The Kansas City Star from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)

A A TUESDAY, MARCH of the building to my car, started 1t drove out of the driveway with and my, lights then ofent home and went to bed. My reason for not going the elevator when it in flames to was because I was scared and wanted clear away from there. I did to get not see I knew after leaving the elevator. "I wish to state here that when I the lighted cigarette down threw when I was inside the mill, I noticed several piles of sweepings where the had been cleaning up, and, realthat this stuff was highly inizing flammable, I threw the cigarette in one of the piles and ran. "For the next two weeks I was in a kind of daze, due to the enormity of what had occurred, as things happened that I had not expected.

I not recall confiding in anyone after the fire anything, regarding it -and I remember thinking that I should not drink, as I might let something slip while under the influence of liquor. BROTHERS IN A BANDIT NET. Two Are Identified in Three Bank Robberies. (By the Associated Press.) JOPLIN, March bank robberies, two in 1 Kansas and one a at Gainesville, Ozark County, Missouri, were cleared up here today, police said, with the identification of two brothers arrested yesterday. Joe Quick, 33, was identified, officers announced, as one three men who robbed the Bank of Gainesville of approximately $4,000 last August 25.

George fouick, was identified. police said, as three who robbed the State Bank of Attica, last December 6 of $1,100. Both men, authorities said, also were tentatively identified as having participated in the robbery of a bank at Plains, 3, in which approximately $1,000 was taken from Peter Dahl, cashier, who was slugged with a blackjack. Dahl still is in a hospital. ZANGARA IN DEATH CELL.

Cermak's Slayer Is Due to Be Executed Week of March 20. (By the Associated Press.) RAIFORD, March guarded by a squad of national guard machine gunners, Giuseppe Zangara, the assassin who shot five persons in an attempt to kill President Roosevelt February 15, awaits the electric chair here for the murder of Mayor Anton J. Cermak of Chi- Governor Dave Sholtz yesterday signed the death warrant after 'Zangara had secretly been removed from the Dade County jail in Miami, where he was convicted last Friday. The warrant sets the execution for the week of March 20. We Are Open for all normal banking functions under license issued by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.

First National Bank Independence, Mo. Member Federal Reserve System Picture Framing Sarachek's 1117 Grand Compare Yost's Yosts Values Furniture Before 1225-1227 Main You Buy JIG SAW PUZZLES 10c to 25c Large Variety of Subjects and Sizes. KRESGE'S 12th and Main Saunders Just Open 1109 East E. of 31st Troost All Nite DELICIOUS COMPLETE MEAL STEAK 25c Try the FORUM CAFETERIAS-1212 MAIN, 810 GRAND FLOOR WAX 25 Surface, Borrou THE MORRIS PLAN $5000 are convenient---interest can borrow any amount with Time- Payments CO-SIGNER PLAN---just signatures of your own. Also loans furniture, stocks PLAN COMPANY Institution in Kansas City, Founded 1916 TO PAY 14, 1933.

KANSAS Admits CITY STAR, John Lazia Is by the Gov. ernment. An accusation that he failed to file a federal income tax return for 1929, although his income was $82,042.25 that year, was made by the government here today against John Lazia, North Side Democratic politician. The accusation follows an investigation by United States internal revenue authorities. POLAND EASES ARMY CRISIS.

Reinforcements will Leave Free City of Danzig Area. (By the Associated Press.) GENEVA, March 14. Acute international tension over the situation at the free city of Danzig was relieved today when Foreign Minister Joseph Beck of Poland told the League of Nations council his country would withdraw military reinforcements recently sent to Westerplatte. (Westerplatte is Polish munitions at the sea -end of the Polish corridor. dominating the Danzig harbor.

The Polish government claimed it had learned of plotting in Danzig for seizure of Westerplatte.) Foreign Minister Beck's announcement was made after conferences Foreign Secretary John sitton of Great Britain. It "was regarded here as a victory for the League and for Helmer Rosting, the Dane who is the League commissioner for Danzig. Danzig is a free city, under League protection. SOUTH SIDE BANK RULINGS. M.

