the oppor-tunity. The Round House actorshave been working with dialectcoach Leigh Wilson Smiley tomaster the Irish accent.

“[The play] can be heart-breaking one second and thenlaugh-out-loud funny in thenext,” said Gilbert, who playsMaureen. “And those are the bestkinds of plays in my opinion.”

It’s McDonaugh’s writingthat Gilbert said drew her intothe “Beauty Queen” script.

“I knew that Martin writesreally grassroots human beingsin not-so-great circ*mstancesthat find poetry in spite of theirsurroundings,” Gilbert said.“And I find that so beautiful.”

Unlike Gilbert, this is not

Skidmore’s first time working ona McDonaugh piece. In 2008, hedirected the playwright’s “TheLieutenant of Inishmore” forSignature Theatre. Though hehad read “Beauty Queen,” Skid-more said he’d never seen a pro-duction of the show.

“I remember how funny Ithought it was and then ulti-mately at the end how much ittook me by surprise,” Skidmoresaid. “The more films you watchand plays you see and scripts youread, it becomes more and moredifficult to be caught by surprise,

and I think that’s something Mc-Donaugh’s really good at.”

Both Skidmore and Gilbertsaid McDonough’s portrayal ofa small town is something thatstruck them.

“I grew up in a series of smalltowns and I guess what I’ve no-ticed ... there’s always two waysin which to step out of the mi-crocosm,” Skidmore said. “Aperson goes, ‘That’s it, I’m out ofthis town as soon as I graduate’.. or they get married. The otheris when an opportunity arises.”

“There are so many small

towns even in America wherethereis justnothingtodo,”Gilbertadded. “You know those kinds of

people who are stuck but who arejust not going to be braver thanthey think they can be ...”

She may be able to relate to“Beauty Queen’s” depiction of asmall town, but one thing Gilbertsaid she can’t connect with hercharacter. And she’s OK with that.

“Everyone has, on somemolecular level, problems withtheir parents,” Gilbert said. “Butit’s mountains to molehills onthe difference between issues[Maureen] has with her motherand I have with mine ... I callmy mother every day and tellher I love her as much as I can... because, man, this charac-ter is starved for a positive rolemodel.”


The parent trap: Dark comedy opens this week at Round House


Actors Todd Scofield and Kimberly Gilbert in a scene from the Round House Theatre production of “The Beauty Queenof Leenane.”

THE BEAUTY QUEENOF LEENANEn When: Aug. 21 to Sept. 15

(see website for specificdates and times)

n Where: Round HouseTheatre, 4545 East-WestHighway, Bethesda

n Tickets: $35-50

n For information: 240-644-1100, roundhousetheatre.org

September 4, 5, 6*September 13, 14


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“Kick-Ass 2,” the sequel tothe 2010 adaptation of Scot-tish comic book author MarkMillar’s “Kick-Ass,” comes inright on the bubble: It’s no bet-ter, no worse and essentiallyno different from the jocular,clodhopping brutality of thefirst one. Here in writer-directorJeff Wadlow’s crimson bauble,Chloe Grace Moretz and AaronTaylor-Johnson reprise theirroles as Hit Girl and Kick-Ass,respectively — the homegrown,limb-lopping superheroes andhigh school classmates (he’solder, but she’s tougher) whospill more blood than a klutzyproduction assistant on a Tar-antino shoot.

Jim Carrey plays a support-ing role in “Kick-Ass 2,” thatof Colonel Stars and Stripes, aborn-again Christian and for-mer mobster who leads a packof alleged good-guy and good-girl masked vigilantes cleaningup the streets. After filming thesequel but before its release Car-rey disassociated himself, tweet-

ing: “In all good conscience Icannot support that level of vio-lence.” He cited the most recentexample of an American schoolmassacre, Sandy Hook, as thetragedy that “caused a changein my heart.”

Then came the counterar-guments from Carrey’s “Kick-Ass 2” collaborators, includingMoretz. She presumably has apercentage of the sequel’s prof-its and sound business reasonsto object.

“It’s a movie and it’s fake,”she said, “and I’ve known thatsince I was a kid … if anything,these movies teach you whatnot to do.” Separately Millar,who executive-produced thesequel, chimed in with his fiscalgratitude: “For your main actorto publicly say, ‘This movie istoo violent for me’ is like say-ing, ‘This p*rno has too muchnudity.’”

Moretz’s comment wasthe oddest, the one about how“Kick-Ass 2” instructs us in thecosts of all that quippy, blood-thirsty street justice. Honestly,now. These movies do not teachanybody anything about avoid-

ing the kick-assery. Worse, di-rector Wadlow’s fight sequencessatisfy none of my action-movierequirements for clarity andexcitement. They don’t even

satisfy my cheapest revenge im-pulses.

The sequel sets up oneround of heinousness after an-other, and the audience waitsfor the money shots. When themeanest girls in high schoolbully Mindy, aka Hit Girl (thebullying here is constant andhammering), she pulls out herlate father’s “sick stick,” whichcauses instantaneous and si-multaneous projectile-vomiting

and projectile-diarrhea, and thatis meant to be really sick, as incool.

So is the scene of attemptedrape, played for laughs and fo-cusing on Christopher Mintz-Plasse’s self-made supervillain,who tries but fails to assault thevigilante (Lindy Booth) who callsherself “Night Bitch.” (Honestly,this movie is rank.) I can onlyimagine how this scene will playto the assault victims in the au-

dience, especially when Booth’scharacter, hospitalized thoughapparently unviolated, says: “It’smy own fault.”

I want to be believe Carrey’s11th-hour apology. Clearly heread the script (his character’sdog bites off the genitals of hisadversaries) and he may havedone a quick body count in hishead while reading. But it’s notthe quantity of the carnage ina movie, it’s the quality, and asstaged and filmed “Kick-Ass 2”is a cruddy mediocrity. Near theend Moretz’s character says shemust leave New York City andhide out because “vigilantesdon’t get a free pass.” It’s thebest joke in the movie; in termsof its own hypocritical moral-ity, “Kick-Ass 2” hands out freepasses left and right.

Jim Carrey’s mea culpa is a good first step for ‘Kick-Ass 2’

THE GAZETTEPage A-14 Wednesday, August 21, 2013 r


KICK-ASS 2n 1 1/2 stars

n R; 107 minutes

n Cast: Aaron Taylor-Johnson,Chloe Grace Moretz,Christopher Mintz-Plasse, JimCarrey

n Directed by Jeff Wadlow


Jim Carrey as Colonel Stars and Stripes.




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THE GAZETTEWednesday, August 21, 2013 r Page A-15

rated music into several of yourshows. How important is funkand blues and jazz to you?

Sinbad: For me, see, it wasalways music before comedywhen I was coming up. I wasin bands growing up and I wasplaying drums by the time Iwas in fifth grade. I had beenplaying music for 30 years asI became a comic right after Iwent to college to play basket-ball. It was always in me. I wasa DJ and I was collecting musicand listening to music. I wouldrather go see a live band thango to the clubs to hang out. Forme, as I saw the music I love,the thing I love, start to leave… it’s not just about being old.You listen at these young folks’music, they have live musicgrowing up, but it was just thatit was going away. It was dying.It just bothered me. So I doeverything that I can to keepit alive. I always talk about itbecause I think when you takeaway a culture’s music, youlose that culture.

A&E: You’ve spent your ca-reer working clean and avoidingR and NC-17 material. Was thata conscious decision by you orwas that just came naturally be-cause you grew up the son of apreacher?

Sinbad: Well, just becauseyou’re a son of a preacherdoesn’t make you that way.Sometimes you’re more crazy.I always liked controversialstuff. I think sometimes youneed to push the limit. When Ifirst started out, I was dirty, butwe were trying to be RichardPryor, man. All of us was try-ing to be Richard. He had setthat standard. I said, “Man, weall sound the same.” We were acheap imitation. It’s like beinga Gucci bag knockoff. We werelike Gocci — we would neverbe Gucci. ... I just wanted to dosomething different. I flipped it— I didn’t change my routine, Ijust changed the words. I didn’tchange one thing that I talkedabout. I realized, “Man, not onlycan I be funny, I actually canbecome more controversial andtalk about more stuff becauseI’m not cussing because I canget your attention.”

A&E: Here recently, you’vedone some voiceover work with“American Dad” and the just-released Walt Disney movie“Planes” — is that somethingyou can see yourself doing moreof in the future?

Sinbad: I did a lot of it backwhen I first came in. I did“Homeward Bound” where Iplayed a horse. I’ve done quitea few voiceovers. For me, it’sfun. And it’s quick. I have funin there. I know a lot of peopledon’t, but I have a ball. I founda way that works for me. WhenI came in to do “Planes,” mycharacter was a one-afternoontaping and they liked what I didand I came back in about twomore times and they expandedthe character.

A&E: Sports seem to be a bigpart of your life — you playedbasketball and you starred as adefensive lineman in “Neces-sary Roughness.” Are you stillbig into sports?

Sinbad: There was a timein my life when I was comingup — I love basketball like aperson needs water to live. Iloved it. I think basketball got

me to where I need to be as acomedian. When I first started,I was a terrible athlete. I mean,I cried I was so bad. That’s whyI love my father so much. He’sthe one that said, “Look, wecan change this if you workhard.” And I got mad becauseI didn’t have this natural abil-ity. He said, “There’s this thingcalled persistence and not giv-ing up.” I said, “That’s not atalent!” And I realized it is. He

told me, “If you don’t mind be-ing the worst one in the roomfor a short period of time, youcan become great.” I didn’t re-alize what lesson he had givenme. No matter what I was go-ing to do — I was going to playdrums, I was going to play gui-tar — if you don’t mind suffer-ing for that short period of time… I’m even laughing about it.There’s a quote he gave me:If you want to become some-

thing, forget what you are to-day and think about what youwant to become. People wouldlaugh at me, but I was alreadyseeing this other guy in mymind and I applied that to ev-erything I did.

A&E: You’ve got the showcoming out through Fathom intheaters across the country, butafter that, what’s on the horizon?What’s next for Sinbad?

Sinbad: I want to do somemore TV and some more mov-ies, but I want to do what I’vebeen trying to do since I got here.I said let me do the stuff I’ve beenwriting. I want to direct. I want toproduce other things. That’s whatI’m excited about. As far as TV, Idon’t know if I’ll do sitcom workagain because once reality showscame in, you can’t make anythingfunnier than real cable now. Pawnboys and duck people, you can’twrite that.

To read more, includingwhat Sinbad thinks about LeB-ron James, visit our website atgazette.net.


SINBADContinued from Page A-11

is dedicated to bringing folk musicians andperformances to venues in Washington, D.C.,Maryland and Virginia. According to Summer-our, the group supports more than 200 eventsa year.

“I saw the New Century show almost a yearago at the Irish festival in Fairfax,” Summer-our said. “ ... I just said, ‘I have to produce thisshow.’”

Based in D.C., New Century offers pro-grams in both performance and professionaldevelopment in an effort to make Irish musicaccessible to the public.

The performance branch of the companyis broken into two ensembles: The New Cen-tury Ceili Band and The New Century Ameri-can Irish-American Company. The latter is thegroup of 20 dancers and musicians who willperform at Saturday’s concert.

Peter Brice of Annapolis founded NewCentury in 2011 along with choreographer andstep-dancer Kate Bole. According to Brice, hisancestors immigrated to Annapolis from Ire-land around 1698. Though he said he didn’tgrow up with a strong Irish tradition, Brice, abutton accordion player, said he “took up Irishmusic because [he] loved the sound.”

Brice went on to graduate from the PeabodyConservatory Preparatory program and earn abachelor’s degree in Irish Traditional Musicand Dance from the University of Limerick.

The New Century style of Irish music islargely informed by the legacy of accordionistand composer Billy McComiskey, fiddler andcomposer Brendan Mulvihill and Irish danceexpert Peggy O’Neill. Though she is now de-ceased, O’Neill’s daughter Laureen and otherinstructors carry on her legacy through in-struction at the O’Neill James School of IrishDance.

McComiskey, who taught Brice to play theaccordion, and Mulvihill came to D.C. fromtheir native New York in 1975. They played asThe Irish Tradition, frequenting The Dubliner,an Irish pub on Capitol Hill. Their sound drewheavily on the accordion tradition that comesout of Galway. The sound developed by Mc-Comiskey and Mulvihill in the 1970s and thestyle of dance made popular by O’Neill in the1960s has helped to define the Maryland tradi-tion of Irish music and New Century’s style ofmusic.

“We have a native style of Irish traditionalmusic that we’ve grown here,” Brice said. “Withthis rooted Maryland identity, [we’re] able tobring it home.”

Beyond their accordion-fueled sound,which differentiates them from Irish traditionalmusic in New York which is largely defined bythe fiddle, another unique trait about the mem-bers of New Century is their heritage.

“Not everyone is of Irish decent,” Brice said.And even those such as Brice who are of

Irish decent are more likely to be several gen-erations removed from the country.

“In Washington and Maryland, this Irishtradition would be the province of native-bornAmericans as opposed to places like New Yorkor Boston where it’s still often played by the first

generations,” Brice said.But it’s their distance from the Irish culture

that Brice said makes The New Century soundand look distinct.

“What’s really important about the workthat we’re doing is that we’ve broken the Irish-American mold,” he said. “Sometimes Irish-Americans have an inferiority complex aboutIrish traditional music ... that they couldn’tpossibly have it right ... In this area, we weren’traised in it so we’re approaching it as we wantto understand it fully ...”

With their combination of 1960s and 1970sinfluences along with their own creative spin,Summerour said New Century has managed todo something not all ensembles can.

“They celebrate the tradition that came be-fore them,” Summerour said. “Peter is able toreach into the past but bring forth the future.”


TRIPLEContinued from Page A-11

THE BIG REEL NO. 1n When: 8 p.m. Saturday

n Where: 805 Wayne Ave., Silver Spring

n Tickets: $16 for nonmembers, $13 for FSGWmembers, $40 for family (two adults,two children), $10 for students

n For information: FSGW.org

n Upcoming concerts: The Ocean Quartet willperform Sept. 20 at Creative Cauldron inFalls Church, Va., and the South RoscommonSingers will perform Sept. 22 at Glen EchoTown Hall in Glen Echo.

Inventive, exciting, imaginative, fas-cinating, thrilling, exceptional, delicious,amazing ... the list of superlatives usedto describe dinner at Alinea is nearly aslong as the drive from O’Hare to the res-taurant’s location in Chicago’s LincolnPark district. At Alinea, a refined, exqui-sitely prepared meal is transformed intoperformance art where the chef, staff anddiner are each intimately involved in theentire experience.

It is no easy feat to match wineswith ingredients as varied as rabbit,cherry blossom, wasabi and smoke.The courses dance from light and airy(green apple taffy balloon) to multi-faceted and profound, each designedto require the diners to interact withthe preparations. This makes the winepairings even more difficult since thereare often multiple options within eachcourse that provide different intensities

and sequences of flavors. Not surpris-ingly, the talented team at Alinea madeoutstanding wine selections that bothcomplemented and enhanced the eve-ning’s multiple dishes.

Alinea offers two levels of winepairings. Considering the price of theevening and the reputation of the es-tablishment, it was easy to opt for theless exclusive choice, confident that thewines would be both excellent and sur-prising. They opened with Jean Lalle-ment et Fils “Verzanay” Brut Grand CruChampagne. One of the smaller cham-pagne producers, Lallement farmsslightly less than 10 acres in Montagnede Reims, Champagne’s most northern

region. A blend of 80 percent Pinot and20 percent Chardonnay, it had floral, figand citrus aromas that extended intosubtle stone fruit, melon, honey andherbaceous flavors. The long finish wascomplemented with clove, pepper andcandied fruit.

The next pairing wasn’t really awine, but rather Sake which is pro-duced by fermenting rice in a fashionsimilar to making beer. The TakasagoGinza Shizuku “Divine Droplets” Jun-mai Daiginjo-shu is created in iglooslocated in the northern Japaneseprovince of Hokkaido when the tem-perature falls below 14 degrees. It wassilky, very fragrant beauty that beganwith cedar, mint and slightly saltyaromas which flowed beautifully intodelicate honeydew, jasmine, and min-eral notes with an almost sweet, per-sistent finish.

