Supplemental Documentation May 31, 2023 (2024)

Supplemental Documentation May 31, 2023 (1)

Supplemental Documentation May 31, 2023 (2)

  • Supplemental Documentation May 31, 2023 (3)
  • Supplemental Documentation May 31, 2023 (4)
  • Supplemental Documentation May 31, 2023 (5)
  • Supplemental Documentation May 31, 2023 (6)
  • Supplemental Documentation May 31, 2023 (7)
  • Supplemental Documentation May 31, 2023 (8)
  • Supplemental Documentation May 31, 2023 (9)
  • Supplemental Documentation May 31, 2023 (10)


Wake County Clerk of Superior Court 23CV013658-910FYI Viewer as ALNITA JOHNSON Aporoved a NEWACCOUNT 9195396328 Regular Application 422 WILLOWCROFT CT GARNER, NC 27529 Emaul REWVCA Hous Renting RBLTB1, VCB. cashRewards Visa Hont $1,100.00 $1,000.00 Prom Private employer full-time: enw Skin deep studios Inc an $92,148.00a M $7,679.00 $0.00 Mait them to applicant's address ‘on record FedEx Yes $0.00 o 1 58 ACEMOB o0sa NEW ACCOUNT - 30 1 onaa ATS SERVICE FLAG oo 1 0051 DEBIT CARD SERVICE FLAG oo 1 0047 NFO SERVICE FLAG 00-1 No 21/21/2018 No Co-Applicant No Authorized Users. Electronically Filed Date: 5/31/2023 11:14 AM Wake County Clerk of Superior CourtNavy Federal Credit Union® Credit Card Pricing Terms ‘The Credit Card Pricing Terms is part af your Credit Card Agreement and Disclosure. It provides cost, fea, and other important information about your account. 7 Interest Rates and Interest Charges Annual Percentage Rate (APA) for Purchases, Batance Transfers, and Platinum 7.49% to 18.00% nRewards® Secured 10.49% to 18.00% GO REWARDS” 10.49% to 18.00% cashRewards 11.15% to 18.00% Navy Federal More Rewards American Express® Card 11.15% to 18.00% Visa Signature lagship Rewars 11,49% to 18.00% This APR will vary wich the marke: based on the U.S, Pame Raia. Cash Advance APR: | Bacbove you vareble APA. Ths APR al very wth-he meres besedton fe US Prime Ra Penalty APR and When It Applies 18.0% This APR may apply to your account if you: © are over 60 days pa ive oF * snake a paymen: that is returned and causes your account to be over 60 days past due. How long will the Penalty APR apply? I your APRs are increased ‘or ether of these reasons, the Penalty APR will apply uri you make six consecarive minimum payments whan due. Paying Interest Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each biling cycle. We wall not charge you nterest on purchases ¢ yout aay your entre balance by the due date each month, We will oegin charuing interestan Cash Advances, Balance Transfers, ‘and Convenience Checs on the transaction date, Minimum Interest Charge 7 None For Credit Card Tips From the Consumer Financial Pratection Bureau | To learn more abou: ‘2c fs t.consider when applying “or or using a cred. card, isi websi‘e of ihe Consumer Financial Proiection Bureau a httpy/ Fees. Annual Fees + nRewards Secured, Platinun, cashRewards, GO REWARDS, * None Navy Federal More Rewards Amencan Express® Card © Visa Signature Flagship Rewards? > $49 Transaction Fees © ATM Cash Advance © None i peromed a: a Navy Federat branch or ATM. Orherwise, $0.50 per domeszic ‘ransaction of $1.00 per overseas ‘ransaczion. © Foreign Transaction * None| Penalty Fees Lae Payment = Up to $20.00 Re:umed Paymen: — | * Up to $20.00How We Will Calculate Your Balance: Wve use a method caled “average daily balance fnchxding nave Wansactions).” See your account agreement for more delaiks Loss of Introductory APR: You may lose your Introductory APR f the Penalty APR applies to your account. Billing Rights: Information on your rights to disuute transactions and how to exercise those rights is provided in your account agreement Veriable Rate Information: Your Standard APR will vary based on the U.S. Prime Rate. This means your APR could increase if the US. Prime Rate increases or decrease if the US. Prime Rate decreases. An increase or dectease in your APR wil affect the total amiount of interest you