J. McNellis Expects Restrictions to Be Lifted Soon. The South Side Bank, 3828 Main street, was a restricted basis today. M. J.

McNellis, president, in full charge at the bank, said he believed the restrictive requirements could be lifted without delay. The South Side Bank was on Jetferson City lists of state banks to open with the ending of the holiday, but developed yesterday it was not the intent of the state finance commissioner that the South Side Bank should open without temporary 1 restrictions. Believing his status was the same as twenty-three other Kansas City, banks, McNellis opened his bank to normal activities. When the telegraphed permission was received, the South Side Bank executive did not perceive, its reference significance to a certain immediately, section of the bank law to be merely of a form common to all banks. part, bank today was brought quickly into conformity with the finance commissioner's ruling.

Withdrawals from funds prior to the holiday were limited to 5 per cent. Deposits can continue to be accepted from old customers, and these deposits, including all received yesterday, are unrestricted and fully protected. The South Side president said the bank had $24,000 in new deposits yesterday and $4,000 in withdrawals at the bank. The total deposits are slightly above $200,000. As it worked out the inadvertent unrestrictive opening made no difference in the standing of the bank's accounts.

GARVER HITS AT GAS ORDER Illegal and Represents a Commissioner's Animosity, He Contends. Robert D. Garver, chief counsel for the Gas Service Company, today attributed the order of the Kansas public service commission for lowered domestic gas rates to the "personal animosity" of Commissioner Thurman Hill. The gas company's attorney questioned the moral right of Commissioner McMullen, unconfirmed Woodring appointee, to sign yesterday's order, since he did not sit in recent rate hearings conducted by the commission. The order, Garver said, was void on its face, for many reasons, among them hearing in which it was "purported to be entered" was closed the commission "without power to issue any further order in it; no notice or opportunity to heard was given any of the companies concerned ens is definitely and mandatorily required the statutes of Kansas and the decisions of its supreme court; and the order is in effect a judicial order." "Commissioner Hill," Garver asserted, "attempts to save his face and justify his most extraordinary action by stating that the order is in compliance with the decision of the federal court.

This contention is ridiculous. Nothing of the sort is indicated, suggested or tolerated by the court's decision. "I fully agree with Chairman Greenleaf that it is to the best interests of all concerned that the pending case be appealed and the many questions of involved finally settled by the law supreme court of the United States," Garver said. Akron Flyng to Canal Zone. MIAMI, March The naval dirigible Akron was freed from her mooring base today for flight to the Canal Zone.

The Food Show Tonight. A contest for red-haired young women between 18 and 25 years old will take place at 9:30 o'clock. The audience will be the judge of the women to be given awards. The cooking school be in 506- sion from 2 to 4 o'clock each afternoon. THE GERMAN ENVOY OUT PRITTWITZ REFUSES TO VON SERVE UNDER HITLER.

Ambassador to the United States Resignation to Berlin, sends, 9 the Result of Election. Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Star March said today Friedington rich Wilhelm von Prittwitz had his post as German ambassasigned dor to the United States. Star said Prittwitz sent his resignation German The Vine forsecretary for transmission to eign President von Hindenburg a week ago after the result of the German elections. Von Prittwitz had been ambassador to the United States, since 1927. A Republican believer in the Weimar constitution, Von Prittwitz was described as considering Hitler himself unable to serve the government.

He was described feeling himself entirely out of sympathy with the new regime. A WITSCHNER TRIAL IS SET. Driving White Intoxicated Hearing to Be April 11, H. J. Witschner, 11 West Fifty-second street, who was indicted Saturday charge of driving a motor car while intoxicated.

was arraigned today in the criminal court of Judge Brown Harris and his trial set for April 17. His bond was set at $1,000. manslaughter Witschner also for the faces fatal charges injury of Edward L. Faibian, a street railways foreman, whom he struck with his motor car at Southwest boulevard and Broadway October 7. This charge still is pending.

