The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

LATER FROM NEW CO. latwreaiLa from Weasel TIjraV srlTsl Me oC th Santa F. Guatts) toth. 89th of inotttlk Jatar than wa praviottsly bsd "Tharsj ia aot uraeli news from Kaw Mexico. All was tralat.

It does not appear tnat tba ladlans Bra) elvLcg naucii troublo. Tba most Interaatina; Intelligence is from' the 'Masilla ValicY. The fjazatta learns, from a gen UaBnao, who arrived at Santa F6 from Dona Ana oounty, that the inhabitanU of too valley have acknowledged the jurisdiction of the United States 'over them, and claim the protection of our laws a a Tt, that they kavw avrrendawed two or three fu(itlres who bare aacapad from lostloe. Aaaiatant Surf eon LaDgworthf, U. S.

Army, ar rived at Santa F6 on October 7th, from Fort Den anca, and reported eTBrythlna; quiet In the Navajo NattoB. Dr. Larigworthy left Banta F6 on the 13th, for tbe State. A eofflpany of Dragoons, under command of 5 Cspt EweH, arrlTed In Santa Fa, on the 9th, from Las Lonaa. Got.

Merri wether, accompanied by Mr. Daria, Secretary of the Territory, and escorted by the company of dragoons, under command of Capt 1 well, left Santa F6 on the 17th of October to hold a talk with the Utah Indians, and make taem The party arrived at the errenlna? nf xhai navt slaw. The Gaxetta says Agent Carson, with Chic Velaaquex'a band of utana, came on toe i'Jia, mu or ether the Capote band failed to come in. I be iDdltoiwera assembled the next morrg, near two hundred In number, when a big talk" frai lMld between the chief and the Governor, after srbich nrvaents wre distributed among, those BissLat The eosrfarence was productive of ranch good feeling; the Indian returning; to their coun try well aaiainmi, auia givuig ovvry aaaui luio vmainina at neace with our Deonle. There had recently been some little disturbance between the Utahs and the whites, by reason of a Mexican ia Tao county killing one of the former and the latter.

In return, had stolen a number of animals from the inhabitants, and made threats of hostile intentions. They were induced to return most of the arimals stolen, on the assurance that the Mexican who killed tbe Indian abould be ar 1 rested and punished. While at Abiqulu, the Governor learned the whereabouts of the murderer, and had him arretted and placed In custody, which pleased the Indians, who expressed them selves as satisfied, and also premised to remain at peace. The presents Intended for the Capote Utahs were left in the care of Agent Labadi, who wilt distribute: the same whenever the Indians come to. The Gasette, of the 21st, has the following army intelliganee Capt well, with his company of sixty dra roons, retarned to town on the 14th from a scout amosr theaaaMisrtaias between Santa Fe and Taos.

He was aent out by Gen. Garland, on the repre aentatioas of Af r. Albino Chacon, who had aome animals run off by the Apaches. He accompanied Capt; Ewell to the place where the Indians had been encamped, who had left some time pre viously. In the scout the troops ascended to tbe top of the.

Jicarilla mountain, one of the highest peaks in this part of the Territory. Lieut. Brurfrea, with his company of dragoons, arrived at Seat Fa, Sunday the 15th inat, from Fort FUlmore, and for the present he will remain at headquarters. In company with Lieut. Sturge's command came Major Fry, Paymaster United States Army, who had been In the southern aec tion of the Territory Dearly two months paying the troops.

Dr. Sutherland, Assistant Surgeon U. S. ordered to report at headquarters, and Lieut McCook and Walker on leave. The fissettev of October 28, says: The United States mall from Independence, arrived in Santa F6 on the S4th Inst, after a pleae ant trip of twenty three) days a cross the Plains.

There came as passengers Chief Justice Daven 1 port and family, and Mr. Caleb Sherman and eon. We understand Ahat a soldier belonging to Fort Defiance, was killed a few days ago by a Navajo I Milan. The former was met by the latter a little 3 distance from the garrison, and shot without the least provocation. The matter will be examined Capt Sykes and lady, and Miss McCrea, arrived at Santa oa the 24th from Fort Union, on their way to Fort Fillmore.

Lieut McFerren arrived ia company with them, and left next day for Fort Fillmore, where he Is stationed. s.Capt EwaQ. with his company of dragoons left Santa Fe on the 24th, on bis return to his post atLasLunas. The Gazette, of the 28th, says limt Daviilsnn. II.

8. Drseoons. arrived ta Santa with, hia comnanT. on Monday, the 33d tnst, from a three weeks' scout in search of Indiana along tbe eastern Ironners 01 me erruo S. He marched several hundred miles during time he was rose, but saw nothing of the ene my.

He principally searched the country watered by the ruo da reeoe ana n.u ae uaianas. vA detachment of 100 U. a recruits arrived in Santa FA on the '23d from Fort Leavenworth, under the command of Major Grler. He had In charge abemt fifty horses for the artillery at Fort jscnaiBccr. ibb wuowid uuicbts csjuo ui wu, dsbv Mator Morris, Cant Stanton, and Lieut.

Carlisle. Trevilt and Wilkin a. Cant Bowen. Com missary at Albuquerque, and Surgeon Abadie, of tne same post, were in town ine Beginning we wees, out nave returnea nome. A new ahoal has beea discovered in Mas sachusetts Bay.

by the U. S. surveying steamer Bibb: The exact location is not stated. Tk Winding Fleet. The New Bedford Mer eury reports bad accounts, generally, from the whaling fleet Tne average catch ia not expected to exceed seven hundred and fifty barrels.

Stormy WmUker in tie Boepkoru.k Constan tinople letter, of November 2d, says: Five such days as those we have just passed throna are said not to have been known at Con auntiiuMrle far muv veara. On the nisht of the 28th a strong wind began to blow, and increased to a tempest with in tne next iweuiy iour uuurs. It waa aeeomnanied bv torrents of rain and occs I 1 k.ll Anl waa i 6 i. l.A I iri Ui l. .1.

I vsoiucii nan, vut uivbuwuo wuw I vonstanoaopia ana taa ruisgn wcic uwicu iu discontinue their usual trafflc. The narrow chan nel of the Bosnhorous was so roused by the atraneth of the srale that the sea has In many daces burst into the houses, the lower rooms of which have been rendered uninhabitable. Bain has poured down for five days in one Incessant 1 stream I tne loros nave oecomo aunoit uxmiuaa bie. and communication the different nointa of the environs is nearly ImDracticable. Tha steamer from Marseilles, which should have left on the 30th, Is still in port, the captain not having ventured out in lace oi se lernoie a coniu sion of the elements.

i Maine Law iu Enrland. The Temperance Alliance of Great Uritain, have resolved tq raise fond of 50,000, to agitato for the en actment of a prohibitory lifinor lay. jf3gs The Washington Star understands that as proposition is abont to be introduced into 'the Leeialatore of Massachusetts, contein In V.A Anaf 1 irtfl of thftt right of suffrage, as irell as of the right of a noiding office, State or mttnicipaL lutrodo oing a proposition is one thing eartying i and in this instanco a 5 CT7 tttililwily thing. nSatLl' Vkct has accepted the dlfe' Calhoun Monnmcnt to clrAivsnr a aiwuauin. to CUlivsp ax ton, in aid of thefn of oZaTnZ named tha 15tV .1 .11 and 7 WT tlkat vrar la It So naval oorreepondont r.r nomnerst arritss 4a rKcx trom Norfolk, tliat be baS intelligence from a super 7 v.

rior officer of tlie navy that orders nave been 11 LBSnOU to prepare auiu. ui Aur ncoj mui sua truo aible deapatob, two nrst class sailing line ot battle ahipsv and eleven first class sailing frigates, one first class screw frig ate, and ten first class sailing' sloopsrf war, two first class paddle frigates, and two second class paddle frigates. C7 Tbe Washington Star says theLight House Board have recently ordered the con strnction of the proposed light house works i oa Caandeleut Island, of the Ixmis'Juia coast. Disavowed The Paris correspondent of the National la his letter of the jsai, says t. i 1 if.

T. iri.i.i rj ia A ms s. vur i.i HIISLCT IP QW11S recently, la the name of our Oo i re" it censured, lstteT til: 1 famous let cf Ba i was maae sti.a a stir I'ulaeki monument I 1 BOARD ASSISTANT JMgSsJJf Board mt last evealng. psasaaat to sdjrrnmest. Mr.

Place 1 tb chair, ni JJSi tha envious Ob raotioa, the reeding of ihs minutes aoeeting wss dUpsnesd with." r.xMi 1 Tbe ordinaaca Using le3t2Tta5 vahlclaa Ac. which was partT r1," ndminU bi been aom. of ihifb debated hi length, anil with consldombM wosre it will doabttase a till farther amended. VW the ordinary, wss adopted, tbe Committe oa Im. wavementa and Buildings, to whom had bean referred the commanicatioB froas the Surveyor, relative ta tb insecurity of nbi of aar theatres, reported that they bed i am lord the St.

Charles theatre, among others that the ull fiery repsi'S bad beea made, and that the theatre waa bow perfectly strong and substantial The Beard then adjourned. Urst District. Committed for Trial. R. Hunt Was examined before Recorder Bright, yeeterdsy.o itbe charge of having committed an assault and butteryr sad ordered to gtv S300 security far bij arjt amnce De fore the First District Court lor trial on the charge.

Discharged John S. Newcar and Alex )SJ7StLt ch.racter and rocrAin Weapoha. Miguel Nieto, ar and disturbing the peace, and in wboae "if" Jl. ffoond alaTfVhowte knife, KSnTned yaSrsX. MS ordered pay a fine of so, or twenty days imprisonment.

Work House. Nick Stewart and Mary Ann Prudbomme, charged with being drunken vagrants, were examined yesterday and lent to ttieiWorx House for tbirt ydaya each. The Alleged Murderers. Alonzo S. Lewis, arreetrd on the charge of baring murdered James Mc Bride, la Union pariah, on the 7th of November.

1HA3. In tble State, waa arraigned yesterday and bia examination fixed for the 6th inet. The affidavit against hlra is made by the Chief of Police, who states that he caused tbe prisoner to be arrested, in conaeqnenre of a proclamation trom the Governor, offering a reward for his arrest. A. J.