pay. Your APR is adjusted monthly on the fist Dusiness day of the ‘month; it is determined by adding a Margin to the U.S. Prime Rate oublished in the Wal Street Journalon the fist day af the previous month. Your Margin is a percentage ‘amount that we determine based on an evaluation of your credit history Your Marg wil range ftom 2.74% to 14.74% ase on oroducl type. "GO REWARDS Cards: if your credit ine is $5,000 or greater, you wil receive a Visa Signalize GO REWARDS Cart or a GO REWARDS World Mastercard. The oenefits for Visa? GO REWARDS or GO REWARDS Mastercard accounts dife from those for Visa Signatire GO REWARDS and GO REWARDS World Mastercard accounts ?ecashRewards Cards: f you have an account with a credit line of tess than $9,000, you recewed 2 Visa cashRewards Card. your credit line is $5,000 or greater, you received a Visa Signature cashReviards Card. The benefits for Visa cashRewards accounts difer from those for Visa Signature cashRewards accounts, Annual Fees: I you have een issued a Visa Signature Flagship Rewards Card, you will be biled the annual membership fea. This charge wall anpear on your fist statement ‘and annual thereafter. Only one (ee will be charged fo your account regardless of the number of cards issued on the account * Late Payment Fea: You wil be requitedto pay alate payment fee of to to $20.00 if you do at aay at east the ninimua gayment by the payment de dateon your statement Navy Federal may also assess the late payment fee every month thereafter thal you are aast dueOther Fee: Retimed convenience check fee—$20.00. The Navy Federal More Rewards American Exoress® Card is issued and administered by Navy Fedaral Credit Union. Americs Express is a ferterally registered service mack ofAmerican Exoress and ts used by the issuer pursuant (0 a license(0.2018 Navy Fedora NFO 57SEC (5-18) Page 1 of 3‘Your Agrosment Witt Us. This Cui at Acoma: nis peor nt) yur cota: wis, APR foe purcheses, tlonco Yano. anc comweniance checks va 13.00% APR 00% US Prive Rate» ‘he Crest Car riding Tes is ptt 2s apseen and proies cst "ce, ander wepcanintrm aon 9, lagi = 13.00% APF). Yous APR ‘x cast asrcnces val be 15.00% APP (600% US Piére Rate abeut yout account Provisions o his Ageerent ze se arble. tay pion ot Sis Aggoomen i held by 2 91.00% Maigin + 2.00% Gash atvanne aden rate = 15.00% APRA ‘cour of ew 2 be iva cx unenrceate, he rest sf Agreement vl ro be aed, Yaga law val be cc Promotional APRs. F yx acca is ugh fr ne cr mote ixoducery pesmorond APRS fhe Cec C19 sea 2 inert hig Agletren: unless ‘eer tw ales, Pong Tem se foc he AP amounts cue. ar fo catrporcing Stan APR and cach acto APR AS wad in fis Agora. tha word "ye pasoaitasean sn Si se bigs oe ca appkable ‘0 yous cour at fe et pe a romenorel 29s ead ater jaw acca pened,fe account avy Fora Ces Unen eft mas “we "ws ‘a sappkable wha: promctera APR baprovcd fee Ata he provocoselAPR os. he torraing Sacer eee yu bce amteg unos ‘he promoson vl be subject you Stans APF ce cash acerca AP 5 appa fon wal ho za thes Aeon 4. Panatty APR "you do nko your num parent by She cs dete ne yew acc ve BO cays 4. Contacting Us. AN cxrespondoncs fussing 2 his Aor tat bi acsessad fo Ray Fel (63! cue oF Jou mae a payee thas rekmned nd cases you dotount to be ovr BO Spas do, yor ee Lion PO Box A, Mei YA 22119 01. Yas ay ko contac us ec senicaly hcagh ons ocean: be Subact 0 te Penaty APR. The Penaty APB wx be apyfed ay and al ensactions at banking at of call us iol Yoo in sae US at 1 B88 842 6378, For ‘ol Hee mmrbars whe cusandng balances on your account ncuoig lose wh PorvoSona APRS, The Penaty APR val be eMocve creseas, vis Use | 703-296 883? for cole: icemscnal cals. oon concerning ‘leas. 45 ays ater you account becemes subject 6. lay Federal crak cts ray be cbsinea a nawyfederalop. ‘0. How We Calculate Your Interest Charges. To cake you iniaest charges. Navy Federal wses your 2. Cardholdar Signatare. Your cata