German Rieslings are underap-preciated in the U.S. The Dr. Thanisch“Berncasteler Doctor” Kabinett 2010 —so named because a 13th century Arch-bishop was miraculously cured with asip of wine from this vineyard — is oneof the country’s finest Rieslings. El-egant, refined and enticingly complex,it had pear, peach and smoky spice fra-grances that led into concentrated andideally balanced apple, melon, and pearflavors combined with hints of petrol,honey and minerals.

It is an axiom that it is nearlyimpossible to pair any wine with ar-tichokes. That is why the surprisingLopez de Heredia “Vina Gravonia”Blanco 2003 was such an inspired,ideal choice. A Rioja white createdfrom 50 year old vines, this 100 per-cent Viura had almond, honey andstone fruit aromas that joined layers of

oak, apple, earth, wax and pear flavorsto provide a complex, medium-bod-ied and unique foil to the earthinessand flavors of the artichokes.

Complementing the veal cheeksand a melange of “spring bounty” wasthe Ar. Pe. Pe. Grumello “Rocca de Piro”Valtellina 2006, a sophisticated Nebbi-olo with a nose of candied cherry, rosesand raspberries expanding into notesof dark berries, earth and leather. Cho-sen to pair with a diverse panoply ofcondiments to savor with five differentduck preparations was the marvelousChateau Musar 2004 that showed spicydark cherry, raspberry, toffee and subtlegamey favors. The best of the dessertwine offerings was the delicious cara-mel, honey and lemon peel flavoredDisznoko 5 Puttonyos Tokaji-Aszu 2005,a nectar like delight with seamless bal-ance and alluring sweetness.

Alinea: A wine connoisseur’s dream is just a short flight away


New Century dancer Kate Kliner.


Smith, who covered all four roles in the original playOff Broadway, said the show has beautiful music — ar-rangements by James Raitt of classics such as “ThreeCoins in a Fountain,” “Heart and Soul,” “Catch a Fall-ing Star” and “Love is a Many-Splendored Thing.”

It is also very funny and also very touching, he said.“It’s not a jukebox musical — it’s very well crafted,”

said Smith. “It has a script and things happen, the guyschange.”

The leader of the group is Frankie, played by AustinColby, who studied theater at American University andlives in Silver Spring.

“Of all the four, he’s probably the most confidentbut even he gets a little nervous,” said Colby about hischaracter, who must deal with his asthma attacks andthe insecurities of his fellow singers.

“He cares about the guys, and he constantly wantsto keep the show going,” Colby said.

“It’s great music, and the characters are charming,”he said. “You’re rooting for them to come out of theirshell.”

Brandon Duncan, who plays Smudge, agrees withColby about the music. In fact, all four actors said theyhave enjoyed singing together on and off stage.

“I love all the super-tight harmonies,” said Duncan,who studied musical theater at James Madison Univer-sity in Harrisonburg, Va.

Some of the humor in the show is based on thesingers trying to update the between-songs patter theywrote in 1964 for the audience they’re now in front of,he said. Humor also arises out of the quirks and mala-dies of the singers.

“They’re all nerdy characters who don’t knowwhat’s going on,” said Duncan. “But they never laughat each other. They’re there to lift each other up.”

Duncan said Smudge, for example, is definitely aworrier.

“He’s like the Eeyore of the group, he doesn’t wantto be there,” he said. “He’s a more introverted panicker[than the others], but by the end, his glasses fly off andhe has a big solo.”

Jinx, played by Chris Rudy, also gets a solo, “Cry,”made famous by Johnny Ray in the 1950s.

“Jinx is the shy one of the group, but the others arevery protective of him,” said Rudy, who studied theaterat Towson University.

A high tenor, Jinx is a lot more comfortable when he’ssinging than when he’s talking to people, but the problemis that when he hits a high A, he gets a nosebleed.

He’s also dealing with a bad case of stage fright.“He never remembers what moves he’s supposed

to do or what the lyrics are,” Rudy said.Jinx is also experiencing a spell of sibling rivalry

with his more outgoing step-brother Sparky, played byDavid Landstrom, who studied at American Universityin Washington, D.C.

“Sparky is energetic, he’s the life of the party,” saidLandstrom. “He loves the spotlight, and he’s alwaystalking to the audience and mugging.”

“It’s a fun role,” he said. “There’s a lot of energyyou have to give off, it’s all very specific [to each char-acter].”

He said one of the challenges of the role is bal-ancing the humor and the emotion in the musical,both of which he appreciates.

“This isn’t a typical jukebox musical,” Land-strom said. “It’s really original, and it has more sub-stance. It’s very touching. It gets me. It’s not just acollection of songs.”


HARMONYContinued from Page A-11


Comedian Sinbad voices the character Roper in Disney’s “Planes.”

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THE GAZETTEPage A-16 Wednesday, August 21, 2013 r

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WEDNESDAY, AUG. 21Stream Splash, 10-11:30 a.m., Brookside

Nature Center, 1400 Glenallan Ave., Wheaton.Wade into the water and use nets to catch ani-mals. $5. Register at www.parkpass.org.

Luncheon on Retirement Living, 11 a.m.-1:30p.m., Ingleside at King Farm, 701 King FarmBlvd., Rockville. Lunch and a tour. Free, RSVPrequested. 240-499-9019.

Surviving Hospitalization, 6-7:30 p.m., ArdenCourts Memory Care Community of Potomac,10718 Potomac Tennis Lane, Potomac. Part ofthe Survival Guide for the Hospital DementiaEducation Series. Free. 301-493-7881.

Family Night Out: Evening Insects, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Meadowside Nature Center, 5100Meadowside Lane, Rockville. Head to themeadow with insect nets. $5. Register at www.parkpass.org.

Montgomery Hospice Drop-in Discus-sion About Grief and Healing, 6:30-8 p.m.,Montgomery Hospice, 1355 Piccard Drive,

Rockville. For anyone mourning the death ofa loved one. Free, registration required. 301-921-4400.

Family Support Group meeting, 7:30-9 p.m.,Parish Hall of St. Raphael’s Catholic Church,1513 Dunster Road, Rockville. For the familiesand friends of people who have depression orbipolar illness. Free. 301-299-4255.

THURSDAY, AUG. 22QuickBooks Training, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.,

Maryland Women’s Business Center, 95 Mon-roe St., Rockville. $75. 301-315-8096.

The Warm and Fuzzy, 10-11 a.m., BrooksideNature Center, 1400 Glenallan Ave., Wheaton.Learn about mammals during a presentationand outdoor hike. Register at www.parkpass.org.

Pre-K Nature Art and Adventure, 10:30-11:30a.m., Brookside Nature Center, 1400 Glenal-lan Ave., Wheaton. Explore the woods andmeadow, and create a picture. $6. Register at

www.parkpass.org.Storytime on the Lake: Dragonflies, 10:30-

11:30 a.m., Black Hill Visitor Center, 20926Lake Ridge Drive, Boyds. Listen to a storyaboard a pontoon boat. $5. Register at www.parkpass.org.

Family Night Out: Investigate the Stream,6:30-7:30 p.m., Meadowside Nature Center,5100 Meadowside Lane, Rockville. Use nets tosee what’s active in the stream. $5. Register atwww.parkpass.org.

When Parents Disagree on How to Parent,7-10 p.m., Parent Encouragement Program,10100 Connecticut Ave., Kensington. Thisworkshop will show how parents can collabo-rate, despite different parenting styles, in rais-ing their children. $45. 301-929-8824.

FRIDAY, AUG. 23Children’s Nature Art and Adventure, 10:30-

11:30 a.m., Brookside Nature Center, 1400 Gle-nallan Ave., Wheaton. Explore the pond shoresand create a picture. $6. Register at www.parkpass.org.

Adult Literacy Tutor Information Session,10:30 a.m.-noon, Rockville Memorial Library,21 Maryland Ave., Rockville. Help adults learnto read, write or speak English. Free, registra-tion required. 301-610-0030.

Back to School Campfire Lunch, noon-1p.m., Locust Grove Nature Center, 7777 De-mocracy Blvd., Bethesda. Pack a picnic lunchor bring hot dogs to cook over the fire. $5. Reg-ister at www.parkpass.org.

Owl Prowl, 8 p.m., Seneca Creek State Park,11950 Clopper Road, Gaithersburg. Take anighttime walk and call for some of the park’swild owls. $2. [emailprotected].

SATURDAY, AUG. 24Fairgrounds Flea Market, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.,

Montgomery County Agricultural Fair-grounds, 16 Chestnut St., Gaithersburg, alsoAug. 25. Free admission. wwww.johnson-shows.com.

Olde Towne Market, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., City Hall,parking lot, 31 South Summit Ave., Gaithers-burg. Food, artists and crafters, local busi-nesses and flea market items. Free admission.301-258-6350, ext. 162.

Kensington Summer Concert, 10-11 a.m.,Howard Avenue Park, Howard Avenue, Kens-ington. Dede Wyland plays bluegrass music.Free. [emailprotected].

SUNDAY, AUG. 25Storytime: Insects, 3-3:30 p.m., Brookside

Nature Center, 1400 Glenallan Ave., Wheaton.Find out what insects do in the summer. Free.Register at www.parkpass.org.

Woodlands Estate Tour, 7 p.m., Seneca CreekState Park, 11950 Clopper Road, Gaithersburg.Explore the archeological remains of Wood-lands, the ancestral estate of the Clopper fam-ily, with a park ranger. Free. [emailprotected].

THE GAZETTEPage A-2 Wednesday, August 21, 2013 r

EVEVENTSENTSEVENTSSend items at least two weeks in advance of the paper in which you would like them to appear.

Go to calendar.gazette.net and click on the submit button. Questions? Call 301-670-2078.

BestBetsFairgrounds Flea Market, 8a.m.-4 p.m., MontgomeryCounty Agricultural Fair-grounds, 16 Chestnut St.,Gaithersburg, also Aug. 25. Freeadmission. wwww.johnson-shows.com.


24Youth Against Hunger, 3-5p.m., The InternationalCultural Center, 19650 ClubHouse Road, Montgomery Vil-lage. Make sandwiches for thehomeless and raise awarenesson the importance of helpingthe needy. Free. 240-396-5350.



Birthday bash


Reesa Renee will celebrate the end of her “Wonderland Cool Tour” (and her birthday) with a con-cert Friday at the Fillmore Silver Spring. Special guest performers include Incwell, Backyard Band,Redline Graffiti, Bonnie Rash, Ronnell Brian and Visto and the HippieLifeKrew. Doors open at 7p.m. For more information, visit www.fillmoresilverspring.com.

GALLERYNatalie McGillwalks the runwayin Project GStreet at theAgricultural Fair.Go to clicked.Gazette.net.

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SPORTS Check this weekendfor coverage of GoodCounsel/Gilman football.

A&E Round House sets thestage for a dark comedy.

A rough start yields to sunny and warm dayslater in the weekend.

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THE GAZETTEWednesday, August 21, 2013 r Page A-3

When Jason Harmonlearned to fly a plane in highschool, he hoped to join the AirForce.

“As a kid, I had alwayswanted to be a pilot,” he said.

But before he could jointhe military, he was diagnosedwith type 1 diabetes, whichgrounded his dreams of beinga professional pilot. When Har-mon got his diagnosis, FederalAviation Administration rulesbarred those with diabetes fromflying planes over concerns thatif their blood sugar spiked ordropped, they could lose con-sciousness.

With his dreams of being apilot a no-go, Harmon turnedto computer programming andtechnology. The Monrovia manis now the founding partnerand chief technology officer ofGet Real Health in Rockville.The company makes applica-tions to help people managechronic health conditions suchas diabetes and quickly shareinformation with their healthcare providers.

In 1996, the FAA startedallowing pilots to fly privateplanes as long as they adheredto a rigorous schedule of bloodsugar checks. Now, Harmonwants to prove to the FAA thatpeople with diabetes can con-trol the condition and can flycommercial flights safely aswell.

On July 29, he and fourother pilots with diabetes flewfour planes in formation fromOmaha, Neb., to Madison, Wis.,hoping to raise support forallowing diabetic pilots to flycommercial aircraft.

“It’s not one spectacular pi-lot with diabetes that is able tofly,” he said. “... Any pilot whohas well-controlled diabetescan do these types of tasks.”

Rockville policereceive accreditationFor the seventh consecutive

time, the Rockville City PoliceDepartment has received ac-creditation from the Commis-sion of Accreditation for LawEnforcement.

The department met all 291applicable standards, earningthe Gold Standard Certificate ofAdvanced Meritorius Accredita-tion. The department also met98.6 percent of the commis-sion’s optional standards.

The accreditation runsthree years. Rockville has main-

tained full accreditation since1994, according to a city newsrelease.

Campus congratsMatthew Jorgensen of Rock-

ville has been named to thespring semester dean’s list atJohns Hopkins University. Heis the son of Timothy and HelenJorgensen.

In the serviceStewart A. Miller has gradu-

ated from the Army Reserve Of-ficers’ Training Corps Leader’sTraining Course at Fort Knox,Ky. He is the son of Linda andThomas Miller of Rockville.

Back-to-School Fairis Saturday in Rockville

Montgomery County PublicSchools will kick off the 2013-14 school year with its annualBack-to-School Fair from 11a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday atCarver Educational ServicesCenter, 850 Hungerford Drive,Rockville.

The fair will feature infor-mation and resources for par-ents, children’s activities andentertainment. Gift certificatesand prizes will be given outthroughout the day and free re-freshments will be provided.

Highlights will include per-formances by student and com-munity groups, appearancesby local celebrities and healthscreenings. School staff mem-bers will be available to answerquestions on programs andCurriculum 2.0, the curriculumthat is being implemented inall elementary classrooms thisyear.

Representatives will bepresent from community andcounty organizations, includ-ing the Department of Healthand Human Services, Mont-gomery College, MontgomeryCounty Public Libraries and theMontgomery County Councilof PTAs. One change this yearis that backpacks filled withschool supplies will not bedistributed at the fair. Instead,backpacks are being distributedto students in need at morethan 40 schools.

Limited parking will beavailable at Montgomery Col-lege across the street. Free shut-tle buses will run throughoutthe day, starting at 10:30 a.m.,between the fair and the follow-ing sites:

• Gaithersburg: Shady GroveMiddle School, Watkins MillHigh School.

• Germantown: NorthwestHigh School, Seneca ValleyHigh School.

• Kensington: Albert EinsteinHigh School.

• Rockville: Richard Mont-gomery High School, RockvilleHigh School.

• Silver Spring: MontgomeryBlair High School, John F. Ken-nedy High School, Paint BranchHigh School, Springbrook HighSchool.

• Wheaton High School.For more information, con-

tact the Office of CommunityEngagement and Partnershipsat 301-279-3100 or visit mont-gomeryschoolsmd.org.

Animal rescue groupholds burger fundraiser

PetConnect Rescue ofPotomac, a nonprofit animalrescue organization, will holda fundraiser from 5 to 9 p.m.Tuesday at Cheeburger Chee-burger, 14921 Shady GroveRoad, Rockville.

The restaurant will donate20 percent of sales during thattime to PetConnect.

Those who wish to partici-pate must bring a flier, availableat facebook.com/petconnec-trescue.

For more information, con-tact Amy Constanzo at 301-906-7642 or [emailprotected].

Getting rid of graffitiMontgomery County has a

private-public partnership withthe nonprofit Graffiti Abate-ment Partners, through whichresidents can report graffitivandalism and request that itbe removed.

The nonprofit, which calls

itself GRAB, said in a statementthat its “focus is two-fold: re-move graffiti immediately anddevelop long-term strategies toengage both private and publicsectors to target youth suscep-tible to at-risk behaviors.”

Residents can report graffitiat graffitifree.org or 301-607-4772.