The trial for it is also April 17. SEE A BUYING WAVE (Continued From First Page.) an abundance of cash as they crowded in to pay their income taxes, due before midnight Wednesday. The collectors said the number of cash payments was the largest on record. DOORS OF 1,000 BANKS OPEN. And Many More Will Resume Operations Tomorrow.

(By the Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, March least servators in many cases are named." 1,000 banking institutions throughout the United States reopened for normal business today federal and state licenses. At least 340 reopened yesterday. Many more will resume business tomorrow. Today's total included federal reserve members; state and commercial institutions not members of the reserve; savings banks and private banks. The figure for one federal reserve district-San Francisco--was not available.

In addition to this number resuming normal operation, many other banks were operating under restrictions pending official approval by state and federal agencies. Figures for today's reopenings by federal reserve districts, with the totals for nonmembers, savings and private banks incomplete: New York-Seventy-two members, nine nonmembers, twenty-two savings banks and two private banks. Boston- Twenty-s1x federal reserve members, Philadelphia-183 national and state banks. Cleveland Approximately forty members, thirty-eight state. Richmond--Forty members, ten nonmembers.

Atlanta- -nine members, ten nonmembers. Chicago-Seventy-four members. Minneapolis-Fifty-five members, six nonmembers, one savings bank and one trust company. Kansas City-160 national and state. Dallas -Between sixty and seventy members.

San Francisco members. St. Louis -Fourteen members. Secretary Woodin said in a statement today the appointment of conservators for banks of high repute did not mean necessarily that they were difficulties. "There are a lot of complications, some of them concerning affiliate enterprises which make it impractical for banks to open to the full extent," he said.

"It is for the purpose of Insuring that the banks will be put in apple pie order, pending reorganization or other necessary processes that con- A BIG GAIN IN DEPOSITS. Cheago Banks Enriched by 75 Million in a Day. (By the Associated Press.) CHICAGO, March net increase of more than 75 million dollars in deposits in Chicago banks yesterday, the first day of business, was estimated unofficially by bank executives today. Some placed the deposits as high million dollars, while withdrawals probably did not exceed 10 million dollars. No official figures were available.

SCHOOLS LOSE TWO MILLION Kansas House Passes 2-Year Budget Carrying $5,343,200. TOPEKA BUREAU THE KANSAS CITY STAR (By a Member of The Star's Staff.) TOPEKA, March house of representatives passed today the educational budget with a cut of approximately 30 per cent in the total appropriations for the five state schools under the jurisdiction of the board of regents. The house allowed $5,343,200 for the schools for the next two years. The legislature of 1931 allowed 423,550. The house eliminated $57,500 for the repairs to the Dyche museum at the University of Kansas, which has been closed for several months because of weakening of the walls.

House committees reported twentyeight dead bills, which they had voted to kill at the sessions yesterday. A Parent- Teacher Group Elects, The following officers have been elected by the North Kansas City Parent-Teacher Association: George S. O. Smith, president: Mrs. Charles Cooper, vice-president; Mrs.

H. H. Zimmerman, secretary: William Arndt. treasurer, and Mrs. George Lewellen, historian.

Fire in Atchison Lumber Yard. ATCHISON, March Brockett lumber yard here was destroyed by fire of undetermined partly origin this morning. Loss covered is partly by insurance, Starting a Death Fire In Large Elevator. the alleges that investigation following GuesS additional taxes and penalties are penalty for Year. Tax.

delinquency. 1927 6.591.01 $1.647.75 1928 15.347.74 3.836.94 1930 15.741.17 3.935.29 1029 11.167.84 2.791.96 Totals, $48.847.76 $12.211.94 The agents from Nolan's office took the testimony of several persons in tracing Lazia's income and, the bureau's report stated, some of them were found to have testified reluctantly. It was suggested port that more definite information might be obtained if the witnesses before a grand jury. M. Slavin, who, the report stated, a leading part in the operation took, Cuban Gardens, found in New Orleans, where he was operating a gambling resort.