is no: vakd unless ¢ i signed. Sign the byck ot yout cate i meciately patos, uch i dtenined by ticing you APR by 12, Ravy Fen th cakulsas mony inert pont rece ‘diages on yout accom by erehing tke pero cate to De average day blance o* yout acceun’ nds ‘ment Tansacions, To cakcuttethe average day talence, we Icke te begin baence oye accoum, 3. Your Credit Limit and the Maximum Amount You Owe Navy Federal. The maximum aroun: you ech day add am nem puchases end cash 2avences, ana sural any payments, ced, ano wns incerest ay oie us al any Sr sche ato: youtassinog rac ivi plus ay vt amroume You tyot The resling ies the cay tens, Yee dn 0X tgetier af che cy balances ‘or he bling cyte se your cara you coe ws ere than your cr you eeyour Cec icy any rason, you ust and cvs the by he nur bet of oaysin te ill cyde, This eran: s you average Cay ttenoe ayis emrourtirreciael. You may ape fc an inctease mo Your creck hugh cur mobile ap, tine 9.Lost or Stolen Cards, Account Mumbers, or Checks. iabiltyforUnzuthorizedUse. you wie fhe 2: navytederal rg, ty tcleshene,or by a-zing 2 completed tect cata aration fee vs. fete 1 The othe of yen cet cand posse urarotized use of your cera 2c, yeu Sek ve 905 cf calComacing Us soren of is Agrcement& requestfx addtional rai: may ive 2 aot buteauineaiyto us vieizialy 2 he acne tek hone ember nce inthe Cesacteg Us sacien of is Agee ene eve your centre ced cpr. We eso ‘he agi tog aenineyour Cte cacecashhn ae my You may aso covacs us on he web 2tnavyfaderal.orp You vil re be espe cherges ave to yout icaor esi it 3 ay Tope yo, bobdiglog re aouTscet er v8 Se ‘acct Nata ean by us io be mated, ‘eit, vl gv you nic of changes 0 your cred ri:‘4 Promiss to Pay. You ape to pay us the avout! a purchases 21nd cash asramoes tat you, you pn: 10, Consumer Reparting Agencies. Havy Fesetal may reper ntonraten about your cred cate account cachet. ang auttrizes user) rake wing you lei catd ce anyoches saess Grace, You agree m pay ihe w consumer (epocing agencies Late paras, nissec payaren, of ohh te‘auks on your acco, may betoa of any ntest chegs amt ther chegesce ees cue on yout cece? The jt catcher so proses (e°eccecin your et roger. lerraion ey bo wep in yor ner ad your Atria Lses' nantes,topay al arcuns aued tous. yoke anche persons useyour rat cand, ye ea espns x pang amy We ray aso acoess yous consume aa apt fx any posit purpose uncer che Fait Cr ‘tet purchases and cash advances, oporingAc. ching p*rn teviews of you crectuce ness, co*kes, and fue ein ceases 1 decreases, ano isply jou ct Scie within your ene Lain and oie acess, $5. For purposes ofthis section. “you” does not mean Auusina Us o crac cad accom. 11, Dataut, Panatty APR, Information Needed to Cura Default, Clesingor Suspending Your Account. 1 Security Inerest Speci far Cred Cards. You acknowedge and pede, specificaly 2, Defaut. Ye zy sai ecate repayment of you tel accent lee, tthe exon awe by ae ‘condition of your usa et the ened card, thatyou have votuntarty grantsd Navy Federal i any oe owing ea ers Security interstnallof yourindvdual andjoint share accouns al Navy Federal. M your credit tard loan becomes delinquent, this security interest may be usad without further motice to + You ide amy ones oes Rear: pay ai! oF part of such delinquency. This security imerest dees nat apply o shares in an » You oo not pay she amount ae a5 B23 your emily tater emt: Invi Reticemect count Dy Statory Len, You acknodge and age ro hauy Fecoral sac Bon yor ster and ends + You sve a erumed cay that causes yout accom to be decent‘om depos inal jon and inate! acorns and any meres held by Nay Federal naw anc in he utwe, 0 + You ae‘au unger anccher account agteen ent you hae ts:‘he aes tay fan made and any charges payate. The stacy Bem ces nape to shes inary BA, © You e arkruoy. cr See ocr nsokncy races ed by Fans yu: cd jonal Security Interast. You achnowerge and pledge > Nay Federal 2 sacnty ites inthe * You ae