County humane societyseeks board membersThe Montgomery County

Humane Society is lookingfor experienced individuals toserve on its board of directors.

The nonprofit wants peoplewho will bring expertise andenthusiasm to help steer the or-ganization toward new growth.Experience in fundraising,capital campaigns, finance andgovernance is a plus, accordingto a news release.

Two-year terms will beginJanuary.

The organization providesanimal welfare services to thecommunity, including privatelyfunded programs such as fos-ter care, placement in privaterescues, adoption assistance,animal enrichment programs,medical coordination andveterinary care, volunteer coor-dination, humane learning andeducation for adults and chil-dren, public workshops, andcommunity outreach.

Those interested shouldsubmit a letter of interest andcurrent resume by Sept. 20.

Applicants must be mem-bers of the Montgomery CountyHumane Society in good stand-

ing at the time of application.To apply or for more informa-tion, contact Lisa Corbett at14645 Rothgeb Drive, Rockville,MD 20850; email [emailprotected]; or call 240-773-5973.

Hearing added on busrapid transit plan

The Montgomery CountyCouncil has added a secondday of public hearings on aproposed 10-route, 79-mile busrapid transit system.

The hearings will start at7:30 p.m. Sept. 24 and 26 inthe third-floor council hear-ing room at the council’s officebuilding, 100 Maryland Ave.,Rockville.

Those interested in testify-ing should call 240-777-7803.The deadline to register to tes-tify at a hearing is 10 a.m. thatday.

For more information aboutthe plan, visit montgomery-planning.org/transportation/highways/brt.shtm

Dinner celebratesYear of the Farmer

The Montgomery CountyFarm Bureau will host a farm-to-table dinner Sept. 20 at theAgricultural History Farm Parkin Derwood.

James Ricciuti, chef andowner of Ricciuti’s local foodsrestaurant in Olney, will preparethe dinner, using meat andproduce from county farmers.The evening, designed to raiseawareness of farming initiatives

in the county, will include en-tertainment by local bands.

Ricciuti said in a news re-lease that he believes “in serv-ing the freshest food which canonly come from the farms clos-est to a restaurant.”

His restaurant is “fortunateto be close to many farms inMontgomery County whichmakes it easier to keep our dol-lars close to home,” he said.Also, he can visit farms, meetthe growers, and “see, touchand taste the food in the fields.”

Some of those local farmerswill be at the dinner, which alsowill have information boothsabout the county’s agriculturalindustry.

Tickets for the adult-onlyevent are $40 and seating is lim-ited. To purchase tickets, con-tact Kathy Lyons at [emailprotected] or go to mdfarmbu-reau.com/Montgomery.asp.

Send event information,photos and news items forPeople and Places to ElizabethWaibel at [emailprotected],or call 301-280-3005.

Rockville executive wants to help diabetic pilots fly



Jason Harmon (far right) recently took part in a coordinated flight to raise support for pilots with diabetes. With him (from left) are pilots Chris Isler, DouglasCairns, David Malone and Taylor Verett.


Rosalie A. CabreraRosalie “Rosie” A. Ca-

brera, 48, of Poolesvilledied Aug. 11, 2013. A me-morial service took placeat 11 a.m. Aug. 17 at theHilton Funeral Home inBarnesville.

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www.gazette.net | Wednesday, August 21, 2013 | Page A-4


n Various committees havebeen discussing revisionsto contentious ordinance



Rockville officials are hope-ful that they will have time todiscuss the city’s Adequate Pub-lic Facilities Ordinance beforetheir terms end in November,but a large-scale overhaul looksunlikely.

The ordinance, or APFO,and a set of associated standardsplace a moratorium on residen-tial development in areas wherepublic facilities — such as roadsand schools — are deemedabove capacity. The ordinanceitself looks unlikely to get majorchanges by November, whenRockville is set to elect a newmayor and councilmembers,but some think officials couldmake small changes to the stan-dards before then.

Councilman John F. HallJr., who has announced he doesnot plan to run for re-election,said there may be time to makesome tweaks to the standards,although it won’t be easy, espe-cially since not all members ofthe council agree on what thestandards should be.

Hall said he thinks someprovisions in the ordinancewere not clearly captured in thestandards, so he would like totry to correct inconsistencies hesees between the ordinance andstandards.

“I also think that there’s anopportunity for potential com-promise on a few things thatwould allow for a little greaterpredictability and, I think, con-sistency,” he said.

The Mayor and Council pre-viously discussed the ordinancein May and July, following areport from the city’s PlanningCommission.

During the Mayor andCouncil’s Aug. 5 meeting, repre-sentatives from two developerswith properties under a residen-tial building moratorium askedofficials to make revisions to thestandards, hopefully before theelection.

Jonathan Cox, senior vicepresident for AvalonBay, said hiscompany wants to turn an of-fice building in Twinbrook intoa 240-unit residential building,but it has been under a morato-rium since 2009.

Scott Wallace, an attorneyfor the development companyEYA, said the company needs todetermine if and when adequatecapacity will be available tomove forward on its Tower Oaks

planned development. Wallacesaid the company would like tosee revisions and clarificationsto the standards, such as speci-fying that a planned elementaryschool can be included in capac-ity projections.

Mayor Phyllis Marcucciosaid in an interview that shedoes not think Rockville shouldchange its adequate public fa-cilities ordinance right now, andprobably should put off any re-visions until after the election.She has said she will not run forre-election.

“My guess is we probablywill not (make any changes),partly because it is kind of anelection issue,” she said. “Thereare councilmembers who wouldlike to abandon it, who wouldlike to change it; there are coun-cilmembers who would like it tostay as it is.”

The only downside to wait-ing, Marcuccio said, is that thenext council will have a lot ofcatching up to do if it is to un-derstand all sides of the debateand all of the ordinance’s his-tory.

Councilman Tom Moore,who is running for re-election,has previously questionedwhether the ordinance was hav-ing the intended effect.

Councilwoman BridgetDonnell Netwon, who is run-

ning for mayor, said in an in-terview that she anticipates theMayor and Council taking upthe ordinance and standardsagain when they return fromAugust recess on Sept. 9. Thewhole Mayor and Council wouldhave to discuss it and get inputfrom the public and city staffmembers before making anychanges, she said.

Newton said she doesn’tthink the ordinance should bechanged right now, althoughshe would be open to looking atother ideas.

“So far, that’s the only toolin the toolbox for controlling de-velopment in the city,” she said.

Councilman Mark Pier-zchala, who is also seeking themayor’s office, said the ordi-nance is one tool out of many,and it needs a “big-time review.”

“Unfortunately, we will notbe able to complete that thisterm,” he said.

Officials might be able tomake some changes to the stan-dards, he said, such as the clari-fications developers are askingfor.

The next Mayor and Councilmeeting is scheduled for Sept. 9.City elections are set for Nov. 5.


Rockville unlikely to changedevelopment regs before election

n Private employers inMontgomery, Frederickincreased work force last



Federal sequestrationbudget cuts likely had “someimpact” on jobs declining byabout 9,200 statewide in Julyfrom June, Maryland LaborSecretary Leonard Howie saidon Monday.

The figures released by thefederal Labor Department onMonday included a 2,400 lossin Montgomery and Freder-ick counties, those counties’first month-to-month job losssince January. The public sec-tor showed a 3,100 job lossin July, as private employersincreased their overall work-force by 700.

Statewide, private jobsfell by almost 5,000 and gov-ernment positions declinedby 4,300. The county figureswere unadjusted, while thestatewide numbers were sea-sonally adjusted.

The July loss was the larg-est decline for that monthin Maryland since an almost11,000-job loss in 1991, ac-cording to federal laborfigures. Montgomery andFrederick saw a 2,500 loss inJuly 2012.

“Federal contractors dohave to monitor sequestra-tion and adjust their budgets,”Howie said.

Normal summer employ-ment cuts at educationalinstitutions such as the Uni-versity of Maryland systemalso played a part in the jobreductions last month, hesaid. But in July 2012, thestatewide decline was held toabout 4,200, and in July 2011,the state gained some 8,600jobs, according to federal fig-ures.

Local employers cuttingtheir work force last monthincluded Walter Reed Na-tional Military Medical Centerin Bethesda. About 2,400 civil-ian employees at Walter Reed,which combined into the for-mer National Naval MedicalCenter in 2011, have been tak-ing 11 unpaid furlough dayssince early July. Sequestrationhas forced billions of dollarsin across-the-board cuts atfederal agencies that startedin March.

Those furloughs causedsome reductions in the num-ber of operating rooms andother services at the mili-tary hospital, which treatswounded soldiers. But thefurloughs are ending, and ser-vices are “back to normal op-erations,” according to WalterReed’s website.

Employers diversifyingclient base

Judy Stephenson, smallbusiness navigator for theMontgomery County Depart-ment of Economic Develop-ment, said she has not heard

of any local contractors thathave trimmed their work forcelately.

“I’ve heard from smallbusinesses that have been di-versifying their client basesto attract more private clientsso they are not as vulnerableto federal government slow-downs,” Stephenson said.

Planet Technologies, aGermantown informationtechnology business, is amongthose diversifying more to theprivate sector. The companyadded some 44 employees be-tween May 2012 and last May,Stephenson said.

Government contractorMVM of Ashburn, Va., recentlywarned Maryland’s labor de-partment it may lay off 106workers in Silver Spring andCollege Park by Sept. 30 be-cause of a possible contractloss. MVM provides securityservices for National OceanicAtmospheric Administration’sfacilities there.

Bethesda hotel giant Mar-riott International is seeingsome substantial reductionsin its government conferenceand event meetings at hotels.Government-related groupbusiness is expected to declineto 2 percent of Marriott’s over-all group business this yearfrom 5 percent three yearsago, Marriott CEO Arne Soren-son said in a recent conferencecall.

“I don’t think any of usshould think it’s going to getthat much better any timesoon,” Sorenson said of thegovernment business. “Maybethe only good news about howweak it is, there is not muchleft to give up.”

Bethesda defense giantLockheed Martin plans to in-crease international businesssubstantially to make up forany potential budget reduc-tions on domestic programssuch as the F-35 fighter jet,CEO Marillyn A. Hewson saidin a conference call. “That’swhere we are going to rampup,” she said. “Over the nextfive years, close to 50 percentof our orders will come frominternational customers.”

Jobless rate risesMaryland’s unemploy-

ment rate last month roseslightly to 7.1 percent from7.0 percent in June. July’s rateis preliminary and could beadjusted. County jobless ratesfor July are due to be releasedFriday.

July’s statewide job losswas only the second monthlydecline of 2013. Since July2012, Maryland jobs have risenby 39,000, including almost10,000 in health care and 8,200in professional, scientific andtechnical services.

In Montgomery and Fred-erick, most private sectors sawincreases last month, led bya rise of 1,800 in health andeducation services. Since July2012, about 17,000 jobs havebeen added in those counties,including almost 7,000 in pro-fessional services.


Labor official:Federal cuts likelyhad impact onjob losses in July

n Company offering rewardfor information


Verizon is offering a reward for informationabout a string of thefts at company garages, includ-ing one in Rockville.

The company said in a news release Friday that itwill give up to $10,000 for information leading to thearrest and prosecution of people responsible for a se-ries of break-ins at Verizon facilities in Maryland thissummer. Thieves took about $300,000 worth of FiOSinstallation and testing equipment, tools, and copper

wire, the release said.One of the thefts occurred sometime after 9 p.m.

Aug. 7 and before 6:38 a.m. Aug. 8 at the company’sfacility at 12277 Wilkins Ave. in Rockville. Thieves cuta hole in the fence and broke into four vehicles tosteal equipment, according to the release.

Verizon facilities in Lanham and Annapolis werealso broken into in July and equipment was stolen.Thieves also took copper wire and laptops from otherfacilities around the state this summer.

Sandy Arnette, a spokeswoman for Verizon, saidsecurity is not sure if the thefts are connected, butsome of the tactics appear to be similar.

The company is asking anyone with informa-tion about the crimes to call police at 240-773-6070or Verizon’s security at 800-997-3287.

Thieves break in to Verizon facility


Equipment similar to this was stolenfrom a Verizon facility in Rockville,the company says.

Jammin’at the park

Nathan Silver, 13, of Rockville getssome air during Friday’s Summer

Skate Jam at the Olney Manor SkatePark. This Friday is the last of thisyear’s Friday Summer Nights LiveMusic Skate Jams at the OlneyManor Skatepark, 16601 GeorgiaAve. The jams run from 7:30 to10:30 p.m. The county’s parksdepartment has partnered withlocal Olney businesses Roll SkateShop and Rocketeria for the secondseason of the free summer musicseries, geared toward area youth.The event includes skating, prizes,food for purchase and live music bylocal bands. The skate jams are free

to attend and $5 to skate.


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THE GAZETTEWednesday, August 21, 2013 r Page A-5

“The parish was actually es-tablished on the basis of havingmass in the different homes,” hesaid.

Today, the parish claims2,700 families and is celebrating200 years of history.

The first St. Mary’s chapel,built in 1817, still stands on VeirsMill Road near the intersectionwith Rockville Pike.

The church is planning a se-ries of celebration events duringthe next year to commemoratethe parish’s 200th anniversary.The bicentennial celebrationkicks off with a 7 p.m. massThursday, the Feast of theQueenship of Mary, the parish’sfeast day.

A larger celebration is sched-uled for 12:30 p.m. Sept. 8, whenCardinal Donald Wuerl is sched-uled to celebrate mass, and allthe living priests who have beenassociated with the parish overthe years are invited to attend.

Other events are plannedthrough June, including a His-tory Day Sept. 21 with tours ofthe church buildings and a booksigning by Roger Langley, whor*cently wrote a new history ofthe parish. Some parishionersalso are planning a pilgrimageto Rome, Assisi and Florence inItaly in April.

More information and aschedule of bicentennial eventsis at the church’s website, st-marysrockville.org.

The church’s prominentlocation and its connection toauthor F. Scott Fitzgerald, whois buried in its cemetery, con-tribute to St. Mary’s status as alandmark in Rockville, said Maryvan Balgooy, executive directorof Peerless Rockville.

Van Balgooy said the chapelwas one of the first brick struc-tures in Montgomery Countyand the oldest in Rockville. It

has been through several reno-vations, including one thatchanged the architecture fromcolonial to Gothic style.

“What’s interesting is howbeloved this church is in thiscommunity,” van Balgooy said.“It’s one of those beautiful land-marks we have on the Pike.”

When a new church buildingwas constructed in the 1960s,parishioners raised money to

preserve and maintain the oldbuilding, van Balgooy said.

Even though Rockville ischanging, commemorationssuch as St. Mary’s 200th anni-versary speak to the city’s his-tory, van Balgooy said.

“To know that a place likethis has been here for 200 yearsis just outstanding,” she said.


ST. MARY’SContinued from Page A-1

block the redevelopment plan.In a counterclaim, White

Flint Mall’s owner, Lerner En-terprises of Rockville, says Lord& Taylor has known about theredevelopment plan for years,but has not tried to block theplan’s approval until now,when the mall has alreadyspent millions on redevelop-ment efforts. White Flint seeksmore than $1 billion in dam-ages.

“Lord & Taylor timed its ac-tions to maximize its perceivedleverage in order to extract apayment from White Flint to

get Lord & Taylor to drop itsbaseless objections so that theredevelopment can proceed,”White Flint’s counterclaimsays.

It also says that Lord & Tay-lor’s lawsuits will delay the re-development and could derailit completely.

The store’s lawsuit claimedthat under a 1975 agreementsigned before the mall wasbuilt, the mall cannot changeits appearance without consentfrom Lord & Taylor. The mallopened in 1977.

In the counterclaim, filed inU.S. District Court in Maryland,Lerner argues that White FlintMall must redevelop into an

open-air, mixed-use shoppingcenter to remain viable.

“Despite White Flint’s bestefforts to maintain the projectas a first-class shopping desti-nation, current trends in retailshopping have eroded the proj-ect’s customer base,” the coun-terclaim says.