Smith, arrested on tbe snpoositien of bavins mur dered Levi Barrow, in Liberty county, Texas, has been remanded until tbe lith Inst. Another man has been ar retted in Alexandria, at tbe murderer, and rumor lay that he has confessed the crime, bin no official in'ornia Hon to that effect has been received. There is a charge of attempted swindling against smith, which will also De in vcatigated on the litU lost. Assaulting a Woman. Richard Barrett ia examined yesterday, an the cfcarxe of havlnaentered room of Joanna Krreen.

ia Julia street, on the night of the Wth nit, through window, taken ber by the throat, attempted to cnoae ner. sua uimunca ia uei. He was sent before the First District Court for trial, on the charge of assault and batte'y. Fired. The owners of threo cabs, arrested of ritv ordinances, were fined SIO each.

In default of paying which, they will have to go to prison lor tea days. Larceny. Bernard Boylan was arrested yesterday, on the charge of having gone to the bouae of Richard Sheridau. and stolen SI6 from the pockets of a pair af pantaloons. He was oidered to find security for bis appearance for examination.

No Prosecutor. Daniel Gill, arrested on the cbarre ef taking a Sin Tennessee bank bill fr Bridset Barrett, oa the pretence of rettinx it cbans ed. and giving her a wortbleea unsigned bill on some defunct Mississippi bank ia return, was brought np yesterday for examination, bat the prosecutor not appearing, he was discharged. Case Dismissed. Eticnne Perez, ehare ed with having knowingly received two barrels of lard oil, which bad seen atolen from tbe levee, was brought up yesterday, and as the prosecutor was satisfied that Mr Feres was an innoceut party in the traasction, the esse waa dismissed at his request.

Opposition to Law. John Waters was arraigned yesterday on the charge of having forcibly rescued from the public pound on Dryadea street a horse and cab, which bad been arrested for a violation of the city ordinances. He ia to be examined on the wtu inat. Highway Eobbery. James McCulloueh was arrested on the levee yesterday, charged with having aasaulted a sailor belonging to tbe ship Liberty, called Tom, knocked him down, and robbed blin of a coat.

The coat waa lound in the possession of the accused. He was remanded for examination, and Tom, who waa so drunk as to be uuable lo tell the rest of h's name, was alao locked op to get sooer ana usury lu tne case. second District. Charges of Forgery asd Swixdlix. Mr.

Alfred Trouble, who keens a rlothins store at im Old Levee street, yesterday made affidavit that on bonday last one George Louis Blanc bad purchased a paletot at bis store for SI9, and offered a check on tbe Louis'sna State Bank for S30, signed bv C. V. White, per G. Uuplautier, rea iviog SU change. Mr.

Trouble took tbe check to the nana, woero was prononncea ro oe a forgery, and he therefore made the above charee. On the eaine day. It appears the accused went to tbe fancy store of saeovra. aion as finaarn. at roe corner or isienvllle and Moyal streets, and purchased gooda to the amount of 7 Ml.

Hera be presented another check on the Louisiana State Bank, thia time for Sifl, aigned witbuvo other names, also forged, receiving SIS 60 change. Mr. J. B. Olivier, clerk to auaasra.

uoa at rmsard, who makes the last charge against him, says that be ia informed thst Blanc hss fled from the city and is BOW in Mobile. Cap'. Baldwin yeat rday tele graphed to the police of that city, and ere this he haa doubtless been arrested. LiArceht. John Kelly, arrested about three weeka since on a cbaraeof stealing fifty cents worth of cakes from Jos pn slog, waa examined yesterday and discharged.

Assault with a Stone. Julian Senac was arrested yesterday on a charge of having assaulted Jean uucior, near me via rsasin, ana nir. mm on tae nesa with a stone. tie awaits examination. Charge Dismissed.

Win. Sayres was ex smintd yesterday on the charge of having robbed Raphael viaart oi si.tuu.nn tne nignt oi tne lytn ait. lsert testified that on the night in question, his room in Custom house street wss entered and the money stolen. He bad been in company with tbe accused all day, and tbe latter knew tbat be bad the money, and as tbe la'ter bad been seen in the house after corrplainant bad re tired, he at once suspected him, and bad bim rested. At the time or Bayree's arrest bis room waa searched and nothing found, but subsequently a second searca waa made, and Visart found gftAO in a rag which was Ijlng on the floor.

Quite a number of respectable witnesses testified to Say r. as good character, and tbe Recorder dtcided that there waa no evidence either that be was seen about the hoase on the nisbt ot tbe robbery or that be took tbe money. Tbe evidence with regard to fit ding the money was very contradictory, and the Recorder diacbarged the accated. The money was given to viaars, is oeiog uucft auonaoty uis piopeny. Charge or Libel.

The charge of libel brought by one 8. J. Baer against Tbos. J. Clark ani T.

L. Bsyne was dis nisaed yeste. dsy by Recorder llamos. Tbe alleged libel consisted of defamatory words used by the accused in a petition filed before tbe Fifth District Court, in the case of J. P.

Abraras, rt. Bser, tbe accused being coon.el for plaintiff. Baer witbdrawa the charge against Mr. Bsyne, In a characteristic letter, which would make liinuiey Murray oiuaa ro reaa, Receiving Stolen Property. Charles Wilson was arrested veiter lav on the charee of kernin.

a aisoraeriy nouse is Dsmcu arreec IS alao cnarged with having received atolen property, and a very band some treble eased gold watch was found in his posses ion. which is ssid to hare been stolen. He was remanded for examination. Accident. A horse attached to a cab took fright yesterday, on tbe Second District steamboat land ing, ana ran away dashing the can to pieces snd throwing the driver eot, injuring him He waa conveyed THE COURTS.

Supreme Court. Tbe followinr? decisions were renaerea in tnis court on Mondsy last: firailbe 'r a.w viiciu (vpeiiar, vs. snra. Alexander wrurr. iDu is stbc auic teating the core ality of tbe railroad taxes In the riiw MiiuHonauiy si ts, rauroaa met 10 tne cltv Orleans.

The opinion and decree la by three ludcee via Orleans. The opinion and decree is by three ludcee. viz Chief Justice Blidell. ad re Voorhees and Judse Oeden. Tbe opinion was written by Judge Ogden, snd is a very long ana elaborate aocumenc i ae Chief Justice gave a separate opinion, concurring: Judge Sporiord took no part in the matter.

The cae came uo on an aaneml Imn. tbe Sixth Llatrict Court, Judge Cotton having decided that tbe law wea "Ordered sn.i ma. judged that the judgment of the court below be reversed. ano, proceeuina to give sucn juoament as in onr opinion sugbc to haTe been given in tbe court below. It ia further ordered, adjudged am decreed that the plaintifli recover from tbe defendant the sum of with eight per irui.

intercsi. per auuuin i'u lur sum OI easv, 17 liom tne 1st of July, luSi, and five per cent, commissions on the same amount, to wit: tbe sum of 4J 4i, es commissions to be paid to the Assistant District Attorney of the city, sod tbat the defendant and appellee pay the costs in both conns. Rosa Lyncb, wife of George Lynch, appellee, rs. Felix ue. tutor, et.

anpellanta. Decreet! that the lnd ment of the District Court be avoided and reversed that the injunction be dissolved, the SheriS to proceed in tbe I esecotion or the writ of seizure and sale as if said in junction bad never been issued and that costs of both courts re oarne oy the piainuit Sampson r. rimmeii and Kurnett, tutor, appellee, i. John Van CreeaD. appellant Jjerreed tl.s, th inA mentol ene Dirtrict Court be reversed and me cetition dismissed, tbe plaiutula to pay costs ia both courts.

John G. Dunlsp, syndic, Ac, appellee, re. Michael O'Conner, et sis, spiellautA Judgment atnrmcd with I costs. KniwL nui, n. A'c mi tuat tne JUOS meut of the District Court be stBrmed with costs.

Gasnard Theurer. appellant, rs. ixinisa Schmidt snd Hsrsaiet Weisenburger, sppeilrc. Decreed tbat the iudsment of tbe District Court be sthrmed. with ci't illiam Mitholi'.

appellant. r. Daniel 8 Deweea and John Slideil, appellees. Decreed tbat the Judgment of tue conn low oe reveraea, ana tnattnereoe Judgment in favor of tbe plaintiff perpetuating tbe it junction, the defendants to pay cos's in both coa.ts. Kire at HatoaBSV.

BDcriianis. i. rtenuan. toe at uo Kennedy Jt interveoors, appellants. Decreed thst the Judgment of the District Court be affirmed, with CCS'S.

Citv of New Orlesns. snpellant. re. Mrs. J.

C. de Bt Romrs, appellee Ttia is precisely tbe same kind of suit as that against Mis. Grailbe, mentioned at tbe head of this list, ana was aeciaea in tne seme manner. tatriek ard, aooellan to. the Citv of New Orleanr.

appellee. Judemeut of lower court ilrirmrd. witb costs BacceaaioBi of Jnhn anH tha and appellees, re. J. Van Crtsap.

admin b.i DissiirV rPl.nt. Decreed tbat tbe Judgment of the said heirs of TnmmeU and aaia I deer? JTV1 Folluwiog the abovsisavsry umtiur on'd OUiy be understood by those I azera. "tr caciea of 'ror, ncss A Bimonds, adgment of the Wat tne lnluac id nlsimto. n1 nlaintiri. ensrs te aaia2 aimonda, recover of "wn oeun a 'M sum nf a 7 buss r.

ncott, appellee, w. Jbsj. te'rviyST Samuel Bell, appellant, rs. P. A.

Hardy gv adgment of tower court sffirmed, with csasa WeUeea Ta timm 1, riiAUBnaerngnMoeingS4ntsoiaeBiafa.r, 1 SoUiday'S Bateat AVaomiaS Shield ai bSbSA nnas tns commnuity (dm ns la read; Tb. n7, ana anoneajs evary city 1b the CnloauanA an sckaawlsaeal fcTlU? tlancy, acaaaaay, and being a steady light. uasn 7, Knr, nil bis BMSur ugnt, wasxaoy BOS Bwigsussg anai srywwaas. sbibs gas sn. aaae.

caeap 4 4JOORU ran tad for Eeoaoai Cheap Cheap Haitstekacpera, vuurAxnsr sivtss, ot vrnnooa etasa. I for their gawd sjoanty, SU rsmplefd. Prices, Sll toatoa ADi also, toe weit anowB 1st Coasiiug sLaagea, Tin and Jspaaasd I Wsrej BroouM. Taos aad Paiisi Lamp Oil aad Spirit 6 lobes. Cbimntea aad A Work aad Re Repairing dona neatly at too Boaas Forals rng Oaoaa, laa Cuareb, 4 ir.

Cacup street. a4juuun( Jbc, Patricks tloy hlaedth. i5 I de es au Of we be It rue A of of der SHERIFF'S w. i Newton Kite cV Co. croft FaUa B.