decked incon peton:, mew incepartard, ce inh eves of you set:cals securing em) th yeu hae ah vy Feel eow a thee, nchctng ay ypc cag ct increase, and any placgeds ‘ton: the sale o* such oneal and insurance hereon. n> exe the + Vie deamine eat here has bean a sisal nets parton yur ait repay he bance a His accu:unatd talance oho Bean, This Secu crest in colar secing cer fans does not appl fa ans) on * Yee oeatine et you have engages n suspicious, Yauctdent, gal tenes, cr coca acteswih 0u pany lesicenc. espe any of your avy Feceral accouns; 0 6 Payments he amount o cepted ‘ands hut as sect en your share secure cata you have ones insti a. Paymantt instructions, Paprens may be wade by ral by ehecronic entero 2 abranch inprson. At (ee neguite i areca tear yor ae a, saa jaca ots aytrons must be race in US, dobar. Par e's you mad must be aderessed 20 ay Fedetal, FO Box 3500, Merttels, ¥4 22119-3500, Payments tecoive by mai ats ass by mr vibe ceed he same ‘ay. swe cases, avalable cack maybe delayed cl he payments verieg Mele payr ens 3 you Clect ef accoune may nc te cemringle wth fun designed ‘or rot ches Ray Federal accounts, Wevil ‘Penalty APR. You may have a Penahy APH aiid 2 your account wider carn cic*msiznces, eat -aocep: be o parte pay ews tio ong ay of Hay Fecal’ igh uncer fis Aggoemomt. Paynes ta Sa Anual Fetcentage Fates (APRS! and ites Charges secon of tis Agena ot ore wfcuraticn. the ate marker “psd in UN" anc tha re ofan amouez less then te bake nthe crock cert aoc, thetare marke wth any che .esticthe endorsem*nts, shou bs soto PO Bex 3105, Mento, YA 22116, ©. Information Necessary to Cure Dofaut youar in cota, Nor Faramay bi any tvearaten ' ecasary 0 Cre ot cect he datz a oun, nchcing you cerent contact i’samaien. 35 pert ‘Ac. Cec Card Dison, bylaw. Contato yaur employervl be lite moti Ten contin aon ‘a Minimum Payment Dus. You neatly ster il tl yous the ral noun: thet you one un he 4, Closing o Suspending Your Account Idea orn ocuns cm cu scour we may, wea ‘ini: payen te yarns che: nd yo pare owed. You rium Parent vb he gezo femme, cose your accoun: ct suspend your accor ty cag usec he cea ine. You may doseyour of (1V2% ofthe na tcnce, 2) $20.00, Che rou: ved: te new belene of out econ sess account th us 2 any me. To do 50, cal or ace tous using he contac in'omaton inthe Contzcang Ls stem $70.0, he wn pyr om vA he av cn: the new baka, inns Ageesront You era hse your accourwtheu beagcharged ar ees up un ie you use ‘You my pay he ne belnce in ace en pr: any ive. We wll ut cerge you & penaty fo pajng ree ‘he accc*nt os make 2 payment She accc*nt ae eceldng a bBing stem,f we dose or suspenyour ‘han te winrum pare. rest cherges wl care 2 socun use even you heve fei ahead ae 2ccount oF yeu ese pour account, you ras ay Us al arcURE you Ove en che aovoUN, evn ey pos To ern payrroncsouo rhe moth yr scorn; at fs sed cv suspend. te way cancel yeurcuten ceic anc sus you 2 subsnen cad . Payment Allocation. genetl, ve wil app yeu ninrrum payrver to te oven ervou:t an, a any Sere, Coey cats sea by Hany Feder is he propery Otay Feder ‘meres anaes i bet app pica balnces your ecccu has balances wi tem APRS, 12. Haw We May ContactYou. You ess ape hat io snc your account ot coe am arcu you ‘oval apy He rnin payer. es ic Eakin whe ost AFR ete blancs th higher APPS, ray oe Us, ve ot ahs pares ray cel you ane sen ter nesses yeu. We ray use reece! ‘ay payton aroun: escess of he mint pyran be alkce:ad :0 he balance AE cial on messages of an aromatic dsing device cewrac! you 3 amy telegtene ner ber assoc‘ wit nd any tetraeing p*rn he cer baksacesn descending cces tasedon the APE, ut pezann nchomg rable tdephona nunrbers, which cou suk Chagas to you. You abo expressly 7, Transactions Mads in Foraign Curency, ‘Songer at we ay send en af messages tegen you acctun: ‘you eral gaits, action. we nay Send you coraenicatons relaia to you account argh fe US, mal xchat ra serie, Visa® AN