Washington Business Jour-nal reported the counterclaimAug. 13.

Representatives for Lord &Taylor declined to comment onthe counterclaim. Representa-tives for White Flint Mall didnot return calls for commentTuesday.


WHITE FLINTContinued from Page A-1


Stained glass at the 200-year-old St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Rockville.


Shoppers walk from the parking garage to Lord & Taylor in White Flint Mall in North Bethesda.

Still can’t find the car youwere looking for?

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THE GAZETTEPage A-6 Wednesday, August 21, 2013 r

Auto theft• On July 30 between 1

and 5 p.m. in the 1100 blockof Veirs Mill Road, Rockville.No further information pro-vided.

• Between July 31 andAug. 4 in the 20600 block ofWhites Ferry Road, Pooles-ville. No further informationprovided.

• Between Aug. 1 and 2 inthe 5500 block of Besley Court,Rockville. No further informa-tion provided.

• On Aug. 2 betweenmidnight and 1:45 a.m. atDawson’s Market, 255 N.Washington St., Rockville. Nofurther information provided.



James E. Bussard Jr.

James E. Bussard Jr., 53, ofDerwood, died Aug. 9, 2013.Born to Cecilia Hans Bussard, andthe late James E. Bussard Sr. He issurvived by his wife, Donna CusterBussard. In addition to his wife heis survived by his sister RebeccaOffutt, his sister-in-law Jodi Beckerand her husband David, hisbrother-in-law Steven Custer andhis wife Linda, and his mother-in-law Josephine Custer. He is alsosurvived by nieces BrittanyWhiteside and husband Brian,Lynne Anne Offutt and husbandSteven Luthy , Erin Criswell, andKrista Serpi and husband Alex. Heis also survived by nephewsCharles Offutt Jr., Joesph Offutt,Nicholas Hamilton, and DonnieStockslager. Finally he is survivedby great nieces Molly and MaggieSerpi, and McKenzie Stockslager.And great nephews GavinWhiteside, Jeremy Luthy, and MaxStockslager.



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THE GAZETTEWednesday, August 21, 2013 r Page A-7

n Douglas Liu is a seniorvice president for biotechcompany Qiagen


Through a career spanningthree decades and counting,Douglas Liu has managed vari-ous operations for life sciencescompanies in Boston, Chi-cago, Europe and MontgomeryCounty. He has been involvedwith numerous organizationsin the field, including the TechCouncil of Maryland and theGovernor’s International Advi-sory Council.

Suchwideexperienceisakeyreason he was recently chosen asboard chairman of BioHealthInnovation of Rockville, a pub-lic-private nonprofit that helpscommercialize innovative ideasin the field and expand thosecompanies. The partnershipformed about two years ago afterit was among the recommenda-tions of the Montgomery CountyBiosciences Task Force.

As senior vice president ofglobal operations for biotechQiagen, Liu has worked both inthe operational headquarters inGermany and the North Ameri-can manufacturing, researchand development facility in Ger-mantown. He is the company’ssenior executive assigned inNorth America, managing man-ufacturing, quality control andassurance, regulatory affairs andworldwide supply chain.

It can be an awesome re-sponsibility, but one Liu readilyaccepts. His father was a physi-cian; the medical and researchenvironment was familiar and fithim naturally.

“Theopportunitytoimprovethehumanconditionandtohelppeople live better lives is some-thing I really find rewarding,”said Liu, 52.

Combining science and busi-ness

Growing up in Chicago, Liuearned a science degree in Illi-nois and later obtained a masterof business administration de-gree at Boston University. He’sheaded operations for nucleicacid diagnostics in the U.S. forBayer Healthcare and worked instrategic planning and consult-ing at Bayer AG in Leverkusen,Germany. He’s also held posi-tions at Abbott Labs and ChironDiagnostics.

Theregulatoryapprovalpro-cess for some medical devices isfaster in Europe than the U.S., hesaid. Qiagen operates in multiplemarkets, providing sample andassay technologies for molecu-lar diagnostics, applied testing,academic and pharmaceuticalresearch. Sample technologiesare used to collect samples of tis-sue and fluids, from which DNAand other cellular componentsareextracted.Assaytechnologiesare used to multiply the smallamount of material to make itmore ready for interpretation.

Thecompanyhasmorethan4,000 employees worldwide,with 600 in Maryland, mostly inMontgomery County.

The Germantown operationis the North American manufac-turing, research and develop-ment facility. The Gaithersburgcenter focuses on developingproducts for the detection of thehuman papillomavirus.

Great discoveries, not-so-great tech transfer

The Boston area in particu-lar has done an excellent job ofcommercializing biotechnologyideas, known in business circlesas technology transfer, Liu said.That’s a focus of BioHealth In-novation.

“There are many great dis-coveries here among the scien-tific and research community,”Liu said. “The challenge is to cre-ate businesses beyond those dis-coveries, to help the process gofrom ideas to reality. We haven’tdone that as well as some otherregions.”

In a global industry such aslife sciences, free-trade agree-ments such as the Trans-PacificPartnership being discussed byrepresentativesfromtheU.S.andmostlySoutheastAsiancountriesdon’t hurt, Liu said. “The regula-tory approval process is a biggerissue for us than trade agree-ments,” Liu said.

Life sciences veteran headsboard of public-private nonprofit


n Position: Senior vicepresident of GlobalOperations, Qiagen,Germantown office.

n Community/professional:Board chairman, BioHealthInnovation. Board member,Montgomery BusinessDevelopment Corp.,Governor’s InternationalAdvisory Council. Formerboard member, TechCouncil of Maryland.

n Residence: Bethesda

n Education: MBA, BostonUniversity. Bachelor’s ofscience, University of Illinoisat Urbana-Champaign

n Family: Wife, Marie, twochildren

n Activities outside work:Kayaking, hiking, playingguitar

n Best business advicegiven: Be clear about thestatus of a project youmanage because surprisesare not appreciated byanyone. Don’t hide badnews. You don’t have toknow everything yourself,but can bring in others withexpertise in areas that arenot your strengths.

n Health departmentselected as state partnerto enroll residents incapital region


With less than two monthsuntil enrollment opens undersweeping federal health insur-ance changes, MontgomeryCounty is preparing its educa-tion, outreach, eligibility andenrollment services for nearly222,000 uninsured residentsof Montgomery and PrinceGeorge’s counties.

Montgomery was one oftwo public health departmentsamong a total of six partnersselected by the state to serve asa “connector entity” in imple-menting the Patient Protectionand Affordable Care Act, alsoknown as “Obamacare.” Eachconnector entity will provideenrollment assistance to the un-insured and to small employersin its region. Six regions wereidentified across the state.

Maryland’s regional ap-proach ensures that the state’suninsured and underservedcommunities are provided within-person assistance as the newhealth insurance coverage op-tions become available in Octo-ber, according to a news releasefrom the Maryland Health Ben-efit Exchange.

Maryland will offer insur-ance through the MarylandHealth Connection, the state-based health insurance market-place, and Montgomery CountyDepartment of Health and Hu-man Services will provide enroll-ment services and assistance toresidents, county spokeswomanMary Anderson said.

“We will be working herein Montgomery and PrinceGeorge’s counties to identifyand then to enroll all the eligiblepeople in our region into thesehealth plans,” Anderson said.

Anderson said the countywill be hiring about 40 full- andpart-time employees to serve as“navigators” and assistants whowill aid and enroll residents in aplan.

Residents will have optionsfor enrolling in a health plan, in-cluding online, over the phoneand in person through the ser-vices provided by the county,she said.

To provide the navigatorsand education, the county wasgranted $7.8 million from thestate and federal governmentfor a one-year period, Andersonsaid.

To reach residents in allcorners of its region, Mont-gomery has subcontracted withcommunity-based organizationpartners.

To help answer questions,Anderson said the county’s newexchange website will launchthis week and that the countywill host a series of forums onthe Affordable Care Act.

The forum schedule:• Wednesday, 7 to 8:30 p.m.,

East County Regional Center at3300 Briggs Chaney Road, SilverSpring.

• Thursday, 7 to 8:30 p.m.,Upcounty Regional Center at12900 Middlebrook Road, Ger-mantown.

• Sept. 3, 7 to 8:30 p.m., theMid-County Regional Center at2424 Reedie Drive, Wheaton.

• Sept. 5, 7 to 8:30 p.m.,Bethesda-Chevy Chase RegionalCenter at 4805 Edgemoor Lane,Bethesda.

Montgomery preparing forAffordable Care Act enrollment


Thomas (Tom) LeoVanMiddlesworthpassed away peacefullyTuesday, August 13, 2013after bravely fighting neckcancer for two and a halfyears. He was formerly ofMartinsburg, West Virginiawhere he graduated fromhigh school in 1970. Tomworked at Plummer’sAppliance & Boat Motors inMartinsburg, where Mr.Plummer was Tom’smentor. Next he worked atSchmidt Bakery, where hewas a mechanic. Tom wentto Shepherd College andearned his BBA in BusinessManagement at MarshallUniversity. He used thatknowledge to assist thelong-term mentally ill to manage their budgets in small grouphomes; he ran the Corporate Cookie in Los Angeles, California,and ran a deli in the Prestera Mental Health Center inHuntington, W.V. Later in life, Tom established his ownsuccessful home improvement company in Rockville, MD.

He was active in his community by serving as an altar boy,coaching youth soccer, regularly donating blood to Red Crossuntil he became ill, feeding the homeless and volunteering forHabitat for Humanity. He was also a member of The PotomacFish & Game Club in Williamsport, MD.

Tom was born in Washington, D.C. He went to school in BlueRidge Summit, Waynesboro, Green Castle and Stateline, inPennsylvania. He also attended school in Indian Head, MD. andthen Martinsburg. Work took him from West Virginia toRichmond, Kentucky, Los Angeles, California and Rockville, MD.

KIndness to others was high on Tom’s character list. He felt apassion to help others through his jobs and daily life.

Tom was predeceased by his mother, Teresa FitzVanMiddlesworth; father, Charles (Van) VanMiddlesworth; niece,Summer Castleman and nephew, Davelon Gates. He married hissoul mate, Cora Linder in 1975; on July 12, they celebrated their37th anniversary by going to Great Falls, MD. Other anniversarytrips took them to Hawaii, Ireland, England, France, Italy, Greeceand Niagara Falls. He is survived by his sisters: Teri Maykrantzof Sterling, VA; Laura Kretzer of Inwood, WV; Honore (Honey)Rothstein of Martinsburg, WV; Mary (Maize) Hazel Urias ofWinnsboro, SC and Patricia (Pat) Marsteller of Atlanta, GA. Also,he is survived by his brothers: Michael (Mike) VanMiddlesworthof Jacksonville, FL; James (Jim) VanMiddlesworth; Charles(Charlie) VanMiddlesworth, and David (Dave) VanMiddlesworth,all of Martinsburg, WV and John VanMiddlesworth of GulfBreeze, FL, sister in Law of Sarah Linder of Knoxville, Maryland,Brother in Law of Vane Linder of Stafford, Virginia. Tom has 18nieces and nephews spread throughout the U.S., Ireland andCanada. Additionally, 18 great nieces and great nephews alongwith 6 great-great nieces and great-great nephews are in thefamily. His dogs Frisbee and Jersey reside in Rockville, MD. withCora, his wife.

There will also be a Memorial Visitation held at PumphreyColonial Funeral Home located at 300 W. Montgomery Ave.in Rockville, MD. on Saturday, August 24th, 2013 from 3-5 pm.Family and Friends are encouraged to sign the family guestbook online at www.pumphreyfuneralhome.com

A Memorial Service was held at Rosedale Cemetery Chapel,917 Cemetery Road, Martinsburg, WV on Saturday, August17th, 2013 at 2 pm.

Ashes are to be scattered into the ocean as was his request.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to Habitat for Humanityor The American Cancer Society-Hope Lodge in Baltimore, MD.



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In the new movie, “Elysium,” the world’s richhave escaped to an orbiting space station, andin leaving their terrestrial lives, the well-to-dohave taken with them reliable health care. ActorMatt Damon, part of the teeming earthboundpoor, suffers a fatal dose of radiation poisoning.His only chance of survival is to sneak aboard the

manmade Utopia andclimb inside what lookslike a high-tech tanningbed. Inside the device,he’ll be rid of all disease.

With all its spaceopera tropes, the movieends allegorically — adisquisition favoring uni-versal health care. Paint-

ing a potential future, past our current ills, is onething science fiction does well.

But here in the present, there was nothingallegorical in the news last week that heroin over-doses have spiked, across Maryland and in Mont-gomery County. The county typically has rankedlow in drug and alcohol deaths. For heroin over-doses, the county had recorded seven over the lastthree years. But last week, authorities revealed thecounty had tallied seven only since March.

It’s a disturbing trend, and elements of lastweek’s announcement reveal it’s a more compli-cated issue than some realize.

For some, rising heroin deaths might be in-dicative of Montgomery’s urbanization, that thegold-flecked avenues are beginning to resemblethe hardscrabble streets of “The Wire.” For others,the heroin deaths could be a sign of the subur-banization of hard-core drugs.

Either of those may play a role, and if so, it’sa problem that will fall, largely, on the shouldersof the Montgomery County Police Department.As Capt. Nancy Demme, director of the policedepartment’s Special Investigations Division,said the issue has connections to the health caredebate. At least part of the increase comes fromefforts to make it harder to acquire high-poweredprescription painkillers, she said. Pharmaceuti-cal companies are stepping up efforts to preventabuse of their products, which means addicts areturning to heroin.

Efforts to limit access to opioid pain reliev-ers, as they are called, should be applauded. Ac-cording to the Centers for Disease Control andPrevention, the nation is experiencing a “growing,deadly epidemic of prescription painkiller abuse.”Seventy-five percent of prescription drug over-doses come from prescription painkillers, and theincrease in deaths follows a 300 percent increasesince 1999 in their sale.

And the CDC says most of the time, if a pre-scription drug was involved in an overdose, itcame from a prescription originally. The conve-nient fiction might hold they are often stolen froma pharmacy, but that isn’t true, the CDC says.

Curiously, as the CDC reports of the painkillerepidemic, the National Institute on Drug Abusereports that usage of cocaine and methamphet-amine is declining. So one might assume it’s notthat our appetite for drugs is increasing. Possibly,the issue is rooted in over-prescription.

Our authorities aren’t waiting for a Hollywoodhero to solve the problem. Narcotics and homi-cide detectives are taking a holistic approach,investigating each death, as well as the sourceof the heroin. And the efforts aren’t limited toMontgomery. The state and counties are comingup with overdose prevention plans, said KathleenRebbert-Franklin, acting director of the Alcoholand Drug Abuse Administration, which is partof the state’s Department of Health and MentalHygiene.

More data will be collected — from treatmentcenters, emergency rooms and coroners — andreviewed by local commissions to find commonthreads. What else can be done? With luck andperseverance, the local commissions will find out.

What data Montgomery knows now showsthe ages of the county victims range from 19 to45, and the deaths have occurred throughoutthe county, according to the police. The policestatement leaves plenty of room for speculation,though it should dispel the notion that it’s a prob-lem centering on a specific age group or area ofthe county.

And it’s a problem that can’t be solved with asummer blockbuster, or two hours of escapismmasking as a policy fable. Drug abuse is not a sim-ple police issue. It’s a health care issue. Sciencefiction might provide a compass, but the journey,painful as it will be, is ours.

Alarmingdrug deaths




From a glance, everything isrelatively clean. From a glance youwould assume a campus, whichstudents like me and students likeyour children go to, is safe. But it’snot. It’s haunted by a monstrousforce known as pollution.

Our school grounds, water-ways, neighborhoods and parks arelittered with bottles and cans. It’s

hard to go on a nature walk with-out seeing rusted-over cans withvines trying to grow over them.While Maryland’s overall recyclingrate remains about average, we as astate should be a champion in therecycling effort with our percent-ages.

In their next session, if theMaryland General Assembly

passes a bottle bill, all this avoid-able trash could be cleared. Thebottle bill’s incentive recyclingprogram would boost Maryland’srecycling rate and in turn make ourcommunities cleaner.

