Clarkesville radio station under new ownership (2024)

A new day dawned on local radio station WCHM Friday morning as long-time morning talk show host Hazel Cording signed off the air for the last time. In her 15 years with the station, the now-former host of The Morning After became a familiar voice to those who tuned in each day for news and conversation.

The station is now under new ownership and will be guided by a former on-air personality many in the community also came to know and appreciate. Cole Cleiman and his mother, Catherine, bought the station from Batten Communications. They signed the final paperwork this week and will assume operations on September 1.

Months in the making

The path to the purchase took many months. In February, Cole says Batten approached him with an opportunity to buy the station while he was still co-hosting The Morning After with Cording.

“The Cleimans are incredible people and I feel very confident putting the station in their hands. Cole is a natural and will do very well on and off the air. Catherine is one of the sharpest women I’ve ever spoken with,” Batten says.

Catherine Cleiman is an accomplished and well-known Northeast Georgia businesswoman. She runs the Helendorf River Inn & Suites in Helen, Georgia, and is widely known for sponsoring the Helen to the Atlantic Balloon Race each year. This is her first foray into broadcasting, but it has become an interest and passion she now shares with her son.

“We are going to have some fun,” Catherine says, her blue eyes glistening. “I hope for a fantastic relationship with our listeners and advertisers so we can serve the community and all of Northeast Georgia. We want to bring out the best of all that this area has to offer.”

For now, Cole says, the station will remain the same.

“We will still have all our syndicated hosts, such as Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Eric Erickson, and Brian Kilmeade. The morning show will be different. We haven’t thought of a name yet, but that may be something we involve our listeners in.”

‘The people’s voice’

Cole is quick to emphasize he is looking forward to talking with many people of differing opinions. He wants the station to be “the people’s voice.”

Although he and his former co-host had a public falling out live on air several months ago — Cleiman says they disagreed over how to handle political advertising — it did not diminish his appreciation for Cording and all that she has achieved. He says she lit the path for him and his new career move.

“I give Hazel so much credit for allowing me to be on air. Under her guidance, I fell in love with radio, and being behind the microphone is something I want to do. I truly appreciate her for that,” he tells Now Habersham.

‘An amazing ride’

When Cording took to the mic for the last time on August 30, Batten joined her.

“It has been an amazing ride. I feel like I’m sending my boy off to college,” Batten said, reflecting on his experience as the station owner. “We took this little station at 1490 AM and made it into a well-respected and enjoyed 94.3 FM talk radio station.”

Batten said he and his wife Julie are now empty nesters, and it was time to sell WCHM, which he bought in 2010.

“I have a great appreciation for all that Hazel did to bring the station where it is today,” he said. “She is a go-getter and made the station her own. Hazel sold radio like no one else. We wouldn’t be where we are without her.”

Gratitude and wishes

As she bantered with board op Darrell Everidge and engaged in insider talk with Jeff Batten, Cording had a difficult time Friday morning holding back tears. She thanked her listeners and advertisers and said she is now searching for a new job.

“I’m proud of the work that I have done over the last 15 years, growing the station to what it is today. Working at WCHM allowed me to meet some amazing people and for that, I am very grateful.”

Striking a conciliatory tone belying the tension of the past several months, Cording adds, “I want to thank Jeff Batten for the opportunity given to me. And I wish Cole and Catherine Cleiman much success in the future.”

Clarkesville radio station under new ownership (2024)
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