He was interviewed by an internal revenue agent there. "The transcript of his testimony," the summary transmitted by the commissioner of internal shows, "discloses that his answers, were evasive and unsatisfactory. He did testify, however, the rental on Cuban Gardens amounted 'to $3,000 per annum, which he paid to a North Side in that bank showed that cashier's checks were purchased by Slavin and were cashed by Lazia or credited to his account at that bank, the report showed, and observed that some twenty-five of those checks were purchased by Slavin totaling more than $15,000. In the income account of Lazia for 1930 the agents found "dividends received" amounting to $2,160. Explaining the item, the agent's report states: "This item is based on four dividend checks issued under date of 6, 1930, by the Duke Motor Company.

The checks were issued to Lazia and three other men, but the proceeds all went to Lazia's account. and the investigator found that the capital stock records of the Duke Motor Company showed that only, twenty-five shares of stock had been issued in Lazia's name. The investigator was informed that Lazia had used some of the stock issued by the company to others as collateral for a loan, and that the dividends had been credited to Lazia's loan account. The opinion expressed by a banker who was examined by the investigator was that all of the motor company stock on which dividends had been paid, and the proceeds deposited to Lazia's account, was owned by Lazia. It was calculated by the income tax Investigator that Lazia's net income for 1930 was $98,290.83, comprised of Interest received, rents collected, dividends received, $2.160, and "other income, $88,675.46," and allowing a deduction of $305.73 for interest paid by Lazia.

The "other income." totaling 675.46, was described in the investigator's report as "amounts paid on loans with unidentified cash, or other unidentified cash received, or amounts of unidentified checks and other funds received, and of amounts received from Slavin." Lazia had been interviewed early in the investigaton, according to the report. "He stated," the investigator reported, "that his living expenses for several years had averaged between $600 and $800 per month and that his father dependent upon him. When how this money was earned Balked said he sold his interest in Cuban Gardens during 1929 at a profit to himself of between $12,000 and $15,000, and that he had gambled extensively. "In explanation of his failure to file income tax returns Lazia said his gambling losses had exceeded his income and as he had not received a net profit he did not deem it necessary to file a return. In explanation of his ability to sustain losses in excess of his income, Lazia stated he received an inheritance of approximately $150,000 from the estate of his father." In the agent's report, the name of Mrs.

John Lazia was given as Marie Antonello Lazia. The same report gave the name of a sister of John Lazia as Mary Antonello, who was Interviewed about the financial condition of Guiseppe Lazzio, the father of John Lazia. "Mrs. Mary Antonello, Kansas City, sister of Lazia. when interviewed stated her father had lived with her for several years prior to his death," the report continued, "and that when he died he was a relatively poor man and left no estate worthy of consideration.

She ridiculed the idea that anyone should even consider her father as being a man of any considerable means. Antonello, husband of Mary Antonello and brother-in-law of Lazia, testified under oath that Lazia's father left no cash when he died and that all he owned was two pieces of dilapidated property." Concluding the report stated: July 21, 1932, Lazia appeared before the bureau's investigating agents to testify. He was accompanied by Isadore Rich. Lazia insisted that Rich remain in the room while he, Lazia, testified and also refused to waive immunity, whereupon the hearing was adjourned." DELAY IN TERMINAL Representatives of Varions Railroads to Return Here May 8. The railroads that constitute the Kansas City Terminal Railway Company were represented by executive officers in Kansas City today, but the annual meeting of the Terminal was continued until May 8 to permit the First National Bank to be substituted for the closed Pioneer Trust Company as custodian of the voting stock.

Chicago railroad men at the directors' meeting today included L. Fritch of the Rock Island, E. J. C. Engel of the Santa Fe, H.