Who wouldn’t want to be ableto have their children play in a parkthat’s used-beer can free?

Right now, that idea in the

future but that future lays in ourstate legislators’ hands. Urge rep-resentatives to clean up your com-munity by voting for the bottle bill.

My school years have beenfilled with playgrounds of recycla-ble trash; do you want your kids’lives to be the same way?

Jordan Newmark, Olney

Support for a bottle bill

Each week at farm stands inthe Maryland area, we try to ex-plain a peculiar situation to ourcustomers. On the one hand, theywant to buy our fresh fruit and veg-etables. However, I tell them, thatin a few years, these will all be il-legal to sell!

Why?Because they have some

degree of dirt and bacteria onthem. The strawberries for in-stance, have some trace amountof straw and soil on them. As dothe tomatoes, beans and cucum-bers. We do rinse them beforeleaving the farm — but we won’tput them through a disinfectantbath nor pack them in antisepticplastic containers and put “PLU”labels on them. That’s not whatconsumers want at a farm market— nor is it something we’ll everbe able to do.

Regulations for a new food law— FSMA, the Food Safety Modern-ization Act — administered by theFDA are currently in the processof being finalized. Although theact originally had protections forfamily farmers like myself, we seethose being ignored or phased outover time.

Common sense and follow-ing the data of recent food safetyscares lead us to a very strong con-clusion: the further the food travelsfrom the farm to the consumer, themore opportunities it has to be-come a food safety problem. Thecurrent cyclospora food poisoningproblem in bagged salads is a goodexample.

This is one reason why 20 mil-lion consumers come to farmersmarkets like ours and want freshproduce from our fields — prefera-bly grown without pesticides, her-bicides or GMO seeds. And sadly,protecting consumers from these

synthetic perils is not addressed byFSMA.

Nor does the FDA addresswhat is common sense to manyscientists, doctors and parents: ourbodies are dependent on the goodgerms and bacteria. If anything,rather than developing the antisep-tic globalized industrial-style foodsystem FSMA seeks, we should besearching for ways to increase theamount of good bacteria in ourbodies. In fact, fecal implants to re-populate the gut with bacteria arenot science fiction — the medicalprofession is now performing themevery day.

So, why is this bad science be-coming the law of the land?

First, it is partially due to cor-porate profit. Corporations de-pend on a global supply chain,and in doing so they are findingit increasingly difficult to deliversafe food. At the same time theyare losing market share to the localfood systems that customers aredemanding — witness the sharpincrease in farmers markets, com-munity supported agriculture andrestaurants offering “farm-to-fork”menus.

To avoid legal liability, the cor-porations want to legitimize anindustrial approach to sterilizingeverything, without regard to theunnecessary and costly burdenplaced on local farmers. If yourlocal farmer goes out of businesstrying to comply with the costs ofhundreds of pages of new federalfood safety regulations, that justleaves more customers without alocal alternative.

Second, there is the misguidedadvocacy of the consumer orga-nizations, like Center for Sciencein the Public Interest. They meanwell, but they think that throwingregulatory words and paperwork

burden at a problem will solve it.This approach is overly legalis-tic, and it ignores the realities ofnature and the practical fact thatover-regulating a sector that is notcausing a problem — small farm-ers — cannot possibly lead to saferfood.

And, finally, there is this ad-ministration’s commitment tothe biotech industry. It’s no ac-cident that FDA’s deputy com-missioner responsible for foodsafety, Michael R. Taylor, is aformer Monsanto vice president.That partially explains why the“safe food” mandate does noth-ing to protect us from geneticallyengineered food, and the harshchemicals that are necessarilypaired with it.

It will, however, put many ofus farmers, who are committedto fresh, healthy and sustainablygrown food, out of business.

We can all see the future. It isthose antiseptic, theoretically bac-teria-free plastic containers thatwill soon become the only way wewill be able to shop for all of ourproduce.

And that should be an issue ofpublic outrage.

Michael Tabor, Takoma ParkNick Maravell, Potomac

Michael Tabor has beenfarming for 41 years and suppliesBaltimore-area universities andcolleges with GMO-free, sustain-ably grown produce. He is beinghonored this September for run-ning his farm stand in the AdamsMorgan neighborhood in Wash-ington, D.C., for 40 years.

Nick Maravell serves as afarmer representative on the US-DA’s National Organic StandardsBoard and has farmed organicallysince 1979, raising grain, livestockand vegetables.

New Food and Drug Administrationregulations could threaten local farms

I served on the commit-tee that helped write the 1994Clarksburg Master Plan and amupset by the groups coming innow trying to rewrite the planand misrepresent its intent.

The master plan was care-fully crafted to balance the en-vironment with communitybuilding. It placed 1,800 acres onthe west side of Ten Mile Creekin the Agricultural Reserve andplaced homes on the east side.The additional housing calledfor in Stage 4 of the master plan— in [an area meant for extradevelopment to preserve othertracts] — is important to help-ing us attain the full master planvision for Clarksburg.

I never thought in 2013I’d still be going to Milestonein Germantown to shop. Thestores, restaurants, library, firestation and transit promised arenot even under construction. Somany promises to the people ofClarksburg haven’t been carriedout.

The same state and locallaws that allowed the Inter-county Connector to be builtin an environmentally sensitiveway will protect the environ-ment. Protecting the Ten MileCreek watershed can be accom-plished without destroying thepromises made.

Clarksburg is still waitingfor things that most Montgom-ery County residents take forgranted. To change course inClarksburg now is not fair to thepeople who came here or wantto come here.

Joann Snowden Woodson, Clarksburg

Master planbalances


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n Montgomery Countystudent-athletes undergo mandatorybaseline concussion testing


ired, moody, irritable,short attention span.Sounds like the typicalteenager, right?

Maybe, but theseare also common con-cussion symptoms thatcan easily be mistakenfor adolescent angst.

Last week, thousands of MontgomeryCounty Public Schools high school student-athletes underwent mandatory baselineconcussion testing for the first time, a ma-jor step forward in providing awareness andeducation and ensuring the safety of thecounty’s athletes, said Dr. Michael R. Yo-chelson, the vice president of medical affairsand chief medical officer for the MedStarNational Rehabilitation Network.

In June, the Montgomery County Boardof Education approved MCPS Superinten-dent Joshua P. Starr’s proposal to providebaseline concussion testing at high schools

countywide. MCPS entered into contractswith MedStar, Adventist Rehabilitation Hos-pital of Maryland, ATI Physical Therapy andMetro Orthopedics and Sports Therapy toadminister the testing.

Yochelson said MedStar will also pro-vide each of its six assigned schools — WaltWhitman, Walter Johnson, Northwood,Sherwood, James H. Blake and Col. ZadokMagruder — with an athletic trainer and aphysician.

While many of her peers seemed indiffer-ent to the testing — athletes were supposedto go before Aug. 14 tryouts — Thomas S.Wootton High School sophom*ore EmmaWeinberg is a major proponent for it. A con-cussion knocked the junior varsity soccerplayer out of the sport for eight months lastyear. Weinberg and her mother Julie aren’tconvinced the hiatus, which the teen saidbegan to affect her emotional well-being,needed to be that long. But doctors had nobaseline to work from.

A concussion is a force to the brain thatcauses a change in neurologic function, Yo-chelson said. Most concussed individualsrecover within three weeks, but some can ex-perience prolonged symptoms that includeheadaches, dizziness, inability to concen-


Northwest High School athletes take the Montgomery County Public Schools’ baseline concussion test on Aug. 14.


Northwest High School athletes take the Montgom-ery County Public Schools’ baseline concussion teston Aug. 14.

n Good Counsel graduate chosen to leadMaryland football team as a sophom*ore


University of Maryland, College Park football coachRandy Edsall can tell everyone how highly he thinks ofOur Lady of Good Counsel High School graduate StefonDiggs — and, don’t worry, he will — but Edsall wouldrather let outsiders draw their own conclusions.

Edsall even challenged reporters to evaluate Diggsfor themselves before Mary-land opened fall practice.

“He’s gotten stronger,”Edsall said. “You can see it.Just look at his arms when hecomes in today.”

Diggs complied, wearinga short-sleeve shirt and ca-sually massaging his bicepswhile answering questions.

But whether Diggs isphysically stronger isn’t theonly proving ground for thestar receiver this season. He’salso attempting to prove he’sbecome a stronger leader.

Last spring, Edsall named Diggs, a sophom*ore, to a10-player leadership council comprised mostly of up-perclassmen.

“He’s a great kid,” Edsall said. “I love being aroundhim. I love how he works. I love his competitiveness.And I love that he likes to accept the challenge. I think,for him, being a leader is another thing that he couldlook at, say, ‘Hey, this is a challenge, and I’m going to

Stronger Diggstackles leadershiprole for Terps


Our Lady of Good Counsel High School graduate and Universityof Maryland, College Park sophom*ore Stefon Diggs (right)eludes a tackler after catching a pass during practice.

n Mustangs select former pro playerto lead its nationally-known program


Stu Vetter may have taken his 321 wins, his 2011 Na-tional High School Invitational title, his resume boastingmore than 40 Division I college athletes and three thatplayed in the National Basketball Association when heresigned in June, but don’t expect the Mustangs to takea step back.

About two months after Vetter resigned, saying hewanted to visit his former pupils, the Mustangs hiredBryan Bartley from Hebron Christian Academy (Dacula,Ga.).

“The hiring of coach Bartley shows our continuedcommitment to both academic and athletic excellenceas a Christian school,” Montrose Christian Athletic Di-rector Bill Vernon said in a news release. In addition tohis duties as the basketball coach, Bartley will also serveas an assistant principal and director of advancement.

Bartley played three years of college ball for Upsalaand a professional season in Portugal from 1989-1990.He’s been on the marketing side of the sport with the At-lanta Hawks and the coaching side at the high school levelfor Landmark Christian (Ga.). He was also an assistant atAuburn for three years and a recruiting director for one.Most recently, Bartley was the athletic director for the pasttwo years at Hebron. Now, he’s secured one of the coun-try’s most prestigious names in high school hoops.

MontroseChristian hiresbasketball coach

IF YOU GOn Good Counsel

vs. Gilman

n When: 8:30 p.m.Friday

n Where: TowsonUniversity’s JohnnyUnitas Stadium

n Tickets: $10

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n Patriots return allfour members of statechampionship team



Allison Wong laughed whenrecalling last year’s fall pep rally atThomas S. Wootton High School.

She recounted the story, howeveryone in the gym rah-rahhedfor the football team and the statechampion soccer team, how eventhe cheerleaders got a whoopor two. And then, when the golfteam was introduced, Wong re-membered her friends lookingover at her, incredulous, asking:“We have a golf team?”

Yes, and not just any golfteam. It’s a 3A/4A championsquad, the first to topple Urbanain four years, finishing just sevenstrokes shy of Walt Whitman’s

record of 596. Oh, and it featuredthree girls, an amount that noneof the dozen or so coaches andofficials asked last October couldremember starting in a statechampionship, let alone to winwhile doing so.

“Even with winning states, noone really knew who the golf teamwas,” said Wong, whose 146 two-day total was second on the teamin the state championship. “Ourschool was all excited about thesoccer team winning.”

The rest of the starters — ju-nior Justin Feldman, sophom*oreDelaney Shah, junior GraysenBright — took note of their ano-nymity as well, the best golf team

in the state hiding in plain sight.It got so bad that, at one point,Shah, who shot a team-best 73-

Wootton a favorite to repeat as state champs


Wootton High School golfers Allison Wong, Delaney Shah and Graysen Bright,practice Saturday at Needwood Golf Course.

New baselineNew baselinein concussion testing


See DIGGS, Page B-2

See MONTROSE, Page B-2See WOOTTON, Page B-2



n Today: Golf, field hockey,cross country.

n Next week: Football.

n Sept. 4: Boys and girls soccer,girls volleyball, girls tennis.

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$$1144,,9988552008 Toyota Prius..............$$1144,,998855$14,985#360322A, CVTTrans, Gray, 4 Door

$$1166,,9999552006 Toyota Avalon LTD.......$$1166,,999955$16,995#378073A, 5 SpeedAuto, 4 Door, Gray

$$1166,,9999992011 Hyundai Santa FE........$$1166,,999999$16,999#364207A, 6 SpeedAuto, Silver

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$$1188,,9988552009 Toyota Venza.............$$1188,,998855$18,985#374555A, Mid Size Wagon, 6 SpeedAuto, Gold

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$27,977#P8713, 1-Owner, Leather,Navigation, Manual Trans

2009 370Z Touring Coupe

$18,777#348005A, 1-Owner,3rd Row Seat,Tow Hitch,


2010 Nissan Pathfinder SE 4x4

$15,777#P8711A, 3rd row seat, Backup camera, Blind spot monitor

2011 Chrysler Town & Country


MSRP: $23,345Sale Price: $19,495Nissan Rebate: -$500NMAC Bonus Cash: -$500


#131132 At This Price: VINS: 904882, 911458

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Nav, Bluetooth, CD

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$16,477#343004A, Bluetooth,Alloy Wheels, SteeringWheel Audio Controls

2013 Toyota Corolla S

$19,277#360020B, All Wheel Drive,Moonroof, Bluetooth

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$27,777#347510A, Crew CabPickup, Long Bed, TowHitch, Backup Camera

2013 Toyota Tacoma

MSRP: $18,960Sale Price: $16,495

NMAC Bonus Cash: -$1000


With Bluetooth #222132 At This Price: VINS: 646990, 134912

2013 NISSAN ROGUE S AWDMSRP: $23,110Sale Price: $19,995Nissan Rebate: -$1000NMAC Bonus Cash: -$500


$26,977#N0239, 1-Owner,14K miles, Alloy

Wheels, Fog Lamps

2013 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo

MSRP: $34,255Sale Price: $28,845Nissan Rebate: -$3000NMAC Bonus Cash: -$500Nissan Equip Allowance -$2350


MSRP: $16,330Sale Price: $14,495NMAC Bonus Cash: -$500


#111242 At This Price: VINS: 819955, 807317

#12013 W/ Bluetooth, Alloy Wheels2 At This Price: VINS: 750116, 752801




W/ Moonroof, Bluetooth #161132 At This Price: VINS: 824857, 824600

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(PDF) Rockville 082113 - DOKUMEN.TIPS (24)





2006 Subaru Legacy WGN...........................6,970#KP01702, AWD!, Nice!, PSeat, HTD Seats, P/Options

2005 Nissan Sentra 1.8S.............................6,988#KP95439B, Clean! 92K, AT, AC, PW/PLC

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2005 Dodge Magnum SXT........................8,970#KP14663, PSEAT, ALLOYS, PW/PLC, CD

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2001 Toyota Highlander Sport.....................9,488#KP11507, 4WD, MNRF, LTHR, CD CHGR/CASS, PSeat

2007 Jeep Compass LTD..............................9,745#KP87612A, AWD, Beauty!, Chrome Whls, NAV, MNRF

2002 Mini Cooper.......................................9,745#KP55813, Clean, 63K! NAV, MNRF, CD, ALLOYS

2005 Hyundai Tuscon GLS AWD...................9,788#KP34280, NICE! PW/PLC/PMR, CC, CD

2007 Dodge Caliber SE................................9,890#KD82010, PRISTINE 27K!! DEALER MAINTAINED AT PW, CD

2010 Suzuki SX4.........................................9,988#KN02825, AT, PW/PLC. CD Fac Warr

2006 Chevy Uplander LT..........................10,588#KG11601, AWD! PRISTINE 60K! DVD, PWR DOORS/SEAT/OPTS

2006 Buick Lucerne CXS..........................10,470#KP37654, Luxury!, LTHR/HTD/Mem Seats, Harman Kardon CD, SAB

2004 Nissan Murano SE............................10,988#KP27042, Pampered!, MNRF, LTHR, P/OPTS, Alloy

2006 Toyota Camry LE..............................10,988#KP07509, PAMPERED 85K!!, PSEAT, PW/PCL, CASS/CD, ABS

2008 Chrysler Sebring Cnvtb’l..................10,988#KP23531, TRNG LTHR/PWR SET, CD, P/OPTS, OFF-SEASON PRICED

2007 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer.......11,870#47651KP, 4WD, Beauty! 3rd Seat, LTHR, MNRF, RNG BDS