ise purchasesand cash atone ied you in LS. cols, The as of exchenge use er rocssng iceman transcctonsisa rata Slee by Ysa tom the cege of ates avadete in wholesele Yeu aqiee 2 noity us pray of any chenges to you coxcac intematen incdg your rere, aig Cantey Wake’ oe erie comal processing deed may very enh ee i aces, cr ‘ccx0ss telephone mers) and ered accresies} ‘hm goemmrere wanda:ed ain ec‘ Yo apc cent processing cata, 13. Use af Card for Mlagal or Risky Transactions, is your tesponsitiy:ocerly vit 2 les when use Mastercand®. Al Mastercard purchases andcash acvancs wil be tiles to you iS. des. Cte, the ‘ywa ransa%en Kay Foteal cet ca. You eee io hold useless fr any cameges or ober Ket zingdon {28of exchange usd is ether 2 govemmron rand rao ates t20 durin by Mastercard ee tose theneig 9by decine yan or our Bares Usa. fay,{x he papasof coming an egal excavation o! vansactis ‘actos we below may vik aw ose 2c ty oth procssingsin which Se Yersactin fs processed Misa of exchenge nay erin Sica fish. 0 us cr ou montbas, theate chat woul heve been used on Se purchase cae or cathoke Ser psig oa,American Exprass®. AN éeersen Fspios purchases an cash ences vil be testoyu in US oes, 14, responsit Your Bling Rights: Keep This Document for Future Use, Ths wc os you zou: yor igh’ ant ies uncer the Fat Cia Bling At. Purchases end cash acvances2 feign cency wl be converas iOS das. The reat exchange wed ‘or processing internaSenel esas ara selected iy A enican Exp, What To Dot You Find A MisiskeOn You Statement‘8 Anaual Percentage Rates (APRs) and Interest Charges. FE you nk sheefs an etc on you zene tte Ds ache acess pevitea ine ContactingUs secona. APRs Yous account assigned APPS ‘ct putcuses, balance tenses, commence decks, ae cash Sus Agtetrentx cinayyfederaLorg your leer, ghus th eto ian aeranees. These APPS ata use 0 cede You ans! cerges. Soothe Cre Ca Pig Teams ft the ‘Account infoemavon: You nerre ate acccan: mbes, PFs Bea app to you account tansactions, © Dollar ansount: The doer aroun of he suspected em. fariabo APR, Leless navoaechesvisa, you APR vil ay baseo on te (1S. Pera Pe pubis in the . i of probiert you ink here f s an exc on you bi. descbe wt: you toes watcig andWall Street Journal. Tis razns you SFR vitincteasg the |S. Pere ate inctoass an decrease ihe ‘hy pu behretisa mise. US. Prive Rate doaesses. €niczease or decrease nthe APR val mcsoase ot cxso3se fe ‘nal arc*nt of you pay. hota, the a c*ntyour rin un: pay ct ped ot wl cease ot tease. You nus: conic:us‘You APR tx phases, belance sanstrs, end ceaemmence checks, 2 you tees: fem, 5 you Stars a thin 60 dys ar xtcr ayymatad on you stanent. APR Yor Staves APRs aj ret on Sot business ay of che month itis dane by ating . least 3 business cays betes an euranataa payments sche led. you wa: Sp payne On he a Kergn a ‘he US, Prime Fae pubisied AF Steet Journal an he Ws! ay es om ‘roan jou kis oy‘Te eegn is apercentzgean:oun a We dete Casad ca an eben yout cai icy You Manga ‘or you Stzndatd APR vay be funa i Se \Yarabe a n'saraen ceraeag under the Ce: Cexa Prin Teams tate. Your cash advanceAFR is 2.00% highe than jour SuncareAFR, nt 0 exceed the maxi ‘ean by vex earl he US. Prin Fae is 0% oud you aug is 9.00% chem your vais‘©2018 avy Feaeea HFCU 57900 (5-18) page 2of3‘You was" nowy us o* ary potential encisi werbeag cu ocyenicaly Yo ray callus, tat you co va arma! ‘Spend Limits, Yow have he tity‘ irish encom of your cect ne an udev User ca accoss by oquned investiga any pen tr and you my ave 10 pay ‘he arrcur in cues. gusting thet Spend Lin To ads; your Authorizes User's Spanc Lind, cowract usby lelophone ox 2ceoss What Wot Happen Alter Wa Recerze Your Letiar ‘he enage Card Hokie Lirts ie Steugh aut one banking snrce. ‘ven we rosta jou et. ee rust things: Authored Users can: 1) iin 30 days of oceking jour leet, wre rus se yu Sa: ve teat yur leer. We wl to el you . mete tensacons inched purcase, sence azsters, ee cash ansences on you aout: ‘ushave koa costco fe ar . regorsthtovm cart og or sen, 2) Waitin 90.days cl seceing your lever ve st eth certo ue heer 0 you why Ye bebe he . intize tii digutes tis coct make paren: Wie awvesigae whether cnt sete has been an eta? tain cain aeroun info ation such 25 sansacen Bisny: Ye cannot. 