Bavdaa.Jaaaes W. aUncroft, BIiliB virtaeW two alias writs of Asr I tb District I "Klaa, to me diractaa av I and rumweeed ta aeU. at Br pubUc TrVh. ilne.Bda af the City Exchange, at LooU actton, to th. riSSSVmiXSS.

DAT, ATecemoer "STV Kitxv. Martha. Lswta and frank. Seiaad la the aoove sura. ratAySSVlLLE Sherlft of the Pariah of Orleans.

Kewtea Eatasi Ac vs. llaydea cV Baa croft reilx Mayden et James aanerolh Lea ernes vs. Lea mamea. mud Tm ntsvDirwp i i v. OB.LKAN8 Noa.

130s et 1313 Kb verta de deux alias writs de hen facias, a rool addressee par 1 honorable Six ieme Cour de District de la Kouveile Orleans, dans les af ires ci deems, et du ronseotement dea parties lnteres tes, le precede rai le MCa.CbDI, 8 de Uecembre, ISM, mldl, dans la Rotocde de la Bonne de Cite, rue 8b Louie, entre ca Ilea de Chart res et Koyaie. radjudlcatloa cinq Ejclarea, nommea Moaea, Kitty, alar, ha, Lewis rsu. Saisis dans les affaires ci deasus. Conditions Comptant au moment de 1 'adjudication. MANUEVILLE MAR1GNV, dl Sherif de la Faroiase 'Orleans.

Hav tlsiT. TONS fineTimotbv ana Clover" HAT. from Phlla vJl! delphia, now landing and for aale in lota to auit pur cnasera. Apply to w. wiCaVtiABi at o96 tf TA Camp str et bt.

lioala Htram Planing Mill. Haah User AND BLIND rACTORY, Corner of Thirteenth and Fulton streets. St. Lonls, Mo. tlffi have erected dnrina the naat var an extensive mill, for the purpose of manufacturing Flooring of grades, and every description oi isaau, ux ana nuuua.

theae articles we have always a large stock on hand, or can in a short time make to order every sire or de scription. All our manufactured articles we warrant to of the beat workmanship ana tnorougniy auca oy steam. We will give prompt airenc to au oracra. I1.L1I1 wsus m. co.

sVispwstil'a Kxtra aJherrT liounce. fPHiS article baa always had a large sale. It Is a fa A vorite wherevrT Introduced, and is recommended by physicians as one of tbe best preparations that can be used as a preventive of cholera and similar complaints. is a pleasant beverage, and a sure remedy if Uken in season haa been used in tbe New Encland States for more tbaa twenty yeare, and stands high In the estimation of paoiic gentrmuy. i 1.

ia ueatlv out bp In eases of one dozen battles each. 1 Yin barrelaDf forty gallons each. Southern aud Western merchants, vlsltlne Mew York, are respectfully Invited to call and examine sam pies. Orders addressed by mall promptly attended to. Bold wholesale by JOHN 1 HARWELL.

Na. SOS Front street. New York, formerly of Hartford, where may be found Cherry Brandy, Cherry Kum, Bitters and Cordials, both of the choicest and common sioas. sin ora Julia Street Foundry nnd Machine orks, XT' W. C.

lroo founder, and Manufacturer of Steam Engine. Surar Hills. Vacuum Pans. Cotton Presses, haw Mills, Diaiuina Machines, and machinery every description Iron and Brass Castings made ta order. Steamboat.

Cotton Press, Railioad and Plantation work executed with rare and the utmost despatch. Metallic and Compoaitiou Packing for Steam Cyiindera.of all kiada, made to order at the shortest notice. i rate Bars, various patterns and styles: Stirrups, flange Bolts, sec. constautiy on nana, iron roots ana Bonders' cast lugs furnished with despatch and the style ly i Welting ant xSooat H.eeplnc air. uauevx taas Dieasore in an Bouncing that he haa secured the anlst ance of a radical and exoerienced Book keeper.

Lectures will be given inths above science every two wees. Wrttina tausbt on tbe most sctentlrlc principles. Charters. Oiplomaa. Viaitiuc Cards.

Ac. executed wltb nearness ana aespatcn. sjoiiei Coliegea, Academies, Ac, at aaa Id Book keepins will com tended to as usual. A cli mence on Tuesday, the at 7 o'clock P. at 84 Common street, up stairs.

oar im WM. GADNT. itletairie Farm. B. M.

READ offers for rale at his farm, on the new Shell Road, near tbe Half Way House, white, rtd, black, bun and brown fbanshai i Cochin Chinas; Bramah Pootras; Middlesex. Suffolk and Oxfordshire Pin. Tbe above Fowls and Pies a raised on his farm, from the best Imported stock, and a quite superior. Also, anatrate aoctor a norse ana posgy. no rt K.

I Leonard. GARDEN and FLORI8T. University Gar deu, corner of Baroune and Common streets. few Orleans. L.

makes and keeps rnrate Gardens. FLOWER8 and BOLUDETS furnished to or also, every variety of Ornamental Sbrubriery, rruit rrees, vines, arc HSMffiw, mi nen mr ail lime. tc. oiti 1'i siciirnl atrhrmnera' KatabliahateaU The underslguea would respectfully inform bia friend, and the public tbat he baa opened watcnmaaing estaDiisumenr. at rto ao vamp i street, where be will be happy to perform any 'work in hia line.

The andersiened beinc an ex perienced, practisal watchmaker, be natters bimself that ecan rive prnert ana entire satisfaction to au woo may ravor nim wiui ineir pKronage. i i pi 3m wrl. Dir.rrr. Jnniea 11. Hall's Plouahn.

SAM EL LuCkt. sole asen the aale of the above celebra I ted rlaneha. has lust received following, and otters them at tne manufacturer prices IN) He. 1 Plougbs. no cutter; 173 No.

1 Ploughs, with cutter i SOD No Pluugbs, with cutter 10 Wo Plouebr, with cntterj 110 Na Eagle Plougbs, witn cutter; IM No it 8 Ploughs, with cutter No. 3 Plongbs, with cutter; AO No. 8 Ploughs, with cutter; 85 Na Fluke Plougbs, with cutter; 60 Bub i oil Ploughs, sswirted, Na and 3. SAMUEL LOCEE. 7.

and 9 Front Levee. n90 3mdW between Customhouse snd Bienville srs. Knnnistnsi and Novelties). HT'ME ALBKBT baa tbe honor to Intorm the Lsdiesof 11X the ity that she hss Jost opened rooms on the first flrknr nf the nremises corner of Rival and Bienvil Streets, where she wt'l display a very choice collection of FASHIONABLE AttTlCLiCS, L.inens and novelties in general. This assortment, which has been selected with areat care, nv me AtOrrx neraeii.

wno oas lateiv arn.ra from Paris, is altocetber novel. Tbe sale of the g'ods will take place on etatumay next. lh m.t ni lot AVelaer'a toliee bimi apwe Mtu, A'i lHf.ln airier ALWAYS OI HAND, UKEF.N. BOASTED AND GROUND COFFEE and 8 PICES. Coffee Roasted for Steamboats, Families and Groceries, at the lowest city prices.

urders punctually attended to and delivered within the circuit of the city free of charge Green Coffee sold here chesp. DANIEL FELGEB. OS IV 4m Perdiilo street. Kor Hale. DIME COFFEE HOUSE, situated in the First Dls trict.

doine a ood business, also a Picayune Cotlee House, in the same uistnrr. or rarticutara inquire jj. Bltjlii, sf Dieu vine street, 1 aa between Cbartresrand Old Levee.up at sirs. knr naln at a Less Term ol Credli. STWO SUGAR PLANTATIONS, situsted on the Baton Conrtahlesu, five miles from Washington, Pariah of St.

Lanrtrv. La. These PlanUtions con tain about lao seres of very good land, sou acres under cultivation in cane and corn. There ia a very good steam eniine from roues and dwelling bouse on each plantation. Alto, 6A Megroea, most of them field bands borse, mules, Ac Tbe crops are snipped directly from tbe plantation to New Orleans.

TOeae plantations are orrtreo pnvateiy at very auvaii taeenns conditions, and both lone terms of navment. Jt not sola on tne nrsx ci January piaumuuus will be sold at public suction, at one. tw, three and four years' credit. Apply to LOB1T A CHARPANT1ER, nui iniasw bminniimuc Krrct, Ass A Hrnnrnsrans Ptanllns Investment la altered in a Bun Alt rLAniAllln.vilDtDOBi TO Slaves attached, situated in tbe richest and best alluvial nortion of the auear erowlue re sion of West ern Louisiana, either by a aale ot the entire estate, tbe land alone, or bv an eoual interest in the land an expert enced planter, who would bring to ita cult) vw' son a ike force ana taxe cnarge oi its entire manager enu tne tractcontains about SU00 acres Ml) of which are in a hig state of cultivation: 830 additional could be easily added the first season. There ia a Sugar House, Steam Engine and Mill, with au necessary nxtures, negro cabins, urans nea, Ac abundantly supplied with Work Animals, Cattle, L.

TK nla tf Kah. l.anft. the balance are children, from infancy to 10 or 15 years oi a. The plantation yielded last year abont 160 boirtbeada of sugar. For further particulars, please apply to theuc deraignea.

sao imdtw w. uunuBbii Anthony's Oyster Saloon Ko. 10 Roval street. The proprietor of the cd3 above establishment wonld most respectfully announce to the public, that having his RESTAURANT ADOVSTER SALOON, he is now readv to modate hia old customers and the public enerally with the beat the marketa afford at all times, and every style to suit the palate. Be has procured the best of cooks and obuslns attendants, and win pay strict personal attendance.

Having made arrangements so as to fully supply all demands for Game af all kinds, fresh, and the Oyster department having been, as formerly, an arranged as to be in daily receipt of tbe best Oysters tbat Louisiana and its environs anoni, tne unueraignea nopee, by paying strict attention to bis business, to merit the patronage oi tae puuuc BN 1 A i 1. spinuvv. 1 HAViriltl Corner Cimo and LaJavette streets. THIS Institution has been organized under an set of la enrnnratinn naased hv tha last Leeialatore of thl Bute, aud will be opened fur tha trausactiou of baglneg tl on nursdsy, tne 3d instant. The bails upon which tt ia established is simply that of a savings institntion.