B. Voorhees of the Alton, J. T. Gillick of the MilGreat waukee, W. Western G.

and Leech F. of the Chicago B. Gurley of the Burlington. W. S.

Franklin of the Wabash, J. M. Kurn of the Frisco and E. M. Durham, of the Missouri Pacific came from St.

Louis. W. M. Jeffers of Omaha represented the Union Pacific and A. M.

Calhoun of Kansas City the Kansas City Southern. The directors were luncheon guests of E. F. Swinney at the Kansas City Club. Mr.

Landlord. if you want to rent your property, get your ad in The Star now. Rental season is here and the early advertiser gets the tenant. If you wait, you'll be left waiting. Get your ad working for you now.

Phone your copy to Harrison 1200. Large Elevator. The cause of a fire early February 18. 1932, in a wooden unit of the Missouri-Kansas elevator in the East Bottoms, which killed two firemen and injured ten others, was revealed in the confession today of Maurice C. Marshall, above.

He formerly worked in the elevator and said he set. it afire to make more repair work. Marshall is 21 years old, a former high school football star, and had been living with relatives in the Rosedale of Kansas City, recently, Kansas. YOUTH ADMITS FIRE PLOT (Continued From First Page.) pected the fire was incendiary and made an investigation. BLAZE WAS HIS OWN PLAN.

Maurice Marshall Tells How He Fired Grain Elevator, This is the statement of Maurice C. Marshall, 21 years old, who admitted to the police today that he set fire to Kansas-Missouri grain elevator February 18, 1932, that cost the lives of two firemen: "I got work as a laborer at the Kansas-Missouri elevator in the East Bottoms at Nicholson and Topping avenues, the second week in August, 1931, and worked there until the last of August, 1932, except for several weeks in February, 1932, when I was laid off. I worked under Harold Rodell, foreman. "Late in December, 1931, when was helping on repairs, installing new grain tanks, the thought first came to me that my job probably would not continue much longer. I also thought of the other men working there, men who were good friends of mine and who had large familieshow, when they lost their too, their families would 1 suffer.

"Inasmuch as the place was old and about to fall over anyway, I thought it might be a good idea to give it 1 a push. "One night in February, 1932, after I had lost my job, I drove up to the mill in my model A Ford roadster and parked in the driveway on the river side of the mill. I got out of the car and looked into the mill and saw two watchmen talking. "I then went up the iron stairway into the new workhouse on the bin floor, then walked to the bin floor of the old workhouse. I carried a gunnysack with me which I intended to use as a stall for catching pigeons, in the event either of the watchmen caught me there, as I had been there other nights catching pigeons.

"I walked across the bin floor of the old workhouse to a window and lighted a cigarette, which was contrary to my usual habits, as I had never smoked. About that time the lights went on. I ducked behind a grain leg. I thought I heard one of the watchmen's steps, but wasn't sure. At that time I wondered if I had been discovered, or whether it was just a custom of the watchmen to turn on the lights when making their rounds.

"The lights went off shortly and I walked through the center of the floor to the stair well, when the lights went on again. At that I became pretty badly scared, and ran into the stair well, where I could look out into the room and see, but could not be seen. "At the same time I threw or dropped my cigarette and sack to the floor, as I didn't have either when I got to the stair well. Not seeing anyone, I went down the stairs and out When You uses $100 up to Morris Plan Loans rates are low. from $100 to Convenient Ask about the requires no two co-signers on automobiles, and I bonds.

THE MORRIS The Oldest Time Financial 19 902 Grand Avenue MONTHS COmpany The Symbol of Solidity "Convenient for You" City Bank Co. 18th and Grand Ave. YOUR EYES Let our skilled. experienced optometrist advise you. Correct fitting guaranteed EASY TERMS Caldwell In Charge WATCH INSPECTORS FOR, ALL LA DO 1122 GRAND AVE.