2 coe! he aroun in Question x reper you as asian cn at acount request they be foros ‘tom the aocc*nt 2s an usher Let: + Retain qvesiia may eratonyeur Sten cera conn a chee yeu axon Se arn, . Hang the bing aceress er your ecccun! ane tle youd mhave py the re i quesion, you erage Sy te reraner of yew balance. . roqeas creat balance te'ond, a can aryy ny ump acum agai: yon tec ri avy Fink ay, om ere oS an wth nose cy wat Auorzed Usa can do. Azer we Ssh ou ivestinsion, on ofr tings vad pga: 18, Amendmentto This Agreement and Changes to Hensfits . ‘vee mace a stave: You val’ have'9 pay he arcu in cnsien ot ny nes oer ‘es eats a, Amendments. avy Fecetel may zmeno end change chs Reroeren, inducing res, by prodolng an ‘phe arrow, arene wien mice of changes 1 yeu whan raced by lu. Morever, we n'y tee charges, 0s, Swedo rotbsteve thee wasamisiake, tarnthine:opay tearontancacsion kage en ates teat sending you en ackence notice. inate! ana tees Vt vlc you a S'emen! th arcu: you oee an he oe parent is Ove. We b. Changing Benefits. Crecr card bene'rs otored as care! you creck card arceunt-such 28 ravines ay hea apr ys 35 Cea YoU dono ray a cm eink you ove ‘services, and that e2tues may be waciten ox ascend tamer ey cease, Separate ‘ers and you receout exfanaton busi Datee your til wrong, you must wie 2 us ting ws fa: you concn ppt tase an ache ben's associ wh you rok cer aoe stil ttuse to pay within ene comes biling cycle. youdo sa. we canta’ depo you 3$ delinquent: 19, Aiftary Lending Act Protections Unde he Piety Lencing £i, the ‘loving sateen: es to ‘hou aso tepcring that you ate questoning you il, Ye rus ell you the name of anjone 1 hon! ‘wa reperedyou as definove: and we mrs fe ose erganizetions know whet the maze has teen spvetad Oxzcber bon awess (Acie Dat serdoetem 3, 2017 bers and thet dependentsvith accoums esses on cr ates bberweanws. we oo not flow alot fi ules ate, you de nos have 20 ay the ‘ast SSO! amount you cuesion even you bis cotect| Federal lan yrovaes krporam:proweeas 1 rambatsche heme otaes aed tee depencens tle ing to Your Rights f You Ave Dissalisfed Wah Your Credit Card Purchases cecension 0 const cre In genet, he ost of consuet clei io a rremborof:he Armed Faces and 1sot het cependen may nat excoedan annual petnen'age aie of 3B petcen, Tis tae must incuce,a¢ Tyewte esetwit ie goods oF serdazs fatyou he pce vid yar catd. and yous heve _2pelctle to fe crc: ansaion cr aoceun: The cass assocate wit ced nsunca prev; fees ‘1 ‘ne in 960 fath to cetac the ctl wit tho martian, you era Mare he nig m9 yay he Aen ny ancy pros Sold nconmecion vith he cre asa my 2epceSon fe charged esha cera mF Oe oe purse. _apglcation foes ‘ur specied wed transactions of zecoun'sh and any par3cvaton ‘ee charged her dian To users he fog Ws ba te ‘atta paricpa‘onoes fo cent cad aacouny. 1) Th prcase mus have bean zo in your hare sie tin 1 ies oc camene mang acess, amt 1‘conrrunicaten you wend Beto oz the siatoae abcea encfor haat you cleat ora scceun: paren chain 9 you ay. pease cl 1-BD0 667-9596, ‘he purchase pice musi eave ben rota kan SSO ae: Hace tose fe nacessary yeu purchase vas based on en atverisowen ve mae n you, ct vec the cnt pay he Skt yu the gad sori) ‘2 Yous: have used your coc cta ‘edhe purchase Puchases mede wt cash akan torr an ATA ce‘witha check that acoasses your tec cata account do mat qu, [3 You rus ex have yr Syeda ho purse fal of the ctera etove are ner and yeu ate sil dssited with he gutchase, contact us in aking ct decronically 2 the accross proved in he Comacing Ls section of tis Ayeeen ct 2: ‘ite we inesigace the sete nwles app 