2005 Toyota Camry XLE...................11,970#KP05193, MNRF, LTHR/PWR SEATS, 6-DISC CD, VALUE!

2011 Mitsubishi Galant FE ..............11,988#KR12423, 26K, Fac Warr!, Alloys, Stability, SAB

2007 Chrysler Crossfire LTD......................11,988#KP71702, Pampered! 62K!, LTHR, PW/PLC, SAB

2006 Subaru Legacy Outbk 2.5XT....11,988#KP09074, MNRF, LTHR, AT, CD-6, WELL KEPT!

2003 Mercedes Benz E500.......................12,470#KP63035, Panorama, MNRF, LTHR/HTD Seats, SAB

2004 Acura MDX AWD......................12,477#KP62182, SHARP! DVD, MNRF, LTHR, DON’T MISS!

2011 Nissan Versa SL...............................12,488#KN99557, Alloys, SPLR, CC, SAB, P/Options

2005 Mercedez C240W 4-MATIC......12,488#KP65999, IMMACULATE! MNRF, LTHR/PWR SEATS, CD

2008 Mercury Mariner.....................12,488#KP21874, Mnrf, Audiofile CD Chgr, Stability

2009 Hyundai Sonata GLS.................12,488#KP77485, Beauty! MNRF, Wood Grain, P/Options

2006 Toyota Camry XLE......................12,488#KP33971, SHARP! MRNF, PSEAT, PW/PLC, CD

2009 Toyota Corolla LE.....................12,988#KP65389, CLEAN, 50K! AT, PW/PLC, CD

2008 Suzuki X-7 Luxury.....................14,588#KP24175, AWD, LUXURY, MNRF, LTHR, P/OPTS

2011 Chevy Impala LT......................14,770#KN88726, MNRF, LTHR/PWER SEATS, CD, ALLOYS, P/Opts, CD Chgr

2012 Fiat 500 POP...........................14,470#KP03156, H/BK, SHOWROOM COND.! AUTO, STABILITY,PW, CD, ABS, ALLOYS

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2012 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT........20,488#KN41054, DVD, Backup Cam, UConnect, PWRDoors/Seats

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1994 Ford Explorer 4x4..............................1,450#KP10186A,AC,AT,ABS, BEST VALUE!, “HANDYMAN”

1998 Olds Cutlass GLS...............................1,950#KP44731,Clean 99K! AT, AC, LTHR, P/OPTS, “HANDYMAN”

2002 Pontiac Bonneville SE.......................1,988#KP13006, LTHR, MNRF, SPLR A STEAL!!, “HANDYMAN”

2000 Dodge Caravan..................................2,450#KP68229, PW/PL, AC, RUNS GREAT!, “HANDYMAN”

1998 Toyota Camry LE................................2,488#KP41506, PW/PLC, TLT, DON’T MISS!!, “HANDYMAN”

1997 Subaru Legacy L WGN........................2,650#KP04510, AT, AC, PW/PLC, MORE! VALUE PRICED!, “HANDYMAN”

2001 Ford Explorer Sport 4WD...................2,950#KP83311A, Great buy!, PW/PL, CD CHGHR, Alloys, “HANDYMAN”

2002 Ford Taurus SES................................2,990#KP72468,NICE!,LTHR/PWR Seat,PW/PLC,Alloys,”HANDYMAN”

1998 SAAB 900 SE......................................3,498#KP02717, CONVERTIBLE, FUN! AT, AC, P/OPTIONS, LITTLENEEDED! “HANDYMAN”

2002 Dodge Caravan SE.............................4,450#KP21761B, CLEAN, MD INSP’D, 3.3 V6, PW/PLC, CD

2004 Subaru Forester X.............................4,988#KP38727, 5 SPD, GAS SAVER!, AC, P/OPTIONS, CC, “HANDYMAN”

2006 Chrysler PT Cruiser...........................5,488#KR08278, Clean!, AT, AC, PW/PLC

2005 Buick Century...................................5,498#KP00882, AT, AC, PW/PLC, CC “HANDYMAN”

2000 Ford F-150 Supercab.........................5,500#KX71474, AT, AC, BD LNR, “HANDYMAN”

2000 Chevy Express 1500 Work Van...........5,988#KA50006, SUPER CLEAN!! 82K AT, AC

UNDER $10,995 UNDER $10,995

‘98 Toyota Camry LE $5988

#KP03265, AT, AC, P/Options, Best Buy!#KP03265, AT, AC, P/Options, Best Buy! #KP02240, Leather Pampered!#KP02240, Leather Pampered!


‘02 Acura RL $8,488

#KP21097, Pampered!, $2,038 OFF KBB#KP21097, Pampered!, $2,038 OFF KBB

‘08 Subaru Outback WGN $10,688

#KP32745, $2,731 OFF KBB#KP32745, $2,731 OFF KBB

‘07 Honda Accord EX-L $14,988

#KP35793, 26K!, Fac Warr!#KP35793, 26K!, Fac Warr!

‘11 Hyundai Sonata GLS $15,788

#KG36062, Crew Cab, 4WD, $3,841 OFF KBB#KG36062, Crew Cab, 4WD, $3,841 OFF KBB

‘09 Chevy Silverado 1500 $20,988

#CA45834A, NAV/DVD/MNRF, $2,347 OFF KBB#CA45834A, NAV/DVD/MNRF, $2,347 OFF KBB

‘06 Chrysler 300 LTD $11,970

#KG10909, AWD!, DVD, 47K!, $338 OFF KBB#KG10909, AWD!, DVD, 47K!, $338 OFF KBB

‘06 Chevy Uplander LT $11,488

Page B-16 Wednesday, August 21, 2013 r

(PDF) Rockville 082113 - DOKUMEN.TIPS (25)


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Thomas S. Wootton High School junior golfer Graysen Bright practices Saturday at Needwood Golf Course.

“The only thing that I know isthat Stu does a very good job,” Bart-ley said. “As far as I’m concerned, Iwant to continue the success thatMontrose had. My top priority is tomake sure the kids are prepared forthe next level. I want to put thingsin place that allows them to adjustto the next level.”

In his nearly decade and a halfstint with the Mustangs, Vetter builta nearly incomparable system forpreparing his athletes to make thetransition from high school to col-lege.

Bartley, given his three yearscoaching and recruiting in the SEC,understands full well the challengesof not just prepping high schoolersfor the college level, but the most ef-fective means of getting his athletesrecruited as well.

“There are still kids who want tocome here, to Montrose,” he said.“To me, it’s a smaller scale of a col-lege. It’s going to be pretty much thesame thing I was doing at Auburn.”

Bartley has his work cut out forhim in replacing graduates IshmailWainright, now with Baylor, andMark Williams, now with Temple,as well as transfers Therence May-imba and Justin Robinson.

But Montrose is still Montrose,and that name will perpetually carry

a lot of weight in wooing talentedhigh school players.

“I think No. 1 is to get qualitykids that focus on the mission ofthis being a Christian school,” hesaid.

“Get the kids, bring in a qualitycoaching staff, finalize the scheduleand I think that’s one, two, three.... The windshield for the future ishuge.”


MONTROSEContinued from Page B-1

trate, memory loss and sensitiv-ity to light and sound, he added.Repetitive brain injuries can leadto severe depression, dementiaand Parkinson’s disease.

Baseline tests are used toassess an athlete’s balance andbrain function, which includeslearning and memory skills, abil-ity to pay attention or concen-

trate, and quickness of thoughtprocess and problem solving. Ifa suspected concussion occurs,preseason results can then becompared to a similar exam. Ifthere is a significant decline fromthe baseline, the athlete is likelyconcussed, Yochelson said.

ImPACT (the software MCPSis using) testing is not a sidelineexamination, but should be ad-ministered once a student-ath-lete appears to be recovered or ifthere is question of ongoing con-

cussion symptoms, he added. Iftest results are abnormal, the testcan be given once a week, but itis not recommended that it bedone more often than that.

Initial concussion diagno-ses would likely be determinedthrough the Standardized Con-cussion Assessment Tool at thetime of the incident.

Walt Whitman footballcoach Jim Kuhn said a majorbenefit of baseline concussiontesting is that it takes coaches’

instinct out of the equation andleaves athletes’ safety in thehands of medical professionals.

Yochelson said MedStar’sfocus is to make sure athletesare provided appropriate man-agement even beyond sports.It is also important, he said, forcoaches and parents to be intune to subtle changes in theircharges and children.

“When someone is con-cussed, they might need accom-modations in the classroom.

They might not have a headacheor dizziness, but they may havea little bit of cognitive slowing,”said Yochelson, who admittedno test is foolproof.

After four months of isolation— Weinberg slept 14 to 16 hoursa day, had no short-term memoryand had extreme sensitivity tolight and sound — she returnedto school last January. Eager toget back to soccer, doctors de-cided to give her a baseline con-cussion test and approximated

what her scores might be givenher status as a straight-A student.

“[Emma] started feelingbetter but she would still testpoorly,” Julie Weinberg said.“She was scoring in the bottomhalf and they just kept waitingfor her scores to bounce back.But some people just don’tscore well. You need to have aconcrete tool in front of you thatyou can compare.”


CONCUSSIONContinued from Page B-1

meet the challenge. I’m going to exceed the ex-pectations that people have for me.’ I think that’sthe kind of kid he is.”

Diggs said he deferred to leaders such asBlake Countess (Michigan), Zach Dancel (Mary-land). Vincent Croce (Virginia) and Louis Young(Georgia Tech) at Good Counsel. Diggs doesn’teven remember how captains worked his senioryear.

But this summer, the Germantown residentsaid he benefited from having a leadership rolethrust upon him.

“You’re going to be more cautious on whatyou do and what you say and how you carryyourself,” Diggs said. “You want to make betterdecisions. You don’t want to make bad deci-sions, because people watching you want to dothe right thing.”

Once leading begins to come naturally toDiggs, he can focus on the field where he excels,setting an ACC freshman total-yardage recordlast season.

“He’s a lot smarter than people think,” widereceivers coach Lee Hull said. “He’s very knowl-edgeable of the game. He does things to setpeople up, sort of little subtle things. I think mostfans just see the big runs and stuff, but they don’tsee how he sets them up to get the big runs, thebig plays.”

“He’s special. He’s got some special skills thatyou can’t teach.”

On the other hand, Diggs is working on theskills he can learn. He admits, in hindsight, hedidn’t weight train as much as he should have inhigh school.

“When I saw a lot of people lifting weights, Isaw a lot of people getting hurt,” Diggs said. “SoI was a little scared of that, so I really just stuck tothe track.”

Of course, as evidenced by the arms heshowed off recently, Diggs put his all into fixingthat, just as he’s put his all into becoming a bet-ter leader.

“You never worry about him in terms of hiseffort and everything that he’s going to do on thefield,” Edsall said. “Now, I think with him becom-ing more of a leader, putting more responsibilityon his plate, for him to do things for his teammates— I think those are things that are going to takehim even further.”


DIGGSContinued from Page B-1

at the state tournament, was asked byfour different people if she founded theteam that year.

“It’s kind of ridiculous, I think,” saidBright, who finished the tournamentwith a 163. “You hear about football,basketball, soccer, but golf? You hear‘We have a golf team?’”

So if winning a state champion-ship with a team complete with what’sthought to be the most girls in the his-tory of the tournament doesn’t get thePatriots any love at pep rallies, thenwhat does?

“The record,” Bright immediatelysuggested. “That’s our goal. And I talkto Allison all the time and we’re saying‘We’re going to break that record.’”

Coach Paul Williams and Feldmanwere more hesitant to speak of recordsand the like just yet. The ball, as anygolfer knows, “can bounce the wrongway sometimes,” Williams said. But no

amount of modesty could keep the duofrom speculating, if not just for a sec-ond.

“I think with this group of kids, we’llbe able to contend again,” Williamssaid. “They’re all shooting under parrounds right now.”

Feldman has been going particu-larly low, firing a 29 at the University ofMaryland golf course, site of the statechampionship, in a qualifier for theMiddle Atlantic Professional Golfers As-sociation Capital Cup qualifier, whichhe would go on to help Team Marylandtop Virginia. Shah, Wong, and Brighthave also been consistently at or aroundpar. An even-par state championshipscore would be 568, well under Whit-man’s mark of 596.

“It’s always good to have a littlepressure,” Feldman said. “It makes youconcentrate that much more. I thinkit’ll be good, it’ll help us. We definitelyhave the potential to break that record.There’s no reason we couldn’t.”


WOOTTONContinued from Page B-1


Bryan Bartley is the new boys’ basketball coach at Montrose Christian in Rockville.

THE GAZETTEPage B-2 Wednesday, August 21, 2013 r

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THE GAZETTEWednesday, August 21, 2013 r Page B-3

n Season features wide-open raceuntil playoffs



Montgomery County field hockeyappears to be on the cusp of steppinginto uncharted territories, or at leastsome not seen since the early 1990s.Any semblance of certainty has beenthrown out the window.

The days of “B-CC and everybodyelse” seem to be a bygone, a relic of thenear two-decade-long Amy Wood reign.Now, as proven by last season’s playoffrace in which Bethesda-Chevy ChaseHigh School was upset by Thomas S.Wootton, which was then upset by Wal-ter Johnson, while Poolesville made arun at the 2A state title and Sherwoodwas unexpectedly eliminated after anundefeated regular season, the themeleans more toward complete and totalambiguity at the top.

“I don’t know what it is,” Pooles-ville coach Regina Grubb said. “It’sjust a different time and era. There’smore competition. It’s changed a lot.”

During Wood’s tenure at B-CC,from 1993-2011, the Barons accumu-lated 10 state championships in 16tournament appearances, 277 wins tojust 44 losses, and, at one point, nineconsecutive Maryland titles. In short,B-CC was invariably the hunted, theteam every coach starred on theschedule at the outset. These days,however, “you can’t just focus on oneteam or a few games,” Walter Johnsoncoach Erika Murray said. “Just aboutanybody can beat anybody. ... I thinkthe playing field is starting to level outa little bit.”

Contenders sprouted up all overthe county last season, from WinstonChurchill to Wootton, Walter John-son to Sherwood, while the amountof competitive teams multiplied indroves (27 percent of last year’s reg-

ular-season games were decided byone goal or less while 10 went intoovertime). The top was crowded, thefringe loaded with teams capable ofupsetting anybody (e.g. 8-6 Walt Whit-man beat undefeated Sherwood in thesecond round of playoffs).

As for why the sudden parity inthe system, Murray couldn’t pinpointit exactly. She floated a theory thatmaybe more players are competing onthe club level and the talent baselinehas been slowly ascending.

“I think the level of play around thecounty has increased tremendouslyand the schools that didn’t used tocompete that well are becoming com-petitive,” Sherwood coach Amy Morsesaid. “It’s not just the typical schoolsthat are great anymore. I think it’s agreat thing, too. I think it really is mo-tivating for the players to compete ev-ery game. It’s not just a few teams andeverybody else, I think we’re startingto see some really great competition.It’s a wonderful cycle.”

More than a dozen coaches re-sponded to an informal Gazette pollasking which teams, private andpublic, they would consider the topfive teams in the county. Given lastyear’s topsy-turvy nature, the resultswere expectedly scattered, with Wal-ter Johnson, Wootton and Poolesvillegarnering the majority of the nods.Five years ago it would seem almostunthinkable to consider the notionthat B-CC would be voted out of thetop three.

“Across the board,” Murray said,“this is the most talent I’ve ever seenin the county.”

There was just one thing aroundthe county that every coach spoken toagreed upon: Walter Johnson’s AnnaRowthorn-Apel. The top team may beuncertain. The top player is not.