For tbe purpose of afiordlng all an oDnortunltv os accnmnratlna tneir aavmas it ia pro via ed lu the charter that as smalls son ss a dims shall be received oa deposit. For money deposited oa Interest tbs following rates nave seen esiaot isnea i Deposits for not lsss than to nor more than so days, Interest at the rate of 3 per cent, per annum. Deposits for not less than months and not more than 6 memos, interest at me rate oi a per cent, per annum. Deposits over aunths interest at the rate ef 6 per cent. one rlrnoaited subject to call will be received, but ae iei mnnnm.

interest win oe aiinwca. Ca Fridays dsposits win oe rcceivea oniy irviu kdbbio xruoteea Wm. H. Garland, James BL Fersay. Pat.

irwln, Oea C. LawrasoB, B. L. Kobertaon Joha Coleman, Dennis Cronan, John B. Camden, James Rand.

W. B. Atobos. auS, IBM ly R. Praaident.

arraaa Halaaa aaa I To isfl Panel street. Tovtro's Bandings. xr. liT i TTt 'hitir. Tf aaytalaf ta tha Soelhsra a.

Tills SMI an ISIIISSSII SBTTHllg bas as rsamectralTy tnvtted to call aad examine 1 3J hi. aaw and Hortk Sky Llght. I aortnarB aass.ias past a waUAMUVi SaUA aaa, 4ssw BBBVsa SBwaav ss. mm ss 'v art. Ha also selected a very fares Ala, a sTV tssrsaa.

pounds i hatasaeae tawt 'mm a tail fnaraBtBa. amd tMtt sosd sa sxjcammodating terana in a as. il bar tha is for in jr lea et A. of I I I 2 rvwwwAr I BY virtue of resolntioa Ko. 1SS9, sf too Common Csb.

1 CU ef the city of assy Orleans, spprsvea lh Decs so 1 164, Sola sa Si Fart FartJ.eksoa Parish wtaanamiBas. ac aootu ossbiisi from the eitr af Maw Orleans, certain property there, be lonainetsthecltv. and lataiy la charge of the aoard of Stores, Cooalng Utemlla, Cots, Mstusssss. Blankets, Medici nea. Ac Alao.

a twenty loot Boat, with Oars, sad a lot of Provislona Terms Cash oa Us spot i. Tbe Rational mMiabed 1b the Pariah of Plaquena ines, will please insert tbe above notice and send Dili te WAS brought to the Second AtUrict OBBd, fto. a V.e bk left esr copped and rl li mr i anI nil.nlnnf use wnite ana yellow low, rtgnc ear aiopeaunueruvu, left ear cropped, aad branded on right hip. One white and yellow Cow, left ear slit, right ear cropped and uodereiopc vthieh it uimMt srkthin ten n.vfl and the ex penses thereon paid, will be sold at public auction, at said pouna, on bai a UA ne tot as iu cioca a. ju.

new Orleans, uecemoer a. ik AUGUSTUS 8. fHELi street Commlssloaer. Ill Hi conduit so depot des epsves da Second District, rue des TJrsnlines. No.

S70. comme epsves Tine Vache blancbe. avaut des tscbes noires. l'oreille gaucbe ecourtee and feudue, l'oreille drolte econriee et coupee obliquement. Cnc Tacbe blanche et Jaune, l'oreille droit coupee obliquement, l'oreille gauche ecourtee, et etampee sur nancne aroit.

Dulvscbe blanche et jaune. l'oreille gaucbe fendue l'oreille droite ecourtee et coupee obliouen ent. Si elles ne sont pas reclame dans dix Jours et les depenses payees, eiiesaeront venaua a lencnere puoiique, au ait ae pot SAMED1, le 16 da courant, A 10 heures A. M. HOUVClic vricaus, ic urccmDre.

AUUUSTUS 8. PHELPS, dfi 11 IB Commissalre des rues. pHE following artirlea remaining in tbe Pound of the A Third District. 84 Elvsisn fields street, havine been aep sited tuere oy police officers at different times tor ronrraveuiion oi oraiuauces, ana Having remainea tuere six months or more, and not havine been claimed bv tbe owners, and beins liable to decav. tbe owners thereof uc.wj uvviiini iu i.uic luTwilu, iiiui tocir property therein, nav the tinea, pound fees, and other ebaraea.

with ten days, and take them away, otherwise they will be a at puouc auction, at rata pound, on 0A1 tne ibtn at 8 ciocg r. viz i cart, no brand or number. 1 Cat4, branded 2SK, plate number 1 cart, branded 2.I.V., aud 2 in a circle. 1 cart, no brand, plate number 1 cart, branded p'ate number 3.U04.

1 dray, btand unintelligible, and uo plate. 1 dray, branded is, 3mi circle, and plate 1 dray, branded 4.K09, i in a circle, and plate 1 dray, branded 15, and J. A. no plate. 1 dray, uo brand or plate, and one wheel broken.

New Orleana. December 1854. AUGUSTUS S. PHELPS. Street Commissioner.

LES objets suivants qni ont ete conduits dltferentes Domes au depot des trans dn Troisieme District, ti rue des Champs 1. 1 sees, par des ottiriers de police, pour in'rmctli ns aux ordinances, et ayant rertea sx rnois ou plus sans etre reclamra, et etiut sujets a detoriation, lea proprietairt a sont cites par les presentee d'svoir a comna rsitre et prouver leur prepriete, pays l'ameude, les frais et autres charges dans le delai de aix jours, sutrcaieut i's serant vendue a l'enchere publtque, au dit depot, SAME Lri, le jo nu courant, a a mures r. i. cnarette, sans etampe ou na mero. 1 cbaretle, etampee 8, uumero de la plaque ,7 1 cbare te, etampee et 3 dans an cercle I cliaret ns ttarape.

numeio de la nlaaue 1 I cbaretle, etampee S.ti 76, nutnt ro de la plaque 3,04 i uray, eiauipe luinteueiie, sans piaque. 1 dray, etampe s.6M,g dsn, cercle, et plaque sw. I dray, stampe 40t). 3 dans on cercle et plaque 1 diay, etampe et A O.sans plsque. 1 dray, aana etampe oa nlaouc.

one roue Nouvelle Orleans, le 6 Decembre, 1M. AUGUSTUS S. PHELPS, da 1 1 1 Commltsaire des Rues. WAS brought to the Second District Pound, No. Ursulines street, as eatraya One white, yellow aud brown Cow.

left ear crooned and spilt, a amau portion Of ine tail cut. One white aud yellow spotted Bull Calf, both ears tripped, sp'lt and unlernicked no brand visib'e. Wbicb. if not claimed within ten davs. and the ex Ko es thereon paid, will be sold at public auction, at said i Tiironiv ii i ii i ouuu, ou ibiu U1.U, at 1U ClOCX A.

Ol. new urleans, iecemter i. 1864. AUUUbl ua H. rnELrB, Street Commissioner.

IL a it conduit au dlpot des epaves du Second District, Ko. j70 rue des Uisulioes. conime roaves Cue vache blaucbe. iauoe et brune. 1'oreil'e eaucbe ecounee et lnc oe, et nne partie de la queue coupee.

Un ieuue Taureau. sans cornes. tacbete blaue et iaune. deux oreillea ecourtees et fendues et ayaut dea cochej. Si lea dtts antmaux ne aout pas reclamea aana dix lours.

les depenses payees, lis seront vendus l'enchere pub lique, an dit depol, MARDI, le du courant, A 10 heures ni. fiouveue Orleaus.le I Decembre, 1HM. AUGUSTUS 8. rHtbl 8, rl 12 Commissaire des Roes. MAVORALTT OF NEW.ORLEAaB, I December l.

1864. I PURSUANT to tbe provisions of the 14th section of th act of the Leclalature. entitled "An Act to conanll date tbe city of New Orleana, and provide for the mvernv ment and administration oi lis auairs. approvea xm iro ruarv. Intnl.

"and bv virtue, also, of a resolution tbe Board ef A'sistant Aldeim adopted at their sitting of Tuesday, S8th Wove ber, uiv I Ootire la nereoy given mat an election win oe neia on MONDAY, tbe nth day of December, instant, in the Eighth Ward of the city of few Orleana, fur a member the Board of Aldernnea, to repna nt aatd ward and to SU the vacancy In aald Board, by tne aeatb ol Bines LyscQ. The polls to be opened at such places and under the su perlatendenee of such inspectors and clerks as may oe he re a ter designated accordins to law. juiiLt ri is, mayor. MAI RLE Dfc LA OUELLE Le ler Decembre. 164.

Conformemrnt sux dispositions de la section 14 de la lot de la Legislature, intitulee "Acte poor consoliuer la ville de la Nouvelle Orleans, et pour puarvoir au gooverue ment et l'admlnistration de srs srlsires." approuvee le 3 Fevrier 18U, et en Venn d'une resolutiou du Conseil des Assistants Aldermen, adoptee par ce corps dsns sa seance du 28 Novembre dernier; Avis est par le present donne one Londi. 11 Decembre rouiant, 11 aura dans le 8me Arrondissrment de la ville de la fouvelle Orleans, nne election I'eSet d'elire no Membre sa conseil des Assistants Aldermen, pour re presenter le dit arrondissement et rempHr la vacance. oc caaionnee par la mort de Mr. Jamea Lvnch. lee sc rutins seront ouvert en teis ei nroita et sous ia sur veillance de ttla inspecteors et gremers qui seront de signee plus tard.coniurinemeot a ia lot.

en re as Jlio, li. Lbniq, riiatre. (No. 1850.1 ESOLVKD, That the contract with Thns. Hynea for 1 1 tne pavine witn rouna atonea oi unn stoute at.

John b. an.1 the same isberebv. declared forfeited. Kesoived fortuer. inat tne comptroller oe, ana ne is hereby, authorized to sell at public auction, after ten days' notice in toe olfirisl Journal, thecontract for grading, shell ine and ditcbins tbe Grand Ron St.

Joho. from Savatre atreet to the Bayou St John, iu accordance with specifica tions on nie in tne surveyor omre. Lsignenj l. m. flaul, President pro tem.

Board nf Assistant Aldermen. ISignedj JAS. CALDWELL, President Board of Aldernen. Approved November 44, IBM. Lbigneaj juhl ia.

i.r ia, mayor. COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, Citv of New Orleans. Nov. 3S. 18S4.

XTOTICE Is hereby riven, tbat on MONDAY, tbe llta IN December next, at 1 o'clock I wUl adjudicate, at my othce, the above contract. nan tail v. vt du i o. comptroller. Soex Ifleittionfs For Ditching.