7 fe csjwted atroune as dscysssa above. ate we fnich or‘vesig em ee you cw Scion, A Ha ri we Stink you oes zn ameunt aes you co gs pay re ray epon yeu 3 cena, 15, Notes Concanuing Usa of an Autocnatic Teller Machine (ATM. Beer. Co no: use tee ATBSishebales ate mo in cpeveion or you sue sup ast. Take srreone wth you ye us: rake a sensacten a nigh. yc sense smreone 190 iw you esac, cance je Tensaccon aleve, erato ale you cata, cash, and tee: 2nd ute airy. Coun: you aro ony fen you ase ara om2he ATW area, bn eciaey repeal ces athe cpesae cf he ATH and to local br noe ils. 16, Fees. Te ‘Roiang fo rem aSon is 20330n to he oc in‘omeen ‘ana in the Croc Cate Picing Teas.‘a Anal Fass. you hove boa issued a Visa Signe we Flagship Remar Card yew val be ied he smal ‘at betsip oe Tis chaige val appear on yout As: sziarenr, and anouay teat. Onlyone fe valle‘charged to your account? egetcess st bee 0 43s swat one acount you do wa: a apy eal, you ray ees: het you account be lose any Se it 0 te stay pe ermessany artwhen he aoceut wa ceed. Lpen dosing you accent, your ance ‘he pre val be weatec back‘o_your aocoun ens teecied ca your next Sateen. 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Interest Charged +$0.00 Minimum Payment Warning: if you make only the Sond Payments To: New Balance $3,306.30 minimum payment each period, you will pay more in Navy Federal Past Due Amount $325.00 Interest and it will take you longer to pay off your P.O, Box 3500 Merrifield VA 22119-3500 Over Limit Amount $306.30 balance. For example: Credit Limit $0.00 it you make no ‘To view your account Available Credit NONE adidition: You will pay off | And you will end online visit, Cash Limit $0.00 using this cardaes! ‘shown the balance on this up payingan estimated For information about credit and each month statement in total of. counseling services. you may Available Cash $0.00 you pay. about. to dweww justice govius Statement Closing Date 11/27/2020 (Oniy the minimum) hist-credit-counseling-agencies Days In Bilting Cycle 3 payment 21 years $8,493 approved-pursuant-I1-usc- {11 or galt 1-888-503-7106 IMPORTANT NOTICES “NOTICE” WE MAY REPORT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT TO THE CREDIT BUREAUS. LATE PAYMENTS, MISSED PAYMENTS, OR OTHER DEFAULTS ON YOUR ACCOUNT MAY BE REFLECTED IN YOUR CREDIT REPORT, REWARDS SUMMARY a Start Balance Eamed | Bonus Redeemed Adjusted Purged End Balance $0.00 $0.00 | $0.00 $0.00 ——— $0.00 ——— $0. ao Total Rewards Earned Year to Date: $0.00 Redemptions are not permitted on closed or delinquent accounts. Earn 1.5% cash back on purchases. 2020 TOTALS YEAR-TO-DATE Total Fees charged in 2020 $140.00 Total Interest charged in 2020 $318.70= a a CREDIT CARD CHANGE OF ADDRESS NFCU ACCOUNT NO. VISA ACCOUNT NO. RANK/RATE NAME (FIRST MI LAST SUFFIX) NEW ADORESS city STATE 2iP CODE APPLICANT OR CO-APPLICANT SIGNATURE ‘THIS ADORESS CHANGE IS APPLICABLE TO: HOME TELEPHONE, a VISA ONLY Q ALL APPLICANT'S NFCU ACCOUNTS: WORKTELEPHONE oO YOINT OWNER(S)-IF NFCU SAVINGS IS A JOINT ACCOUNT ' 0199 Page 20f4 Information About Your Visa ® Account important Tetephone Numbers For Navy Federal ® Cradit Card Services Billing Rights Summary For Credil Card Services and Lost Cards, cali toll-free 1-888-842-6328 What fo Do if You Think You Find a Mistake on Your Statement Collect intemationally 1.703-255-8837 4 you tink there 1s an error on your statement, write to us al: For loll free numbers when overseas. navyfederal.orgioverseas/ Navy Federal Credit Union Emergency Assistance 1-800-ViSA-914 P.O Box 3501 Emergency Assistance (from overseas, cat collect) 1-410-581-9994 Merrifield, VA 22119 ‘You may also contact us electronically through Ontine Banking Varlable Rate Information: Your Slandard APRwill vary basedon the U.S. Prime Rate, In your lelter, give us the following information: This means your APRcould increaseif the US Prime Rate increasesor decreaseif the US P