“She’s just a fun player to watch,”Grubb said.


County full of field hockey contenders

n Talented area teamsreload for upcoming season



In high school sports, thereare usually three types of cham-pionship teams.

There’s the underdog schoolthat rises out of relative medioc-rity to win it all, then regresses abit in the ensuing years. There’sthe team that’s a culminationof the work put in by a particu-larly talented junior or seniorclass and wins a title or two. Andthen there’s the perennial pow-erhouse, the team that seems toreload year after year regardlessof the circ*mstances.

In Montgomery County’scross country scene, Walter John-son and Bethesda-Chevy Chaseare the latter.

Entering the 2013 season,B-CC coach Chad Young andWalter Johnson coach ThomasMartin once again appear to havetheir runners poised for successin what should be another com-petitive year of cross country inthe county.

Young’sgirls’squadenterstheyearaimingtowinitsthirdstraightClass 4A state title after sweepingthe county, regional and statemeets last year while Martin’sboys’ team finished one win shyof capturing a fifth-straight 4Astate championship after winningcounties and regionals.

“I think our girls’ team doesa great job of taking it one prac-tice at a time. Everybody’s happyto see each other again,” Youngsaid. “They’re pretty in the mo-ment and we have some reallygood leadership.”

Led by junior CarolineBeakes, who won a state title onthe Hereford course in 19 min-utes, 17.4 seconds last season,and Gazette Player of the Year ju-

nior Nora McUmber, Young onlylost one senior from his top sevenrunners last season and spokehighly of several incoming fresh-man. One new addition outsideof the new class is Helen Web-ster, who decided to forgo hersenior year playing field hockeyto run cross country. Young saidWebster, along with AngelinaPeterson and Amanda and MaraCohen, will be counted on as se-niors to help lead the group.

A strong crop of runners re-turn across the county, includingsix of The Gazette’s seven firstteam selections: Beakes, McUm-ber, Claire Beautz (Poolesville,junior), Sophie El-Masry (Rich-ard Montgomery, sophom*ore),Taylor Kozam (Our Lady of GoodCounsel, junior) and Lucy Srour(Winston Churchill, junior).

On the boys’ side, the Wild-cats will look to make it five titlesin six years as Martin begins his16th year of coaching.

Despite graduating Nathan-iel Rees, seniors Daniel Kosogof,Mathew Morris and MichaelSpak return after all finishing inthe top 25 at the county champi-onships last season.

“We’ve got a good little set oftraditions on the boys’ side thatworks really well,” Martin said.

“Seniors are tasked with the re-sponsibility of transmitting howmuch fun and how important it isto be a dedicated runner. It gets intheir heads, they get excited andthey want to be part of it. It’s theseniors from the year before thatmake that happen. They instillthat importance.”

At Poolesville, senior ChaseWeaverling likely will be the ath-lete everyone’s trying to catchthis year as he won a 2A West Re-gion title last year and beat WillBertrand, in the MontgomeryCounty championship.

At B-CC on the boys’ side,senior Peter Horton is recover-ing from offseason sports herniasurgery while Young said seniorAlex Riishojgaard looks very solidin the early going. Meanwhile, thefollowing schools and their topreturners all could pose a signifi-cant threat to WJ: Walt Whitman(Evan Woods), Northwest (DiegoZarate), Quince Orchard (RyanMcCann) and Richard Montgom-ery (Stephen Alexander).

“Like many teams, we havea bunch of kids who hope to bethat special kid that makes ahuge leap from the year before,”Martin said. “We’ve been fortu-nate in the past that we’ve had alot of kids who step up.”

B-CC, WJ run in front of pack



Silver Oak


Riv. Baptist







PallottiGilmanRiv. BaptistDeMatha



PallottiGilmanRiv. BaptistDeMatha



Silver OakGilmanRiv. BaptistDeMatha



PallottiGood CounselRiv. BaptistDeMatha


The Gazette sports staff picks thewinners for this week’s games involvingMontgomery and Prince George’s footballteams. Here are this week’s selections:

2013 record

Silver Oak at PallottiGood Counsel vs. GilmanRiverdale Baptist at KIPPDeMatha at Phoebus (Va.)


Anna Rowthorn-Apel of Walter Johnson at field hockey practice on Monday.


Members of the Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School cross country team prac-tice Monday at the fields on Meadowbrook Lane in Chevy Chase.

n Academy of the Holy CrossTartans: Sandra Durbin, KateTaylor

n Bethesda-Chevy Chase Barons:Helen Webster

n Montgomery Blair Blazers:Alexandra Fascione-Hutchins,Temi Ibirogba

n James H. Blake Bengals: NicoleLertora, Victoria Wolsh

n Bullis Bulldogs: Sarah Holliday

n Winston Churchill Bulldogs:Annie Moshyedi, Clare Nolan

n Clarksburg Coyotes: AlexisWong, Ashley Wong

n Damascus Swarmin’ Hornets:Michelle Thomas, Anna Warfield

n Good Counsel Falcons: CarolineCampbell

n Holton-Arms Panthers: TessIannarone, Marisa Postal

n Walter Johnson Wildcats: AnnaRowthorn-Apel, Hannah Teicher

n Col. Zadok Magruder Colonels:Conni Dykes, Megan McGrew

n Paint Branch Panthers: MollyFers, Erin King

n Poolesville Falcons: MadisonLamanna, Anna Murgia

n Quince Orchard Cougars:Rachel Feidelman, Dani Tapiero

n Richard Montgomery Rockets:Alex Bejean, Nicole Burchett

n Rockville Rams: ElizabethBarrett, Tara Whitney

n Sherwood Warriors: EmilyKenul, Gabrielle Yore

n Springbrook Blue Devils:Cassidy O’Hearn

n Thomas S. Wootton: Alex Yokley


Bethesda resident placesfourth in canoe

Bethesda resident FabienLefevre came just shy of winninghis second medal on InternationalCanoe Federation Slalom WorldCup circuit with Saturday’s fourth-place finish in the C-1 (individualcanoe) final of World Cup No. 4 inSlovenia.

He finished a penalty-freeround one-fifth of a second awayfrom bronze.


Holton-Arms athlete winsnational title

Holton-Arms High Schooljumper Lisa Anne-Barrow leapt18 feet, 9 inches at the JuniorOlympic Track and Field NationalChampionships, hosted by NorthCarolina A&T the week of July 22,good enough for national titlerecognition. Thomas S. Wootton’sGwen Shaw helped lead the 400relay team (45.24 seconds) to achampionship as well.



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THE GAZETTEPage B-4 Wednesday, August 21, 2013 r

n Starting running backleaves just before season




Winston Churchill HighSchool football coach Joe Al-len hasn’t had much time toprocess the loss of Malik Har-ris as the season quickly ap-proaches.

Allen said he got an anon-ymous phone call a coupleweeks ago that said the seniorrunning back had enrolled atFriendship Collegiate Acad-emy.

But Allen wasted no timeanswering questions about theshakeup, repeatedly respond-ing before the query ended.

How will Churchill adjustafter planning on Harris beinga significant part of the tea—?

“Of course, you’re plan-ning on it,” Allen said. “But atthe same time, Blake Dove has

worked his butt off. He’s takenevery rep in the offseason. Thekid’s work ethic is second to

none.”So, more carries now for


“No question about it.”Harris ran for 900 yards

and eight touchdowns on 144carries last season (6.3 yardsper carry), and Dove ran for265 yards and three touch-downs on 65 carries (4.1 yardsper carry).

Dove proved his abil-ity to handle the rigors ofevery-down play, starting atlinebacker as a freshman forSeneca Valley High School in2011.

“He’s the type of guy thatwants it,” Allen said. “Whenyou get a young man that actu-ally wants to accept that role,that’s half the battle.”

Dove said he initially didn’tbelieve Harris’ texts relayinghis plan to transfer to Friend-ship Collegiate.

But once Dove got past thatsurprise, he said he realized heneeded to work even harder onhis conditioning.

At a recent practice, a cou-ple of teammates even toldDove he looked fatigued.

“We haven’t really worked

out that much,” Dove said.“So, when it comes down tothe season, it’s full speed forme. I’m not going to be tired.”

Dove won’t be the only wayChurchill replaces Harris, whodidn’t return a message seek-ing comment.

Friendship Collegiate alsodidn’t respond to an email re-questing confirmation of Har-ris’ transfer.

Sophom*ore running backAndrew Zuckerman moves upfrom junior varsity, as doesjunior running back/slot re-ceiver Marquette Lewis.

And Allen believesChurchill’s can also compen-sate with another player in theoffensive backfield.

Sophom*ore quarterbackSean Strittmatter transferredafter starting for Our Lady ofGood Counsel High School’sjunior varsity team last season.

He’ll be competing withsophom*ore Colin Smyth, whowas Churchill’s backup juniorvarsity quarterback last seasonbefore growing a few inches,

gaining 20 pounds and earningrave reviews for his offseasonwork ethic.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seena kid improve as much fromtheir freshman year to theirsophom*ore year, especiallygiven the fact that he didn’tplay much as a freshman,” Al-len said.

Put it all together, and Al-len is more than satisfied.

“We have multiple threats,”Allen said. “We’re not a teamthat was going to go in withrelying solely on Malik Harris.We feel like we’ve good playersthat can contribute.

“Of course, we’ll miss Ma-lik. But his parents did whatthey felt was in his best inter-est, and I have to respect that.At this point, we’ve moved onas a team, and our team is veryconfident with the kids wehave.”


Churchill moves on after losing its running back


Winston Churchill High School football coach Joe Allen confirmed that lastyear’s starting running back, Malik Harris, has left the Potomac school.

n Former Whitman coachsteps in to lead Tartans


It’s one thing when aschool is particularly pleasedwith its hiring of a new fieldhockey coach. It’s anotherthing entirely when the big-gest rival of said school — inthis case, the hiring was doneby Academy of the Holy Cross— is genuinely thrilled for theprogram as well.

“That’s awesome!” ex-claimed Our Lady of GoodCounsel High School fieldhockey coach Theda Bagdonupon hearing that former WaltWhitman coach Lindsey Wellerhad been called in to replacelongtime Tartans’ coach JennaRies. “That’s a huge score forthem.”

Ries built the program

into something of a dynasty,

claiming the last five Wash-

ington Catholic Athletic Con-

ference titles, four of which

by toppling Good Counsel inthe championship game. TheFalcons were just five minutesfrom ending the streak last Oc-tober, but a late rally from theKate Taylor-led Tartans addedone more Holy Cross engrav-ing to the monstrous WCACtrophy.

“Yeah, I think there is somepressure for sure,” Weller saidof filling in for Ries. “I think itwould be naïve to think thereisn’t. At Whitman, I was kindof building something, so thisis a different challenge for me.It was still a really tough deci-sion for me because you buildrelationships with the kids andthe parents, but I think thiswas the right decision for me.”

As with any coachingchange, especially at a pow-erhouse such as Holy Cross,there are bound to be somebumps along the way. But ifthere’s one person who canmake a smooth transition

from a Ries-headed programto a slightly different style, it’sa person who formerly playedunder Ries as both a lacrosseand field hockey player, whichWeller did as a high schooler atQuince Orchard.

“We have a lot of simi-larities in how we coach andI think I’m going to bring myown strengths to the table,”she said. “I take pride in howI coach. I would describe my-self as an intense coach, mo-tivated, caring and definitelyfield hockey-oriented.”

As a coach with the Jackalsclub team over the summer —which Ries also coaches for —Weller has already begun theprocess of developing chem-istry with nearly half her teamand is familiar with their stylesof play, and how they respondto certain critiques and criti-cisms. One of those athleteshappens to be Taylor, a firstteam All-Gazette selection as a

freshman last year who scoredthe overtime game-winneragainst Good Counsel in theWCAC championship.

“She’s a pleasure to coachand I’m really excited,” Wellersaid.

Weller’s mission is notjust to top the Falcons, either.There is a budding St. Mary’sRyken team, a competitiveElizabeth Seton squad and anincreasingly difficult WCACschedule to navigate. But, asBagdon said, “it’s Holy Cross.Their girls are just extremelyathletic. They’re going to bean extremely strong team andthey’re extremely talented soI think they’re going to be justas strong of a team as always.Even though Jenna’s not there,they’re still going to be HolyCross.”


Taking over a field hockey dynasty at Holy Cross


Academy of the Holy Cross field hockey players Kate Taylor (left) andKristyn Gaines practice on Friday.

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THE GAZETTEWednesday, August 21, 2013 r Page B-5

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THE GAZETTEPage B-6 Wednesday, August 21, 2013 r

n Combs overcomessmall stature heading intopossible final season



Like many football linemen,Gaithersburg High School’s An-thony Combs throws shot put

and discus for the track team.But, unlike most linemen,

Combs also runs the 100-meterand 200-meter dashes. His toptimes last spring, according toathletic.net, were 12.94 in the100 and 25.34 in the 200.

“It’s a point of pride for meto go out there and show them Ican keep up with everyone else,with the DBs and receivers,”Combs said.

Gaithersburg football coachKreg Kephart, whose assistant,Adrian McDaniel, coaches thetrack team, said Combs hasdeveloped a running rivalry

with fellow lineman TinasheGwashavanhu.

“Whoever loses, they’vegot an excuse,” Kephart said.“‘I stumbled coming out of theblocks,’ or ‘He jumped out toofast.’ Don’t either one of themever want to admit defeat.”

So, who is faster?“Me,” Combs said.What would Gwashavanhu

say?“I think he would agree that

I’m faster,” Combs said.“Anthony is definitely faster

now,” Kephart said.That’s not the only argu-

ment Kephart must resolve re-garding Combs. Kephart ratedCombs as the team’s best of-fensive lineman and one of itstop two defensive linemen, butKephart said he and his de-fensive coordinator have beenfighting about who gets Combsthis season.

The player has a simple so-lution.

“I think I’ll be starting bothways,” Combs said.

That would be quite theimpressive physical feat byCombs, who’s only 5-foot-11and 215 pounds.

Just as he tries to provehe’s not too big for the track,he strives to prove he’s not toosmall for the line.

“That kind of drives mywhole play,” Combs said. “Ihave a chip on my shoulderthat I’m kind of an undersizedlineman. I can still keep up witheveryone else and try to domi-nate.”

How does Combs compen-sate?

“He’s intelligent,” Keph-art said. “He learns his assign-ments. He doesn’t make mentalmistakes. He blocks where he’ssupposed to block. He goeswhere he’s supposed to go. No.2, he’s athletic. And he’s tough.He’s tough, and he’s strong. Allthose things all work togetheron his behalf.”

Combs’ stature has limitedoptions to play at the next level.He said he’s in the process ofapplying to University of Mary-land, College Park, Towson Uni-versity, University of Pittsburghand James Madison Universityfor purely academic reasons.Still, he hopes a smaller footballprogram will consider him andat least provide another option.

“After the season is over, ifhe has a good year and we havea good year, it wouldn’t surpriseme if some [Division II] schoolscome around and take a look athim,” Kephart said. “He’d be ahell of a D3 football player.

For now, Combs is begin-ning to accept that his footballcareer might end after this sea-son.

“The fact that, just the pos-sibility that, I might not playfootball ever again just makesme want to give it all this yearand really make the most out ofthe season,” Combs said.


Gaithersburg lineman excels with speed


Gaithersburg High School coachKreg Kephart demonstrates a blockduring Saturday’s practice.


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John and Kimberly Guy and Frederick and Deborah Pearceannounce the marriage of their children, Jennifer Guy and JacobPearce, on July 20, 2013, at Martins Crosswinds in Greenbelt.

The bride attended Seneca Valley High School and graduatedwith a degree in elementary education from Towson University. Sheis now teaching elementary school in Montgomery County.

The groom attended Washington Christian Academy and gradu-ated from Liberty University with a major in psychology and a minorin criminal justice. He is now a manager at a local establishment.

The couple honeymooned in Cancun, Mexico, and they are nowresiding in Montgomery County.

Guy, Pearce

Elizabeth Guzauskas and Jonathan Carothers announce theirintention to marry.