Grading and Shelling Grand Route St. jonn. trom Bavasre atreet to ssvou nt join. TfklTCHES three feet wide by two and a half feet deer shall oe dug on both sides of the roadway of street. The roadwsv between tbe ditches snail be thirty five reet in wiito.

tne wuoie. siiuu ui tue inuwsr uriwrrn the ditches shall be graded according to the heights sud levels to be given by the Surveyor, tbe contractor filling the same where too low, and picking and hauling away the dirt where too high. Twenty feet in width in the centre of he roadway shall be shelled with clean and sound take shells, to a depth of one loot below tne surface oi tue ground worn grated said abellins and the (round on each side sball then be conveniently rolled with a 6,000 pound r. Her as often as may oe requtrea oy tue surveyor, out at least tnree times before it be openeci to the public: and said abellins when coovenieotly rolled and made solid, shaU be six inches thick, otherwise tbe wbole work shall be rejected by the Surveyor. AU the materials shall be of tbe best quality, and sball be furnished bv the contractor as well as the labor.

Tbe coutraxtor abali keep tbe abeiled portion of the road in repair for one year after its completion and ac cl aicebytbe Surveyor; and to guarantee tbe faithful manre oi tnis connnion, tue treasurer tnan retain or.e sftboftbe price to be paid to the contractor, which fifth shall be paid at the expiration of said ytar, if the ahei I road be then found in perfect condition by the Surveyor. The rentracror shall bind himself to begin the work ten daya after the approval of the adjudication by the Com mon Viouucii. nucr.ue tue luuu i ijw uc null and void, and to complete the same three months after under a penally of sio per uay. Security to an amount ot suau dc required lor tue faithful performance of the contract. In case of any neglect on tbe part of the contractor to comply rtrictly with the above apecificationa, tbe Council reserves the right to declare the con iracteipeo facto, null ana void, wtttiou' applying to a court oi justice, ana witn out lodemnuying the contractor.

Payments as follows, to It The Drorionion to be paid by tbe city in rash, on the completion of tbe work and acceptance of the same by the Survey oi, the Treasurer retaining one filth of tbe amount in gosrautee for one year, and tbe proportion to kUUUl IU KWWIiW Wl dl MUU UI VWU, fe nai.lhv the nrunertv holders to be collected bv the con trsctor. Bids ts he per rucnins foot for the whole work complete. mv urieane, ucccmwr i tvn t.iii i( i i.i ss. riuiti, tiltr ouiTrrvr. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE, M.M

fnlv IA IliU lyjOTlCB is hereby given to all keepers of bar rooms, i rnnre nmua.u u.uu uwu wuciv iiuuui am vu. that according to an ordinance of the Common Council of the city of New Orleans, a 1667, approved July 6, IBM, they ere required to close the same at tbe hour of 11 o'clock at night, snd not to open before the hour of 4 o'clock In the morning, from the month of Slay to the mont of October, alter wmcn nme aaia nooses suau not be opened before the hour of 5 o'clock In the morning, Tlx i from the 1st of November to the 1st of April also, mot to allow music or dancing, of whatever kind or nature, in the several bar rooms or coflee honses in and turougoont tne cityi aiso, au aeepers oi esusrewsrs required to dose at 8 o'clock P. At according to an ordi nance of the Common council, na lows, approved on S4. 1864 as said ordinsnces will be strictly enforced. Jyll wag.


wi It hoot aaediclt a. of HDermatorrhesk. or Ical Weak Bess, Nervous Debility, Low Sptr.ts, Lassitude, Weakncs of the Limbs and the Back, Indisposition snd Incapacity for Study and Labor, Da. In ess of Apprehension. Loss of aieroory, Aversion to Soclett, cove of Soli lade, Tlmld Selfbistrust.

Dlxrirwss. Headache. InvoUmter Buy charges. Pains ta tns Side, Affecttoa of tns Eyes, Flatplss a US ace, pes umi mmn wbw inarnuuw isi suaa. I From tne rencn oi a.

iMiasnsy.j Tha tmportant tact that tkaae alarsning complaiats sasy aaallsr hst r. moved, without SBSeUctBe. la. Us thia amail tract, cteviy raw whiti, aww swa nigniy sue cuss rm sjsBsroews, as, auuwsEo. By ana aatnor, Calls suralahsed.

bv tBeans at which ever sum fat araod t. rs7lrsal Bstrfoctis. Bad at the IbssS aoaalhla eoak. voiding, thereby, all tha advertised aestrusaa af the day. Beak so sny ssuireas, grasss ana pos rree, seaisaca sMopa, ay ITLiiTuiSS Jyia wws prw i sjw 1 ri i 11.

Wears bbw rcoerving avcry ktrg ad LXJ 'compieta assuiliaent of Soie Leatbsa lrom Frama, Wood Folio aad Packing 1 TTmnks Ladles'' aad Oaa'a' lltarL 1 1 Kraaaels.Vsnttiaa a.d Watarpracrf Bass aaa Frbool Anaia rnnoer cosvta. cioass ana Ceers, Stc. XA. AV. rMsjui at a.

fTCwBwlltml, I TO RENT. si a ft .4 Rjnra aad Parlor. Splendidly 1 i JL r.TA fillo nt opposits the rsf 6we suwstsy a i two iota, ntaaisa Mnu w. II Csastantiaopls strests. City af As IXZTZ fds tfl W.

F. COLEMAN. FOaV LB AS Bqoara Na situated o. Tcboopi wnuVtfnHt ajsd LeonUss streeus, tai Cltv. suitable for a gardener, with all tae Bsprovvroeuisi Bouse, with kitchen and outhooae; one large clster a and OR Sf FOR RENT A two story Dwelling Hoase, at tbe lv to rant Levee.

1st "between Uraerllne and Moapllal sta. iron ii kt The rwrMtorv brick Dwellins. with verandah attached, containing four rooms la the 4 i lMiM. hvrlrans in the vard. Ac.

OB one door from Marmis SSeyto ALEXANDER "pERlRA; oil tf 2ommr suu aiuuu sVsrkD itrNT a lam foart rv Btorft. corner of Girod nd CiDpitrreta, flnUbed oil ever the store, suitable for residence. nlTtf Comer Csmp snd canal streeta. MTU BENT A convenient two eiory nou Claiborne atreet, between Common and Canal, con tainiug eight rooms, with stable, well, cistern, and complete order. Apply toQ let and Gravier streets.

Also Tbe nooer part of the boose corner of Csrondelet nd neavier streets. B'S niDMiurn iiuTKi.i.iKH HOUSE FORKENT. The large three atory brick dwelling bouse at the comer nf Jnlia and Baronne streets, conta ning ten rfoma. all comnieteiv luruisnvu, win ir iruw. 1 Ml L.

all. or without furniture cheap to a good tenant. Also, the store no. naicnes atreet, corner pssaage. Apply to 1UPV at tsu cauaistrcci.

nia ti fOR RENT A large DweUlng House cn Euterpe street, between Pryt.nia and Coliaeum Place, with a fine garden attached. Apply to J. WATERMAN A BROTHER, lot Corner of Common and Magaxine streets. OK. RJENT Tbe two story and attic brick Dwell ng No.

lis Annunciation street ulj tf 1T L. B. HORNK, Commercial Alley. FOR KENT The Codec House aoatheast corner of Magazine and Girod etreete, with Counter and otnerTixturee, being a first rate atand. Apply on tbe premises, to into tl Vi Jfl3ir.q t.

r. i Enext, the Store and back arehouse, Csmp now occupied by tha Louisiana Mutual hssurance any. Apply to E. JACOBS, Jelo Limp itract. if.

TO RENT The second story of Na 43 Magazine, opposite tbe Arcade. A tine large room. Apply on the premises. nlO tf TO RENT Tbe commodious Dwelling No. It Poeyfarre street, adjoining Dt.

rowing's, contain ins nine rooms, large balls, brick yard. Ac. Rent, $4U Apply to wM. Mn.riJo, U5 tl rrreyirre street. TO RENT The fine four story Warehouse Bo.

79 Julia street. For terms aaply to HARrLEB A. TATLOR. Im Attorney at Law, SO Camp street. TO RENT Three two story Dwelling Houses si turned on Euterpe street, between Prytania and Coliaeum Apply to CHAS.

PRlDE.301 Magazine n4 tf or corner of Camp and Bartholomew sta. ms. wrfc acilil lur iuwuum fS3 Into tbe new store. No. 41 Magazine street, otter for i rent the Stares at re sent occupied by them.

Na TO Gravier sreeet, tunning through and uniting with Na BO Common street. Possession to be given first of October. These stores front on two of the best basin streets, and the location Is a very desirable one either for a large dry goods, auction or commission business. UAV1U JAB UB SB 1V SIO tf TO Gravier snd 69 Common street. Tn KENT The Warehouse situated at the corner of New Levee and Benjamin streets, lately occupied as a tobacco warehouse by P.

A. Hardy, and known as tbe Oregon Warehouse. Possession given on the 1st of November. For terms apply to race a rosrEiL, oVfi tf corner Camp sreet and Commercial Place, FOR RENT Several tine Offices in tbe building occupied by the undersigned, corner of Camp street and Commercial Alley. al J.

P. tr HIIT" a 61 Camp at. TO LET The three story brick Store on Old Le vee street. No. 10, between Canal and Customhouse streets, 30 on Levee, running through to Dor siere street.

Rent 60 a month. uu.tAl Et. r. i r. rij If corner of Csmp snd Coinmerrlal Place.

TO RENT A two story Frame House, containing five rooms in the main ba'ldiug, witb kitchen and servants rooms attached, situated on Basin street. between Coustance aud Annunciation. For terms, apply to H. L. STONE A ft tf 1 wravicr screes, corner ruiioB.

TO RENT The four story brick Store, Na 109 Magazine street. Possession given immediately. AppIv to oTo Statf E. A. BRADFORD, log Canal st.

FOR RENT The four atory brick Store, Na 7S Gravier street. A larxe three story brick Store, now belnar built. corner cf New Levee and Lafayette streets. Possession given on the 1st of Povember next Apply rrAHU sttire st so stawtf IT Na 139 Common street. POnV KENT Possession aivrn from the 1st to the loth November, the three story Brick Dwe'Ung Houee, with an iron verandah In front, situated on Carond, let street, two doors from Hevia.

Forpartlca utrs, apply to rsuvsitiii ss diih, rrS4 if Rtsiiavi iirrri. TO RENT One new three story Store, on Tchou pl ton as street Na afi Apply to ofit BDLL1TT. MILLER CO. MFOR RENT A very large fine Othce, handsomely papered. Apply to BELL, BUCHANAN CO Olo VP nn sensing strerb gssBk TO RENT Offices on tbe nrst, second ana toira floors over tbe Home Insurance Company, corner of aaiia Camp and Gravier streets Apply to OI6 tf TT HORACE BEAN CO.