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Supplemental Documentation May 31, 2023 (2024)


What supplemental forms of identification can be used on a 4473? ›

Documents that will typically meet the photo ID, name, and signature requirements include a Driver's License, an Identification Card, a Military ID, and a Passport. Documents that will typically meet the residence address requirements include a tax bill, vehicle registration, and voter identification card.

What happens if you answer a question wrong when buying a gun? ›

Under federal and state law, it is a crime to knowingly make false statements on the form, and individuals who do so can be charged with a felony.

What is the 21b gun question? ›

21b: “Do you intend to purchase or acquire any firearm listed on this form and any continuation sheet(s) or ammunition, for sale of other disposition to any person described in questions 21(c)-(m) or to a person described in question 21.n.1 who does not fall within a nonimmigrant exception?”

Can I fill out form 4473 at home? ›

The ATF Form 4473 is not a form that can be completed at home. This form requires in-person completion with a licensed dealer due to the detailed identification procedures that must be administered.

Should you put your SSN on Form 4473? ›

No. This information is solicited on an optional basis. However, providing this information will help ensure the lawfulness of the sale and avoid the possibility that the transferee will be incorrectly identified as a felon or other prohibited person.

What questions does 4473 ask? ›

Form 4473 contains the purchaser's name, address, date of birth, government-issued photo ID, National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background check transaction number, and a short affidavit stating that the purchaser is eligible to purchase firearms under federal law.

What if you make a mistake on 4473? ›

If your ATF Form 4473 is not complete and inaccurate, you could have your application denied. But more than that, you as the applicant could also be arrested and face harsh criminal penalties.

What happens if your 4473 is denied? ›

If you're not a prohibited person, and your ATF Form 4473 has been denied, you have an option available. You can file an appeal called a “firearm-related challenge” through the FBI. This process will provide you with both the reason you were denied and give you an opportunity to challenge the validity of that denial.

What is the penalty for lying on Form 4473? ›

The penalty for knowingly providing false information or misrepresented identification is a maximum 10 years' imprisonment and/or a fine not exceeding $250,000.

What are the new changes to the 4473? ›

Revised Form 4473 Changes

Privately Made Firearms (PMFs) must now be recorded (Section A, 1) Addition of 'Reside in City Limits' to transferee/buyer address (Section A, 10) Two additional prohibited persons questions (Section B, 21. b and 21.

What is the CIA pistol of choice? ›

The Glock 19 has become the official sidearm of numerous special operations forces. Army Special Forces, Delta Force, Rangers, and even the CIA and FBI use it. The Navy SEALs call it the Mk27, the British call it the L131A1, the Marine Corps calls it the M007, but most everyone else calls it the Glock 19.

What is the 9 gun? ›

Usually it's an autoloading pistol chambered in 9x19mm NATO, a.k.a. 9 Luger, 9 parabellum. There are also a few rifles and revolvers that use 9mm too.

What is the 4473 rule? ›

If a person purchases a firearm from a private individual who is not a FFL licensed dealer, the purchaser is not required in most states to complete a Form 4473. All purchases of small arms (handguns) from private individuals from another state are required to have a Form 4473 completed before sale.

Can I print a Form 4473 online for free? ›

A paper copy of the ATF Form 4473 can be downloaded directly from the ATF website. This is a fillable PDF form that you can fill in and print or print and fill out in ink.

Do you have to fill out a 4473 every time? ›

Once you pay for your gun, the transaction closes. Different purchases at different times require multiple 4473s – Once you pay for a gun or guns, the transaction closes and a new form 4473 must be filled out and filed, even if it is the same day.

What forms of ID are acceptable to buy a gun in Texas? ›

Driver's license from a U.S. state. Federal or state ID card. Military ID card. U.S. passport.

Can you use a PO box on a 4473? ›

ATF requires that the residence address provided on the Form 4473 be sufficient to identify the physical location of the purchaser's residence in the event the firearm is the subject of a trace request. The Form 4473 includes language stating that a P.O. Box is not an acceptable residence address.

What is proof of residence for 4473? ›

q. what documents can be used to verify my address? The ATF requires that the proof be a state issued or government issued document. Examples of these documents are: vehicle registration, fishing license, hunting license, pistol permit, tax documents, or voter ID card.

What is question 11c on Form 4473? ›

11c deals with prior crimes which you may have an issue if you were convicted of a felony; regardless how many days you spent in jail.

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.