The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Guzaus-kas of Gaithersburg. The prospective groom is the son of Mrs. MaryRicketts and the late Mr. Orville Carothers, formerly of Gaithersburg.

The couple are graduates of Montgomery County Public Schools.Johnathan Carothers is employed by Specialized Engineering ofFrederick.

The couple currently resides in Mount Airy. They plan to marryin August 2014.

Guzauskas, Carothers

George Dorsey and Doris Ward Unglesbee of Gaithersburg cel-ebrated their 60th anniversary May 19, 2013, surrounded by friendsand family at Neelsville Presbyterian Church in Germantown.

The Unglesbees were married May 16, 1953, by the Rev. AlbertW. Lentz at Neelsville’s historic white chapel, which they revisitedfor the occasion. The celebration included a favorite hymn, “In theGarden,” by Neelsville’s sanctuary choir; prayers of thanks by thechurch’s senior pastor, the Rev. Dr. Pete Della Santina, and asso-ciate pastor for discipleship, the Rev. Andy Nagel; and family rec-ollections. A reception followed in the newly remodeled SabbathBuilding.

George Unglesbee was born and raised in Germantown, andDoris Ward Unglesbee was born and raised in Comus. They meton the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad while commuting to their jobs inWashington, D.C., and Rockville, respectively, thanks to a conduc-tor who introduced them. Doris joined Neelsville in 1953. Georgejoined NPC in April 1939, making him Neelsville’s longest-standingmember. Their children — Steve of Annapolis; Sally Long of Hyatt-stown; and Sandy Hutto of Clarksburg — were raised in and marriedat the church.

The Unglesbees have six grandsons, Jonathan, Jeffrey and Mat-thew Unglesbee; Timothy Long; and Kyle and Wesley Hutto; and twogranddaughters, Leah Hutto and Allison Long, ages 18 to 28.


Perry and Linda Weedon recently celebrated their 50th weddinganniversary at a family gathering crab feast and shrimp boil in NewMarket.

They were married at Ascension Lutheran Church in LandoverHills on July 6, 1963. They have three sons, Todd and wife Gina; Brettand wife Lynn; and Brooke and wife Sabrina; eight grandchildrenand one more on the way.

The children and Linda’s mother, Helon, who is 93, also sur-prised the couple with a cruise gift certificate.

The Weedons have lived in Rockville for 45 years.


THURSDAY, AUG. 22Learn to Understand

Your Anger, from 7-9 p.m. atSuburban Hospital, 8600 OldGeorgetown Road, Bethesda.Understand your anger style,its triggers and the impact onyour health. Discover healthyand practical techniques formanaging your anger in ev-eryday situations. Not appro-priate for court referrals. $20.www.suburbanhospital.org.

FRIDAY, AUG. 23Gentle Yoga for Seniors,

from 10-10:45 a.m. Fridays,Aug. 23 to Sept. 27, at BethesdaRegional Service Center, 4805Edgemoor Lane, Second Floor,Bethesda. Tone muscles, im-prove balance and increasecirculation with gentle yoga forseniors. Taught by an instructorfrom the Mindfulness Center,gentle yoga offers several healthbenefits while relaxing the mindand body. Dress comfortably.Please bring yoga mat andblanket. $70. www.suburban-hospital.org.

Lamaze Techniques, from7-9:30 p.m. at MedStar Mont-gomery Medical Center, 18101Prince Philip Drive, Olney. Pro-gram will explore ways women

can find comfort during laborand birth. Learn about breath-ing patterns, position changes,relaxation techniques, andmassage. Both mother-to-beand partner will learn strate-gies that will enhance theprogress of labor. Required:75-centimeter exercise ball,two pillows and a floor mat.All classes taught by a LamazeCertified Childbirth Educa-tor. (Note: Complements anychildbirth class. You must havecompleted your childbirthclass prior to this class.) $60;Registration required. 301-774-8881. www.montgomerygen-eral.org.

SATURDAY, AUG. 24Home Alone, from 9 a.m. to

noon at MedStar MontgomeryMedical Center, 18101 PrincePhilip Drive, Olney. Class helpsprepare 8- to 11-year-olds tospend brief periods of timealone. The Home Alone classwill provide skills to help thembe safe when there is no adultsupervision including answer-ing the door, telephone, calling911, making a pizza bagel inmicrowave, and other help-ful tools. $35; Registrationrequired. 301-774-8881. www.montgomerygeneral.org.

ONGOINGDamascus United Methodist

Church, 9700 New Church St.,Damascus, offers traditionalSunday morning worship ser-vices at 8:15 a.m., a youth con-temporary worship service at9:30 a.m. and a service of liturgyand the word at 11 a.m. withSunday school at 9:30 a.m. forall ages during the school year.

Liberty Grove UnitedMethodist Church, 15225 OldColumbia Pike, Burtonsville,conducts Sunday morningworship services at 8:30, 9:30and 11 a.m. Sunday school,nursery through adult, is at9:30 a.m. 301-421-9166. For aschedule of events, visit www.libertygrovechurch.org.

“MOPS,” a faith-basedsupport group for mothersof children, birth throughkindergarten, meets from9-11:30 a.m. the first and thirdWednesdays of the monthat the Frederick Church ofthe Brethren, 201 FairviewDrive, Frederick. Childcare isprovided. For more informa-tion call 301-662-1819. [emailprotected].

Providence United Method-ist Church, 3716 KemptownChurch Road, Monrovia, con-ducts a contemporary service

at 8 a.m. followed by a tradi-tional service at 9:30 a.m. Sun-day mornings, with Children’sSunday School at 9:30 a.m.and adult’s Sunday school at11 a.m. For more information,call 301-253-1768. Visit www.kemptownumc.org.

Trinity Lutheran Church,11200 Old Georgetown Road,North Bethesda, conducts ser-vices every Sunday, with childcare from 8 a.m. to noon andfellowship and a coffee hourfollowing each service. 301-881-7275. For a schedule of events,visit www.TrinityELCA.org.

Chancel choir auditionsand rehearsals, 7:30 p.m.Thursdays at Liberty GroveMethodist Church, 15225 OldColumbia Pike, Burtonsville.Call 301-421-9166 or visitwww.libertygrovechurch.org.

“Healing for the Nations,” 7p.m. every first and third Sat-urday of the month at SouthLake Elementary School, 18201Contour Road, Gaithersburg.Sponsored by King of the Na-tions Christian Fellowship,the outreach church service isopen to all who are looking forhope in this uncertain world.Prayer for healing available.Translation into Spanish andFrench. Call 301-251-3719.Visit www.kncf.org.

Buying or Selling! Visit The Gazette’s Auto Site At Gazette.Net/AutosDealers, for more information call 301-670-2548 or email us at [emailprotected]



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BURTONSVILLE:3br, 2.5ba TH, fpl, finbsmt, $1725 + utils,avail 8/15 No pets.202-236-4197

DAMACUS: 3 b r$1500, 2br $1250 +utilNS/NP, W/D NewCarpet, Paint, Deck &Patio. 301-250-8385

GAITH: 3br, 2.5newly rmd ba 3lvl thfin bsmt xtra bd,hrwd flrs, $1875Hoc OK 240-372-0532

GAITH: 3br, 3.5ba, fin-ished bsmt, spaciousback, close to 200/270Avail Now $1600 +utils 301-570-8924

GAITH: 5-6BR 4BA,2 fin lvls. SG Metro.Shops. NS/NP. $2095Cr chk 240-751-71548103 Shady Spring Dr.

GAITHERSBURG:TH 3BR, 2.5BA, finishbsmt, comm pool, clto Kentlands, $1950 +utils 301-222-7236

GAITH/SENECAHWY/370: 3 BR,2.5BA TH with W/D,Avail Now. $1600/mo+ utils 301-774-2496

GAITH: spac 3lvl EUTH w/ grg, 3br, 4ba,fin bsmt, deck, nopets, cl to 270 & mall$1700/mo + utilsCall: 301-241-3263

GERM:Large TH 4br,2.5Ba fpl, deck, wlkout bsmt wlk to Twncnter nr 270/Bus HOC$1795. 240-383-1000

MONT VILL: SFH, 2Br, fireplace, beautifulsetting, needs work,$1495/mo, good creditCall: 410-997-9045

MV: All new remod3br, 2.5ba, 3 lvl TH,deck, pool NS, NP,$1,550 + utils. AvailSept 1. 301-990-9294

N.POTOMAC: 2br1.5ba 2lvl end unit THhuge back yrd, Lg livrm, dinrm, eat-in-kit,wood fpl, new carpetpaint/Appl.Wootton HS$1,550 301-221-0697

POTOMAC: lrg 3 br,2.5 ba, SFH, finishedbasem*nt, living rm,dining rm, den w/fp,deck, carport, com-pletely remodeled,close to 270, $3100/month 240-372-8050

BOWIE: TH 3BR,2.5BA car garage 2level deck $ 1850 /mocall 916-718-7761 or770-337-0466

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BOYDS/NR Rt # 118bsmt Apt in SFH2BR’s, foyer, bath, allappl, kitchen, pvt entMale/Female. $1500inc util 240-899-1694

CHEVY CHASE:1BD, 1BA at Riviera.Indoor parking and utilincluded. $1650. Nearmetro. 301-529-1226

GAITHERSBURG:1 and 2 Bedroom aptavail at $950 and$1100 per month +elec. 240-793-9467


Half Month FreeLarge 1 or 2 BR Apts

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N . P O T O M A CROCKVILLE: 1 BRApt. $1185 incl util,CATV, Free ParkingAvail now. NS/NPCALL: 301-424-9205

ADELPHI, MD1Bed, 1Bath condo.Pking space. NP/NS$1050 plus Electric.301-445-1131Avail 9/1

DMSCUS/GERM:2Br, 1Ba, patio, fpl,fully renov nrbus/shops, $1300/mo+ util 240-508-3497

DMSCUS/GERM:3Br, 1.5Ba, deck,renov nr bus/shops,$1450/mo + utilCall: 240-508-3497

GAITHERSBURG/LILAC GARDEN 1Bedroom, $999 + elecAvailable immed.301-717-7425 - Joe

GAITH/MV: 2Br/2BaCondo w/patio, W/DComm Pool $1350/mo+ utils, conv locationCall: 240-477-0131

H Y A T T S V I L L E :2br, 1ba, pvt balc, 2wlk in closet, upgrad-ed kit, prkng. $1415utils incld 301-642-3203 Michael Rhim

HYATTSVILLE: HighRise Condo Aprt 2BR1BA Lrg Balcony AllUtils Incld, Avail Now.$1400/mnth 301-528-1011 240-447-5072

KENTLANDS: Condo2BR, 2BA, walking dis-tance to pool, tenniscourts, communitycenter. hardwoodfloors, granite, w/d,walkin closet, parking,$1,700/mo HOA feesincl. 301.806.7311

ROCK: 1Br, newlyupgraded $1200/moutils incl excpt electric,nr metro & I-270. N/S& N/P Avail NowCall: 301-461-0629

SIL SPG: LongmeadCrossing, Newly renov2br 2ba. $1350+ utils.w/d in the unit. OR3bd 2ba. $1550. NrMetro & Bus. 301-526-3198

BOWIE: FurnishedRm in beautiful SFH,NS/NP Avl Sept 1st,$550/mo w/util incCall: 301-509-3050

DAMASCUS: Bsmtpvt entr, 1br, 1ba, kit,livrm, $850+ sec deputi cable, parking, incl.Np/Ns 301-253-1370

GAITH: basment apt.Pvt entr, pvt kit & BA,$900/mo inclds util &FIOS. Storage. 301-370-7508 Avail 8/1

GAITHERS: 1BR inSFH unfurn. $650 utilsincl. Male NS/NP, 1mile frm I-270. AvailImmed 240-372-1168

GAITHERSBURG1Br in an Apartment$600/ mo util includedNs Np, Nr Metro, BusShops. 240-603-3960

GAITHERSBURG1 furn room $400 & 1rm $500 util incl. nrMetro. Male. 240-305-2776 or 240-602-3943

GAITHERSBURG:2 furn. BD, w/sharedBA. Close to 270/355.$500 & $550 utils incl.& inter access. Park-ing. Available now!240-418-8785

GAITHERSBURG:Lrg Rm in SFH, Pool,full privlgs, Vegetarian,NS. $600 + 1/4 elecCall: 301-482-1425

GAITHERSBURG:Male, 1Br $299, NearMetro & Shops. NS.Available Now.301-219-1066

GAITH:M BRs $430+440+475+555+ MaidNs/Np, nr 270/370/Busshops, quiet, conv.SecDep 301-983-3210

GERMANTOWN:LG Furn BR in uppr lvl$500 util & laundry in-cluded. Sec. Dep Req.Call: 301-605-5199

GE R M A N TO WNMature Male , 1 FurnBR. All utils included.Near 61 Bus Line.Maria 240-671-3783

GERMANTOWN:rm for rent in condo, nrbus/shops, utils, cable,incld $500 301-972-4535 Available 9/1

GERMANTOWN:Rm for rent in TH nrbus & shopping center$550/mo util includeNP/NS 240-715-5147

GLENMONT: nrmetro/bus, MBR w/pvtBA $650, BR $525shrd ba. Utils Incld.NP. 301-949-9381

MONT VILLAGE:Bsmt w/2 Br, priv kit,Ba & entr, LR,$1k/mo + 1/3 util,CATV/ in t .240-643-2343 or 301-222-7327

OLNEY:15x12 bdrm inSFR $650/mo inclutils, cable,inet. Smok-ing outside/NP 301-924-9108

ROCK: clean LargeBedroom, Qn bed, Kit,FR, TV, Shr Ba, Utilincl $625/monthCall: 301-424-8377

ROCKVILLE: NS/NP,part furn nice 2 BrBsmt Apt, with privateentrance $850/mo +utils 301-424-4366

SILVER SPRING:1 BR furn $600.Access to Metro.Includes utilities.Call: 301-346-9518.

SILVER SPRING:Room for $480/mo,shared kit Ba, W/D,CABTV & Util, PleaseCALL: 301-404-2681

SS: 1 BR furn bsmtsuite w/ tv, pvt ent, kit,ba, w/d, NS/NP$1050/mo incl util. K.Ghana 301-438-2414

SS/CLOVERLY:Lrg MBr w/priv Ba, NP,quiet nbhd $700/mo +1/3 util 240-644-9548

SS:Female only 1Brin 2Br/2Ba Condoshare common area$450/mo utils includedNS/NP 240- 418-2209

FLEA MARKETSat & Sun, August 24 & 25, 8am-4pm

Montgomery County Fairgrounds16 Chestnut St. Gaithersburg, MD

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AUCTIONHousehold GoodsRonald JacksonAnthony Smith

Aisha CodyReginald ButlerCarla Thomas

Sept 5, 2013 @ 2p4944 Wyaconda RdRockville, MD 20852

SS: NEW 1BR Apt 1stfloor private ENT, KIT,BA, PARKING. $1300utils incld, quiet 301-879-2868

TAKOMA PARK:NS room for rent$550/month AC, car-peted, PVT ent, nrshop,bus/metro. UtilsIncld. 301-448-2363

HUNT AUCTIONSunday, August 25th,10:00 AM

At Hunts Place19521 Woodfield Rd (Rte 124)

Gaithersburg, MD 20879Estates- Furniture & Sports Cards

301-948-3937#5205 Look on Auctionzip.com

TWINBROOK RMsfor rent. $650 InclWifi/parking N/s, N/p.Nr Bus & Metro 301-221-7348

WHEATON: Malepref non-smoker, 1BR,shr BA, near metro,$525/mnth util incl+dep 301-933-6804

WANTED TO PUR-CHASE Antiques &Fine Art, 1 item Or En-tire Estate Or Collec-tion, Gold, Silver,Coins, Jewelry, Toys,Oriental Glass, China,Lamps, Books, Tex-tiles, Paintings, Printsalmost anything oldEvergreen Auctions973-818-1100. [emailprotected]

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

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Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.