FOR RENT The two tnree story Brick Build ings, Nos. 118 and 1W Tchoupitoulas street. Tbe upper parts are at present occupied as boarding houses and first story as stores. Apply to 7 tl n. obioubio, i ii nana risre.

TO RF.NT Those extensive and well located building, known as tbe Oregon WareHonse, sisuated hr ween a met re and Thalia streets, runnins thronsh cm New Levee to Front Levee streets, well calculated the storage of tobacco or cotton, having a mgn graded ya .1. rossessloo given 1st Novemoer. Appiy to Sun Mutual Insurance OSce, oln tf corner of Camp aud Common streets. FOR RENT A commodious 8tore in tbe Ma sonic Grand Lodge Hall, fronting on Bt. cnaries Possession given 1st November.

Inquire of LAUrSELL st 18 tf comer of St. Chariee and Perdldo streets. FOR The second story of No 67 Grarle street. For terms, Ac, apply on the premises.

oi4 tf OFFICES TO RENT Several fine Offices to rent In tbe new Iron fronted building on the corner of Camp and Natchez streets. Apply at Na 93 Csmp on tf FOR RENT The lower part of Stoic Na 4 Front Levee, bet ween Customhouse and Bienville, to rent from 1st Novcmoor. Apply to oa tf HALL it RODD, 4 Front Levee FOR RENT Two large Stores on Canal street Will be leased for a term of years, two iflrre stores. thirty one bv elehtv five feet each, now In course of erection on Canal atreet, between Camp and MasazIna 4 streets, rosaeaaion given lotn ol noverobcr next, xerms ascertained and plans seen on application to o4 JOHN a. mAt.3i,Li, or, cnaries sr.

FOR RENT Tbe store Na IS Camp atreet, now occupied by the subscribers, from 1st of November. o3 trrLO. W. HTNSON A Tt Camp St. FOR RENT The Building, situated on Gravier, near St.

Charles street, and opposite the St. bar lea Hotel, lately occupied by Mr. Simpson. Apply to o3 tf PAYNE A HARRISON, lie Camp street. STORES TO RENT The fine Stores Na Ca romielet street and Na S5 Common street for rent.

Apply to MOTT PHASER. 30 Camp street. sie V. tt. Fell 3c ImDorters of and Dealers in Crockery.

Chaa SlasswaTe, wholesale sad retail, 84 Cobhbob rs ew vrieana. Plated. German Silver and Britannia Caatses. Tea Sets. Forka aad Spooaa.

Table Catlerv. Tea frava. Lamps, As daesi Tennpaaee 8na ar Kettles. The Celebrated Old Stacker Iron Works. Tennessee r1H undersigned, sole agent of theae celebrated wort Informs the public that the proprietor have In built an additional furnace, in order to meet the daily la band a fail assortment of sutrar kettles, a rata bars and ore mourns, wmcn ne oners ax tne roaowing rates asgar aetues, to jncnea, at bi WBaincni S4 to se Inches, at SI ts an Inch i to 84 Inches, at SI SO an Inch, Armta hara 4 eenta ner Bound, and furnace moatha ass Wa.VHn and SMI a iisrMftB, CoraBkligioa arcaaat, 64 St, Coarlss street.

I S3 ap stairs Hotel far rSale. The subscriber being about to enjrsjre tn other business, offers for sale tbe valuable property known as the CENTREVILLE HOTEL, toscther with the furniture belonging to tbe same. This hotel is situated in the town of Cenrrcville, pariib OI or Alary, Lw irvBUBR ou tue tuyou Aecue.ana tne pnDiic roaa leaning irom ratteraonviiie to rransnn, ana is within a few hundred feet of the Kew Orleans, Opelousaa and Great Western Railroad line. The nronertv conslsia of a large and commodious frame building, two and a half stories nigh, with large front galleries. In the rear of tnis bnildinc is soother building, two and a half stories hieh.

iust finished the first tiooris fitted no for dininc room. ou rees long ana so ieet wiae i tne eecona story consists of nine eooa sieepine rooms, ana a lares ooen aarret above There ia also a large kitchen, atore room, aervanta' dining room buv mmuium aut ia guoo. oraer. jiiao, a goosi 11 very stable, carrisse bouse. Ac.

on the premises. 1 nis note! nas aot naa lass tnan tnirrv ooardera at any time for the last year, and ia capable of accommodating over nity rsyriaar ooaraera. senna isawsiiBiiii xor rartnerpamcuiars appiy to sft la W. B. CART, Centrevilfe, La.

Ta Trlernlianta ana Planters. Tins suhscnoers nave bow ta stars aad shall be cetwtantlv receivine from Wheeling, a full assortment of ARTS, with shahs and Iron aales, which they over as Baanunscsarers' prtces. ana rnaran testa esranl 11 sunt aBnenor na sav aensa a in tna nsnrt. i. uev aisa taaa oracra aor au ainua al wstrun wvstsv.

aad deliver tbssa oa plantaaons bIbbs tha river without any additional charges. iney are receiving rrom tns rsorta and urope a isrgs asuTtmcat of HARDWARE, which, with what thev hava already, will compiets their stock, which they aaei at VVTg BOW BTI.W. I va siisiiba Urts, vnewvtiia asm trnil sues IB fl F1FTT DOLLARS REWARD Tbe servaBt ELIZABETH, as yean old, of Cngriah rsatiac bat stwakins Fruch. kaviAta ran sway. WtJbsasrvrewswiiIbeBsUtoaByoMtariBgij 7 back ta aas, A tha earner af altssary aaa Lova aurssta, Na 44.

Sbeia red skiaasd baa good tacta, h) stOBt, walks heavily, abont Ave frst hlgh.Aas a pirn pte or tnaaor at tha snd of ens car, aboat tha aiss at a rAtanpea.eBdciaatasatns) aMasacn. joxtb voinsj L4wav BALk im tans iNa 4 Ci2 kiXtS a. leaning sa J. BL Jarvia. WALNCiril As.

VBLSTPrsTOVW 2 COPAXITUSnPIIlPs; rs i rs aBBfasaass. aa, rt, i sslBrV'V'VVaNVNh ItfS. JOHK A. UNKOTT teotrjes nember of srit ill firm tbisday. CHAS CHAS.

JLAILKT Ctt ses oeieana, lecrmBer iso. ai ib DIooOLCTION Ibe nnB of P1CZ.CTT, ACaiCilXe it.cTf TT. sjfo. TBE anderstgned continBo the Banking snd Coinmis. sion boslness for their set account, under the style of PICKETT, ACME RDO At CO.

JNa B. M1CMDK1HV A. PICaXTT. Btw Orb ssi, Ssyenbsr 1K4. sW Ira ftHK rop rlnersbip heretofore exisung andar the Crsa 1 of Attlf ANDJEZ At CAR DON A has Wea dissolved by rant al ronseat.

Tha boalneaa of the abov firm will ba enntn.ocd nnder the style of J. A. FERNANDEZ CO. November ISM. aa ins.

NOTICE The partnership heretofore existing between tb nndrrsisned at Mobile, nnder tbe firm ef J. B. TOCLMI! A SON, and at New Orleans under the firm of MORTON TOULMIN A is thia day dissolved by mutual consent. Tbe business at Mobile wlU bereafler be continued by Morton TonlmlB and H. V.

H. eorhees, nnder tbe name of J. B. TOULMIN BON. Tbe business at New Orleans will be continued snder the name of MORTON TOL'LMIN at by J.

B. Tool mln. Any unclosed business will ne artenneo to ny eitnar of the andersigned. J. B.

TOULMIN. MORTON TOOLMIN. Hew Orlesns. July l. last.

dl Im ON lbs tSd Jtly, 1854, tbe firm of MORTON TODX MUX Jt CO. was dissolved by tbe retiring from bnsi tiess of the sole partner, J. B. Tonlmin. rq.

mutism, as THE endersigued have formed a connection for tbe BBmne of rnnsBrfnr a General Csmmisuoa Bus! sa. nnder the Arm of MORTON TOOLMIN CO, ia New Orlesns, sad J. B. TOOLMIN a SON. at Mobile.

BVitiu H. V. H. VOOBHECS, WM. H.

ST. JOHN. December I. 1864. dl lm rilfiE business heretofore carried on by ttia uDdersigued I will 1 f.1...

h. rnnAnrtMl under ha atvlsl Of CREEV HARWELL. ILiLlain Ea, Tl IvsKA BVfcJ SfcSta, Illiam Creevy. Cnarles A. FsrweH.

C1REEVY A FARWELL, Commission Merchants and Bhio Rrr.krrs. Aeeuts for the Essie Line New York Packets. New Orleans, wovemoer fgos. Notlee. THE firm of M.

J. B. Walton are bo longer my agents for tbe ssle of Blllecart SaJaaoo Versa nay CUsmpagne. J. MJIEJl, toie imporxcr.

WaaUtrSU BlrtrWas New Orleana. 8pemlver as, ISM. nn 1 rilHr nndersfaiied Bu to inform Shin Astenta. Captains of Vessels and the public generally, that they have formed a partnership, nnder the style of GONZA LES A CHAPMAN, for ihe purpose of transacting a hbip Disrherging. Collecting, General Average, Forward ing ana commission oasineas.

G. GONZALES. GEO. CHAPMAN, osoom Gravier street. OTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP We have associated with ns in hnsineaa M.

J. MrKEC and WILLIAM BAILIE of Canton, Miss. The style of the house win ce imcnangea. WILLIAMS, BATHDRST CO. New Orleans.

September 1. 1864. si 3m NGRAVINO. CHARLES J. STEVENS, Engraver.

Has removed from Na 9 to Na S6 Camp street, near tbe corner of Common, where he has superior facilities for executing every description of ENGRAVING In an elesant manner, and at prices to suit every one. Particular attention given to the engraving of Business, Visiting and Wedding Cards The public are respectfully in sired to cad and examine specimens. uT am TVrsOPOSALS will be received lor ten days at the Sea 1. men's Home, corner of New Levee and Burette i KeJatearls and Mattresses, to supply those recently hustied. Application must be made to Mr Rickert, to perintendcnt, who will farnisa the quality, number and sizes.