SPORTING GOODS PAINTSHOUSE FURNISHINGS BUNTING'S TAYLOR DRY COMPANY GOODS JOHN Our Monthly Account Service Is Functioning as Usual A Young Ensemble for the MATRON $16.75 Distinctive slenthis frock and of derizing youthful" dull Sand Sheer combined with a dull sheer print; the jacket sleeves are glove length, the skirt of the frock has low front pleats. It is very smart and very wearable. Navy or grey. Sizes 36 to 44. A large selection of other frocks, suits and ensembles of new crepes and sheers.

Sizes 14 to 44 and to at $16.75. WOMEN'S DRESSES THIRD FLOOR Berksons 1108-10 MAIN Out! The past ten days we received hundreds of new spring and summer dresses which we have been unable to dispose of as quickly as we anticipated owing to business conditions. Consequently, our stocks are overcrowded with smart dresses which we must clear away to make room for additional incoming merchandise. Hundreds of fine dresses reduced to one low price, regardless of former cost, value or loss. Spring Dresses Formerly 1395.

1075 895 $5 HEAR THROUGH YOUR BONES! With the Convertible SONOTONE F. C. ELWELL, Consultant 205 Balcony Bldg 320 W. 47th St. Country Club Plaza WE.

7510 PEOPLE'S CLOTHING CO. ACCOUNTS Now pavable at the Union Clo. Co. BIG SALE NOW GOING ONI CLOTHING CO. 1228-30-32 GRAND Clark Hats $350 Spriug Stetsons aud Borsalino Clarks Hatter 901 WALNUT-900 WYANDOTTE Rayon Taffeta Embroidered Front SLIPS 69c 2 for $1.35 SHOPS HOSIERY KANSAS SHOP CITY BAS FILLED ACCURATELY AlL Registered Pharmacists Only the finest quality ingredients used.

DRUG STORE Senate How G. 0. Fess, Sup POINT Harrison That WASHI lican lea administ AS the the proj Roosevell and fed billion de The fi chamber amendme caucus program Indicat would be position tomorrow Senator Republica asserting the feder: support son, alth ments of Fess col tion and extension leave mo: deficit to new taxes Harri: Senator Democrat, pending beer levie: to be bala come and out a sale Followin Capper of asserted: "I am dent Roos give him bility he in the in of the fed the public ter take place the where it "In timi the Presid Regardl per said, going alor must be AN AIR Three Of Salzn Phillip the aerona ment of co critical co. hospital al stomach Salzman Armour Saturday driven to nam, an Omaha. moved to Three air industr hospital al blood to sion beco1 were Leor O'Brien: an THEY Father TI Son Wi In an act street and 20 years skidded in fered lacer: taken to th he encoun Mason, wh treatment Mason chi boy had be Frank Ta sixth street in the car suffered a brain and Masons live free BATTERTES loan RECHARGED service! station SEARS.

ROEBUCK AND CO. SHOP at WURLITZER Before You BUY! Pay 50c Only Week Does type blur when reading fine print? If it does, better have your eyes examined. DR. J. MAX DANIEL DR.

A. B. LAIRD DR. CLAUDE G. JACOBS OPTOMETRISTS GOLDMAN'S Quality Jewelers for Nearly 50 Years 1107 Walnut St.

646 Minnesota Are. PRICES REDUCED ON Trukold Refrigerators MONTGOMERY CO St. John and Belmont Blvd MILLER'S. Arch Preserver Shoes I MILLER SHOE CO. 1112 Grand Ave.

EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING CRASH One Arm; Anoth FINAL CLOSE SALE OUT AND FIRE Shirts 11c SHIRT CO 1201 BALTIMORE 1001 WALNUT 3921 ST. 3108 TROOST AVE. Western Auto Stores NOW 6 BIG STORES In Greater Kansas City 2029 Grand- -Open A. M. 6 9.

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to 9. P. M. $100 in Cash! Inquire at Your Crown Drug Store STAR WANT ADS GET RESULTS. COLON, Edward M.

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The Kansas City Star from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.