Wines, Llqaorsy cVc. BERTENNEAUX, Na 7 Tcboupttoulas street, between Common and Gravier streets ri1AB.ES pleasure la announcing to his friends and the J. public senerally. that be is prepared to fill orders for be best Wines, Liquors. in market at the lowest rates City and country buyers are requested to call and examine his stock of Wines and Liquors before purchasers elsewhere.

wl Barataria Usui liAl. A CONSTANT supply of this well known brand always fx, on hard, at 117 Toulouse street, and for sale by the undersigned, sole agent and manufacturer of this mark, my in a ly lAOUfNT Mlf.t.AOIKN. Far rSale Cheap oa Aeessst af lepsrrtare. A hue Family Residence, situated IB tbe ronrtn District, In every respect complete. The Garden contains an abundance of fruit and ornamental trees, about 300 rose trashes, and other shrubbery and vegetables.

For further particulars, apply to ol rt J. ABB AH AMSON. It St. Charles st. j.

C. Fan pel Ac lyr Successors to Dr. W. B. Albers, Corner of Delord and Tcboupttoulas streets, opposite St.

Mary 'a Market, A POT HE CARIES and CHEMISTS, Dealers ta ass I'AMedlciuea. Chesnlcala, Pharmaceutic Pre pars Ylftlona, Perfumeries, Ac. r4 Also, the finest Wines and Liquors, for medicinal ssbbsb put poses. Particular attention alwsys given to the replenishing Steamboats and Ships' Medicine Chests, hyaician and Family Recelpea compounded al' hours, by careful and competent bands. owo 4 ly aurfcli at uismonai stow.

Ursuisie and frleapaUaz Trees Fer Sale. jsbsb, from Jamaica) seed, aayis from Sicily Seed. asssBi 1.000 from Cnba Beed. 1,000 from Creole Seed. s.ouo Mesoniiaz or Japan Flam Trees.

The above are from two to five years old. Also. Citron sod Lemon Trees, and a variety of other plants. Orders left at 9 Camp street. toe 6m R.

F. NICHOLS MRS. GROCX TIEROBJE hss tbe honor to infor the public, snd her enstotners in general, that bss lately arrived from Paris, witb a great assortment of Aug ELEGANT FANCT GOODS, Gold Gimps an Trimmings, Ribbons, and all the a. tic lea required fo, Maaksd and Fancy Balls. She will open her store on the 6tb af November, Na US Contl street.

Call at tbe new store, and you win ana tnar everytniDg tbat you wish oao tf Te Wester a MeTchaati. CLOCKS AND TIME PIECES. JC. BROWN, Na Couitlandt street. New Tor, manufacturer and daater in Clocks and Time Pieces, would call the attention of Western merchants to his larse and well assorted stock of all descriptions, wholesale and retail.

Ssb Merchants and dealers win do wen ta can Before purchasing elsewhere. si A 64 ly Maw Urtesxaa Hash Kstctorv. THE andersigned having recently established a SASH FACTORY nnder the above title. In eonnecttoa witb their Lumber Business ia this city, wonld respectally solicit the attention of Properly Owners, Builders, Merchants, and the Public generally, to their tacilltiesof Manor factoring by the aid af Steam Power, all kin da of Doors, Blinds, Bash, Mouldings, together with every da scription of Openings for DweQltiga and Stores. A large a toes ol ine regular sizes or upenmgs aiws, band, as per Price List.

We are prepared to do Sawing, Turning, and Planii the Factory, and furnish Mahogany, Railing, Ne wells and Baiustera. Particular attention elves to the Packine and ShlDuins sf all orders from the Conn 2ry. FACTOR NU. 10 raOriT STREET, Blear Armstrong's Foundry. Ou Lumber Yards on Bt arazine and Danlantler streeta.

are always well supplied with Clear and Common Wails nne and cypreaa, from siincn to lncnea tnica. Dressed Yellow Pins Flootins. CeUlns and Weather boarding. Biaii of any, gpanisn ana lonaa ceaar, wain at, cnerry. Poplar Oak, Aau, and all kinds of LuBaber.

uraers taxes lor cypress zamoer do do sswea st a. Brawn's klill. In Natchez, aad delivered from our Boataa any Landing on tks River. A. BROWN At mnsi ly wi maeaxine atareer.

Bayaa tHu Jekin Kiu bs. Improved stocr. V. DDCATkrr oftera tor aale at hia fans, aw I tha Bayou St, Johh, two mllaa from Bfsw means Di a.e srfcli. riAx.s ia.1 Spanish FOWLS.

Mone aVowst. Brewtea, Tomiowaa aaA Walts Cnina GEESE. Middleaest. affalk Bsssnv. C.lsu!slBahtsw.

aadaarA. Uv, lflk.hlH sta, tAatixasnire aaa sostn imwi bh Al sr. aTaosa Fowls. Plan. Glass aad Shewn are raised fen tha oesi isaperaa asocx, ui aura sraisa asipssias ss so Bsaaty si i iV i mwi.

a Arasry atisxAiy csunp streeu THIS well known snd popular Hall Baa recently beea enlareed and decorated in a neat and tasteful man a ner, and lis central position rend, rs it the most dtsirable iu tue city lor artists ana otners proposing te give entertainments in New Orleans i and experience hss proved it the best room for sound, not only in New Orleans, but In the Southern country. A neat and spacious dreeaing room for ladies ts attached to the Halt. It will be rented on very reasonable terms, either by tha day, week nr mouth. Address B3 Im R. HOKTBOHEKI A CO.

ACed itiver atavd Texas Ualted IStsUea Alail cine of atagea. B. FARMALEE A Proorletora. Stagea leave Alexandria triweekly for Nacogdoches, via Saliretown, Milam and Ban Aueustin junnins throneh in forty hoars, ind connecting at Hacogdocbes with ths ins running Huotsviile, from which place lines are running to Hon on, Washington, A us iu and San An to nia It also connects with tha line from Nacogdoches to Shreveport and Jet erson, vsa Henderson and MarshalL This line, connecting wltb the regular packets at Alexia dria. to which point boats can run at ail seasons of tns year, often the area est inducements to tb traveling puouc, rrosa its certain apeao ana comfort, tne propria ton having spared mttt able ar expense in pcwcoriBg th beat coacbea, the fin sat taama and most experienced drivers in the Southwestern conn rr.

Also from the tact thst it stTords the greatest facilities for teaching every point of Bote in j.cxas, witn out encountering tee incouvemrncs ana gangers oi a voyage across toe Mult niv Is tks, IstleHs. IWCENT. Confectioner, comer Csrondelet aad Caaal streets, in order to comply with ths often expressed wishes of tbe ladles, will, from to sfttr the 8Hh November, glvs a LUNCH, from 11 o'clock, A aL. till 'clock. P.

AC 8aid Lanch to consist of Dainty Pieces such as Boned Turkeys, Danbea, Hams, Wild Turkeys, ChariotiS Rnaae. Jellies. Ate Charee. as cents. win also nave lareaomess aunngtne aay, aaa artev tne performance ot tas opera, cnoroiare ana Acs creams, stc REMOVAL.


HAS removea to a Camp atreek, directly opposite his old stand, his baalneas Peine mersad la that oil tOORJE A CO. Hs tavitos his old castsaert to call at his new location, where thev will Snd a splendid stock of wns ibmI it. illaarw sv sSBacstexa ss Bwa CROCR ERT. CHIHA. eLASrWARB, I tfl and HO DEB roUftHOiw ARTIi CLAS I generally.

Wa. so CAMP STREET. Haw Jria Biatwee Blatwaa. Jast an rana aad Jast arrlrad aad for sale, thirty Sva ia oxaiy khbui s. Irsw csn ongthsm an Field Rasas.

Ma. A una aaions A kcnanica, He SJLm nambs of i ba soid far cash ar nawsB swryanta, ate Also, if stbsr valnabsa bhisbib V. iJLJZ ar city Bccsntsnre. THOl J. PRJ8BT.

tag sssva rXawMiV Aaeacy. JT Schaeosrs E. B. LAM PER. CLsLA.

'ECLAIR, LE lwSNJUliE.UPolverini, soastar. Fraight, wnch as Bogar. Hoiasses, Mac bi aery. Lime er Bricks snd ha delivered to sr received frera sAips wuhsnt aatneaarga. tisers Aert at tns rrra or rlrm.

1ANACI A likNE. JrlltA. Ua I CVail botwaca Cpanrcs sad bid lree atav, JSSiSii. Jff WltfTXM U.n i t. Drpsrtnra of Trains from tbs kUrosrassad r.

u5 FlaL' s. Frosn CsrrolltoB. a Bt? Ttn,aEi Fa's, IS eenta, Thiidra nader twelve yaa aad, vants, 10 cents. Bund e. sf rlrs is.

Si Thess ears ma ta aad toss tha depot, na DepsrUireof Cars. vV From Canal sfreet A. BL.snd ey ftaeeBmlBBteaantlveniBg) to, loia. p.

K. From Horas Stalloa Mornir g. ftlt A fteea aalautsa aatil eveatagi Stg.Sli.sAt.iOst.iosg p. BBkTV, tBB, VMIIMIIIi (B, SMS SCOSX In a seat, gratia no oca Stwclai alsbt cars for Partiss, balls, meettsss Mpplled when nsuirsd after tbs abovtmcBtlsBed mo SS ly JsBerssBssil isPsatesatrtr i COMfANr. UcrtmsoawhtheCaritlltsUllrB Anew 1 Orleans ts Laks Peritchartiaia.

TRAINS. Fran Hew Orteaas (wla Car VTwm Lake Pwstoaart'n rOUEBBJJ (via ts eras A. M. 840 A. M.

lOrM A. M. lSraO P. M. 0 P.

M. 4rM r. M. SrM P. M.

a A ssV Stiff A at. 10:10 A M. lr P. AL ftlS P. M.

4,1 P. AC asis P. At. All of the saw trains aaka am sbbA lui avs season street, roartB Usstrict, and at BBr Raggags rscslvsd at Deposs aaiy. are Brsea Hew Orisaas and CarrolltsawUcssach wa Between CarroUtom and tbe Laka 1 vay.

Hew Orleans, October tags. JiBpia'' New Urlaaaa, Uplosraa svad (jraax VVmi arn naiirosvo. OpeatsBAyea Lsfourcbe, aVft.paMfngeTS and freisht. Pass aw av to aad from the Laiborche, i us slug si miles. nsarer traiBSTBB LsJbBJckva.

rrnsslns sa foliowai eaves Algiers at cioca A. ss. Returning leaves Lafourche at 1 'clack P. M. A ferry boat fas' the transportatiea of paaiastis sad freight to snd fir, tb depot.

Is now running from tns foot ef Be. Ana street. The boat will ave SC Ann street with passengers for tha marrtlng train as vis o'rtacA a. preciaely, and make regular trips during the day. Freight for Lafourche sad all lutermaediste stations be received attbe ferry lsndiof nntH 4 'clock P.

the next dty "strain letters aod packsfes anta tut partnrs of tns boat for tha morning train. nil tf A. B. 8 EWER. Ties Preatdeat.

New Oris i.Jsrksss atasi 44reast KarUsst 1 1 .11. iTmIm gCfiH wlU leave Mi a' sLictia. forOsi STsndarioa Psswensrer and Praiaht fiai. ia deoot. corner of Calliope and streeta.

for Osyka, (State Line) dally, baadars ex cepted, at o'clock, A. m. Returning, tbe train isavss Osysa daily, Eusdays ecspted, at SH o'cljck A af. Freight to be forwarded mast be correctly marked ml delivered at the depot the day i rrvlous. WARREN A.

SRICE. nil tf BaperiDtendent TrsDsportatioa Peprtmet. Kail east, KBDUCTION Of VRiCMM. i BzcBialoa Ttcketa be aad fraa tas Lake, raasa day, at SPan and Winter arrangs mant for tha stepsri re of tbe Can, coaameBcing sa Soasday, iue September, ISM. EMt ii a a.

isis, mtm. mt The Lsvkc At At At At At At At At At At At At clock A. SL A At At At A At At Avei s'fiAuek A. Sf. w' ew is 10 11 J.

is ii. a fS4l .11 a. r. Jb 11 On Sundays, tha Cars win leave tas erty aad svsrfkssr. Omnloosea aaav Caaal, Cbawtraa aad IsSlss very and Is mlnwtes for tae lAepog.

BT A Horse Car wlU leave tha City Raid evary mondag 1 6 o'clock, aad tbs Lake End every evening at 8J "else Is30 ly J. W. SMITH. BsperlBteiBAsBt. Far Astute umrnta Mfyyirvus Ctall.

aiKAUlAW ui ni.r a.ii.WAV Depot corner Oood Children atreet and Chasaps ElvsfsA TO PROCTORVILLB, Lake Bsegoa Distaaca lTitS miles. Fan thnmgh go castas Calidraa aad VAwjat gjTes half price. DEPARTDR OP TRAU4S DATLT. After tha ISth Hovember next, until rartoav isorlce. tks cars will ruaaa below Leave the Mill Btatiosi, fur toe City, a A.

M. City, tor Laka Burgee, at A. Hu lke, far th City, at P. M. 4 1 City, for as far aa kiU Statioa, at BUT.

U. Orders for special freight traia ta be left ai City Depot, ar Mill Station. ar Othce Ho. to Commas street For all hasli tbe Railroad DepBrtment, sr any other boat nesa wHh th eatat at tha fate Alex. Gordon, apply ta Fl 64 tf W.

KAatWELL, BJ: L'llataa stssst Part Mastaaa ttailraasl CTa. B5 1st cars will leave cubaob on si on day, wad bss and mday, at via scloca A. BL i raturaisg leave Port Hudson at o'clock P. lays, from this date, antll further notice T. H.

W. BATH AaVD, Aretrt. Clinton, Hay Is, 1864. myig Great New Orioaara aasi New Kerik DAILY D. A MAIL LINES, rysss.

a Thrauch to New Tork la sla days, and BMBBsrltrArwagn itowa msrw uiisim so r. t.i hosira alisoil all Leaving Hew Orieaas daily, at 4 o'clock P. BfJ, arriving Mobile at o'clock A. BL. lsstvinsr Manila BVlm A.

BA Thm.i.h W.m fliln, I. ll.i.l in fifty four bnttra, only thirty two hsiurs i connscs tng with cars from the eaat. uuu muuiu uar nMy uiiua swrs a. remj uuu in srs satoiiBiiing axroaoia usiif sjsbsi bow ana Bia rtoews Coaches between Stocktoa aad Motrtgoiaery, ta rsasss tion with tha Hall Steamsrs. They are prepared ts giva ths traveling public tha assiusni af ram fort aad sxp.

ditlon. Dtsrtan From MoMls to Msatgusaaip, by ssjaasnsr. forty aiilesi strs hundred and twenty alas as ilea doaoss daily staging, dirt road, and twenty eight asilaa doabia dally staging on plank road. Th plank road la now nay formed at tbs rapid speed of sen mile per boar, over thag portiosBof the read (tha asairiaa) which aaa hiiitiliis ririii a Ii Mi in isasi iigms na I Ills laals The Hew Orlssuoa psssragsracaa aecsrre tbsrlr swats by leaving tbeir namea with ths clerk of the Cew Orisaas boats as they go over. For particniara, appiy ta tt, eEDDlAgWswOiieaas WailUnsv Hs.lOBankPABCHTo.'' neAnrra, aifasia as ct.

a s.xprssa. Cams street. Mara inwaiing Agsat. snhleaaaa atssa rfllawIsmlBisI if atllrsiiia i O. S.

ataU ssid Eapeess Ron to Carrying tha teres Nsrsh ern and Kastrva stall 1 ws Dally Passenger Trains, aw The Chicasta and Mlssrssii nl ssssssrs ail eroa er atesumeea rNCHXxrTERsl and RRQtDXXK teavs tv. aVarals daily, aaays ssv ceptsd Reindeer af liiiLi P. It'' ttasfsen run to Altoa ta Bsileal without land ine. and connect witb tbs Express Train for Chicago as loliowgt a Da. express leaves Alton at 10 A.

M. Night Exaress leevaa Altoa Bt. P. M. Trmina rass via Cariinvtllau.

BorlBsrAeld. Blnsra rns chaage of can or bag gags, arriving as foilows i iray sr. n. lght Express. Tiaae from.

St, Louis to Chfcaga, ftftasa haensv.j' Costnectiorja AT CHICASO Trains connect with Michigan Bourses and cenaal staltroaa to au parts tha Aaat, ma. airect cossmunicaoon oy rasiroaa nrasa saa Lm 4 Misaiaaiord to tbe aemhoaed. AT CHICASO With Express Train for Tti Isimi i "i cinciBBau, lAsxisviue, aaa au poraons Of casual Indiana and Ohio AX CHIC AOO With earena and Bstoft Railroad, saab ing tnis tne only reliable and exparlltlous roote so Central Wtaraasfn, al ss, Daboqoa Be, Paal aad other noiBfa aa tha Obbbt tnaalasliml AT JOLIEI Coaaecta with Rack Asian Raliraad for Ottawa, Pens aad Rock sslsad' dkract roau taCsa trallowa. AT LOO Mi It QTO If WHh I liBois Csnbral EAUfsad for LaBalteandpolnta Xtorhh aad South oa that read, and stare for Peoria. AT BP SUN SPUE CD With ereat Wsstora Kattraad far Jacksonville.

Napiee. At at nrcns ata tioas with (d stage Haas fat airierent points la tha interior. ar Throorh tickets to sll pUrea above ssatiotMr saa ba obtainedf at ths ofeca of tha Michigan South era, Mlchiesn Central and ather railrsad afhcasi ia Ac Isssia. aad at the ticket office la Altoa. sT Tickets for Chicaca and intermedia points cast aa had oa tbe Altoa wbarfaoat at St, Loaia, oa tha ai as Basis.

and at th ticket office of tha company. S7 ti a. r. nuBHAii, napennreaoeTic BRXDOEWATER WSBtker PraayriUBTAU Deo a Ha TO Can stxaeS. THB pabUc are reapactully aotinad ttist the BrVai ass tmPalat Company hav just completed thaeracaoa at the mln of tws sddltlonal Kills, and Lhd'fhcuitv he'.

sofore experiencad ta supplying ths demand for ro.sci su wui tor ta rutan snsccnauy ravaesiad. A ssdars ia aow rUd apsa helBg pracnpCy giled. It Is th In tea tion of th Cosbssbuv. la a Sew vre Vs. ta snanufartsrrs 1 sa rl sa aad othsT colors, frorsi the fen water, when It wlU ba lBBawdiately Umaaced 1 marxet ia convenient auca pacsi The diraalBaral can be mixed 15 ms and far ordinary covetine twentieth time, well alackad.

bast ifa th Hrth sad aaor tacen works admirably. For directtoB, a a sTOpertles, certificates, Ac, see pamp WatUisaWpotsrof anrafthasao uj. to fXJ l. S. I sod a wse in ao and foil i Fur saUa by t.

liOfe A AgafofortaalatssafLosuiLaiia, i IV Mlasissnwoo Fsr Bcue. AFTHE large dsablc Mshocac Fir leas aad i feet wld. with tw am 9 for a ceo ntici room. It ts la goad i cheap, if appUcaciaa be naa te irrmr w. ir X.

14 Magaeltre street seco, list atHB WESTERH ftULITARI L. 4 vieg ben dteeontiBBed at Disstws fpnnes, 1 os a castas bbibsbbI sscAaeaa am bis tb studet. 1 ti SavaVesBsrvad, with all their appliances, to lyre i twenty aaa asll ft saa Hssbniie, leaav, on to rat to Loaisvill, Ay. They wlil be prenared to ree staaeani oy tn srtn or reoraarr, laa ana in all th sacilittea for acgulriag a taorouh ciasa'cWj s. due aad military adoration adorded herermn rv Western Hilrhsry ta nutate.

For forth sr tmarsof aaalth, Johasaa dt ScSA, 40 Baloa ar so B. JOW WBOW. Se Kratlier IIme 9 Su i sssiii in Homes A nn'tt, rssadry aad Oraamental Iron m.s, coruar of and Eupbroaipe streets, OfBce. Na. 100 SS.

Cbariss srrsat, Maaatactare tb latest and bth fWtaT Xv'stae Fl wsrk war srasf avalllaga, Veraadaus, io Its. Bridges, Btnight and (,: frans, Svamrais, saa au wv s. psed for ben lai ri i rosea. BOILDEavaV hlkuMAsi. Tha ssrgsst sad sasst com pie ta BBSortmeBt to 5 lata dty, sarasssat th stan'f, ia H4 liy im ST.

rffjlirt VVsnearrsl Terwaydak erel. a The BrsBvietor of th a xrva wii I on aeat, tain raw, his trisssds and will iady as receive asatraen mi November. hotel kisiei! aad hs ilsgss alssssif that aot mag usu BlsparttoSBSAsaatl'atciass r.n.e. biaa JAMs a i Oa aa gsowe tu 5, thsrasasse BAviav th il i.V nn.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.